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This story is a sequel to If you have sex with a changeling that looks like your beloved and you didn’t know and you end up having a child together, does it count as cheating?

The Handmaiden is the right hoof of the Queen. Bodyguard, Confidant, Friend, Lover, Assassin. These are all roles the Handmaiden may be expected to fill. This is the story of the Handmaiden to Queen Chrysalis, Truth Uso, and her last days as the Handmaiden.

Rated Teen for Violence and Swearing

This Story is actually a prequel, taking place before If You, and therefore contains inherent spoilers. However, the ending to If You spoils this story as well. Read If You if you want a funny plot twist. Read this story if you want a serious plot twist.


Source leads to title cover art. Untitled cover art here

Chapters (3)

Today's the Day! She has the dress, the time, the place, the mare. What could go wrong?

Who knows? Something horrible probably.

Written for contest 2 for Characters That Need More Stories Starring everyone's favorite secretary.

And now with 100% more proofreading courtesy of Cyanhyde

Chapters (1)

Celestia finds herself sharing company and her booze stash with Luna's crazed split-personality, Nightmare-Moon. However, as the night wears on, she finds she may actually be able to tolerate the dark alicorn. Maybe even like her.

For Nightmare Moon is the best pony: Contest numero uno.

Chapters (1)

In an Equestria that has long forgotten the light of the sun, Summer Star longs to escape the bounds of her planet-bound existence and see the stars up close. When a robotic pony crashes from the sky during a stargazing outing with her friends, she finds that it may hold the key to fulfill her dream. But when the stars start disappearing, Summer discovers the pony also holds an ancient secret that will change Equestria forever.

Chapters (6)

Minuette has a visitor in her bathtub. Unsure about how to handle this, she invites Lyra over to help. She's not sure either. Especially when the visitor looks just like her. Just who is this mysterious visitor? Well... she likes to swim...

Now has a reading right here!

Chapters (1)

Written for the 2021 Pillars Shipping Contest

History often muddles the relationship of ponies from ages past. We often don’t know whether of not these ponies were in a relationship or just friends.

Thus, two historians debate that late one night, specifically about Mage Meadowbrook and Somnambula, two legendary Equestrian ponies.

Chapters (1)

There are an innumerable amount of worlds Sunset could have been sent to. Fewer where she kept her magic. Even fewer that have others with powers. In fact there's full teams of heroes and villains in this world. But Sunset's never really been much of a team player. She stayed on her own, under the radar as she built herself up from nothing.

One night though, things go wrong and she starts attracting attention.

Chapters (9)

Rainbow Dash has decided the best way to get what she wants from Rarity is by kidnapping her! Rarity is less than amused by the prank.

1k words, hehe.

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash was busy bragging about her new and exotic marefriend Spitfire put in motion a bad plan to show her up at the Wonderbolts event later. Despite deciding not to go through with her admittedly childish plan, Minuette is not so easily dissuaded from the plan. Even if she didn't know about it.

Chapters (4)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have a meandering chat at the gym. No reason they shouldn't have a conversation at the gym... They're not there for any other reason.

For Krazy's Appledash stuff. If you want to read about it Click Here.

If any of you know the artist/picture please tell me, I know I got it from somewhere but I can't find where for the life of me.

Not exactly 1k because Krazy's a big meany with his minimum words! So exactly 1.5k! :D

Chapters (1)