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In a freak storm, the abandoned building Sunset had been calling home for almost four years was destroyed, lightning and fire leaving naught but memories and ash. Her friends rally around her, offering support and a sofa to sleep on.

But this won't do - not for Generosity.

But even with a roof over her head, Sunset can't help but feel out of place. It's up to Rarity to look after her friend, and maybe even help Sunset find herself a home?

Edited by EternityFlame
& Scribe Scribbles

Chapters (9)

When i was expecting the final rest after giving my life for my loved ones , I wake up in a extrange and colorful world stuck in a strange and colorful body. And for more grief, im a child . But two kind musicians mares take me in their lives and a second and happier life began

Chapters (7)

"My name is Scootaloo, I'm twelve years old much as I don't like to admit it...I'm an orphan.

Anyway, something happened to me, I don't know...I got sucked into some weird dimension thingy and I got turned into an alicorn! But it only happens when I say a certain word. This old pony told me that this power should only be used to protect others, and stop something bad that would come back to hurt a lot of ponies. I don't know what's coming, but I won't let it hurt my friends, or anypony, and to those who dare try, I got one word for you..."


Cover art by: NeroScottKennedy
Shazam is the property of DC Comics.
Featured: 12/9/14
Edit: Now with it's own TV Tropes page by Darkness Rising!

Chapters (31)

Lyra passes out on her way home one night, but when she wakes up she finds herself in a strange realm of fire, ash, and creatures that she could only refer to as demons. Before she meets what she assumes is her end, she is saved by a group of bipedal creatures that take her to their master, someone named Illidan Stormrage. There she learns what the bipedal creatures are preparing for and is offered a choice; either join them or return to her home.

The problem, she discovers, is that there is another displaced pony wandering the land of Azeroth; so she has to choose between a rock and a hard place. She only hopes that she doesn't regret her choice after making it.

(World of Warcraft; Legion crossover with MLP)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (120)

Editors: Fire Starter, Alcatraz, and Neko Majin C (Recently: Seven Fates)
Additional Story tags: Clarke's 3 Laws (More specifically 1 & 3)
Cover Artist: PosionSt

In the year 2036 an asteroid dubbed "Apophis" struck the Earth and contaminated fifty percent of its water and atmosphere with an extraterrestrial pathogen dubbed "The SOL Strain." After two years, sixty percent of all human life was gone! With the world's governments struggling to keep their countries together; all seemed lost.

That is where my story begins.

My name is Chloe Cooper and I'm the only known human to be genetically immune to the SOL Virus. During the pandemic, I volunteered myself for experimentation. In order to keep me safe, I and three other humans were locked away in a vault deep within the Appalachian mountains. There these people, who I soon considered my friends, ran many tests on me and the virus, however after months without contact from above it was time to put the project to rest.

Cryostasis pods dubbed: "Cocoons" had been built in case we failed. 16,000 years later I awoke to sirens, signaling a whole host of problems.

And now? I'm the last of my kind.

Character tags will be updated depending on where the story goes

Chapters (25)

On May 23, 2015, I woke to find myself transformed into some kind of horned alien horse, and everyone else has vanished. I searched for survivors and I found one; however, she is much younger than I was prepared for. She needs a parent and the only one who can fulfill that role is me, just not in the role I had originally envisioned.

I already found one survivor, so maybe there are others out there. I just hope they’re not all children; I don’t get enough sleep as it is.

Part of the Ponies after People Universe

Update 10/08/15 New Cover art by PaintSplotch
Note: 12/15/16 Apparently Mandatory Motherhood was in the featured box at some point? I just found it in the featured community folder.

Update: 4/20/17 SevenSerenity has joined the team! Expect chapter art from her soon!
also I finally saw MM on the front page in the featured box today! Thank you all so much everypony!

Chapter 1 edited by Canaryinthecoalmine Pre-read by Westphalian_Musketeer, Starscribe, anonymous, Stablestahl, secondVendetta, Baileyjrob, Nitrous Rainbows, bluemoon1996, as well as two FimFic users I don't have user names for.

Chapter 2 edited by Canary and Musketeer.

Chapter 3 edited by Musketeer

Chapter 4 edited by Holyme, anonymous, and Musketeer.

Tags will be added as needed.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Foal Necromancer

I got as far as I could. I wish I had more free time, but I need to face the music.
This project is dead. Feel free to have your laugh and then do better if you have an excess of free time.

By sequel, I mean rework. A re-adaptation. A different take on an already well-acclaimed story...

Please bear with me now.

I might've been talking big about wanting to make a better iteration. None of that was bragging at all, and none of that necesarily suggests that I should create a version the same as the original, only refined and polished.

That's not going to happen. I'm not Kytranis 2.0. I got my own shtick. And frankly, there are a lot of things that Kytra did that I do not agree with. Similarly, there are a lot of things I myself will do that the die-hard fans of the original will not care for either. Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting to surpass your predecessor, for the LOVE OF FU-

I will try a different take on the same central themes and general starting circumstances as the original, but everything else after that is going to be my own thing. A new shot aiming for the same target.

I don't actually owe the fans of the original anything in particular. All I owe is that for my own sake, and for the sake of anyone who might potentially take time out of their schedule to read my work, I need to create the best thing I personally can, through what means I personally can. That means through my own vision, not through someone else's vision.

The young are defined by moving ever forward and making mistakes, which they either learn from or disregard. You don't survive long if you don't learn from your shortcomings and adapt.

The Living Lich survived for a very long time. He has much to look back on and reflect on, before he can understand what happened and move on.

Princess Luna has had an even longer life than one can imagine. She forgot more things than most mortals experience in their lifetimes. She ventures to teach the necromancer a new way of life, but knowledge can be shared both ways.

Chapters (21)

Michael Walker is a middle-aged man, who has a passing interest in My Little Pony : Friendship is magic. On one particular Saturday morning, he awakes to find himself transformed into Twilight Sparkle. How will his wife, her youngest daughter and two grandchildren react upon this new form? And how will he react once he manages to transport himself and his wife to Equestira? How will Twilight react to seeing a double of herself from another world? And what sort of events happen after he and his wife return? What happens after the Princess returns to his world, requesting his assistance in helping to defeat Discord? And what happens next?

Cover Image by iFoxTrax of Deviantart.

Chapters (17)

Fate can sometimes throw you an 85 mph knuckle ball -- how one deals with it is another matter.
Another in a series of Michael Walker transformation stories, this time --

Sweetie Belle!

How does Michael deal with being transformed into Rarity's little sister?

Does he manage to get a cutie mark?

How will the real Sweetie Belle react to seeing him in a copy of her body?

Can he find a way to cook food without burning it?

NOTE: The Sex tag is for suggestive language and does not connote foalcon in any way.

Chapters (28)