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Yelling, Screaming, crying, shattered vases, and broken dreams. It’s all she knows now. But she will never let her son see her break. He’s the only thing that gives her hope anymore. And she will never stop looking for a way to escape.

A rather morbid tale that subsequently deals with the interpretation on why Shining Armor’s cutie Mark is about protection.

Chapters (1)

Nearly two thousand years before the founding of Equestria, the mortal races of the ancient kingdoms rose up against the Alicorn Imperium that had ruled over them, treating them as little more than slaves for millennia. One by one the alicorns of the Imperium were hunted down. Most were executed for their crimes against those they considered 'lesser' ponies. But a few of the most powerful were imprisoned for all time. They should have killed them all.

After nearly three thousand years imprisoned, one of them has broken the bonds of her prison. Now she seeks to reestablish the dominance of the alicorn race, and overthrow the disgraceful excuses for alicorns that are currently in power.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Child Of Misery

Apple Bloom's summer wasn't going as she had hoped. With both her friends busy with their own pursuits she finds herself without anything to do. So when she's given an offer; something that would allow her to join her friends in their pursuits, she takes it. Now gifted with extraordinary power, she must learn to control it and try not to lose herself in the process.

Reading Child of Misery is not required; but this story contains spoilers for that one so if you do want to read it, definitely read that one first.

Chapters (19)

After having a mental breakdown, Scootaloo is promptly kicked out of her home and into the arms of her only supportive relative; her aunt and godmother Fluttershy. However, despite Fluttershy's expertise as a pediatrician, how she deals with Scootaloo's temperamental mental health becomes a true test of her skills as a caretaker and parent.

(Cover Art Creator: )

Chapters (23)

Discord has been telling Rarity about the various adventures that her friends are supposed to be going on, in 'other worlds' no less, though she politely listens to them so she doesn't hurt Discord's feelings. She never once believed that he was telling the truth, not with how outlandish some of his tales had been, but her mind changes when Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer return from their own adventure with powers beyond anything she had ever heard of before. Before long she decides to investigate the mirror herself, where she steps into an unfamiliar world that is unlike anything she has seen before... only it is a world that terrifies her.

Rarity awakens in a place called 'Things Betwixt', a limbo between worlds, where she discovers that she's in an unfamiliar body and in an unfamiliar world with a different set of rules than what she is used to. Along the way she discovers that she has been cursed in some manner, making her one of the cursed undead that roam the new world she has discovered, and that there might be some small hope of reversing her condition. She also discovers an companion who wishes the same thing and decides that, by working together, the two of them can free themselves from their curse and return to their normal lives.

She and her companion must survive the dangers of the world she has found herself in, complete the most insane quest she has ever heard of, and hopefully cure themselves of their curse... and hopefully she can find a way back home once their quest is over.

(Dark Souls 2/MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (62)

Beerus and his attendant Whis find two young girls who don't know anything about themselves, save for their names. They quickly discover that the two girls aren't from their universe and, with the help of some of their 'friends', raise them with the intention of sending them back to their own universe one day. Until that day comes the two girls are stuck with Beerus, Whis, and their friends.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash will have to help save the universe from evil tyrants, genetic monsters, and a creature that should have been forgotten... while fighting along side some of the universe's greatest heroes.

(Dragonball Z/ MLP crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (143)

Sombra, the dreaded King of Darkness, was defeated and his body shattered, but his dark soul survived the return of the Crystal Empire and went into hiding. Some time later it found a path between worlds, a mirror portal, and arrived in a place called Hueco Mundo, where it gained a new body to start a new life. In the process Sombra loses his memories and becomes a shell of his former self, searching for something that he knows that he lost while having no idea where to find what he was missing.

Along the way he somehow finds his way to Karakura Town, into the hands of Kisuke Urahara, and learns more about his new body than he could have learned on his own, before coming into contact with Ichigo Kurosaki and his small group of friends. From there he starts an epic journey to help them save another friend from a terrible fate, fight the people that were in their way, and face an evil that was hiding in plain sight at the same time... along with finding out what happened to his missing memories.

(Bleach/ MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)
(Also, the story will not include the Fullbring or the Thousand Year War Arcs)

Chapters (75)

After losing both his mother and his father, due to a group of villains attacking his home, a young Sly Cooper is sent to a nearby orphanage with his family's cane in hand. There he finds Murray, Bentley, Gilda, and Derpy Hooves, the four people that he would eventually come to call family one day. Together they practice their individual talents and pull off some successful heists, all while searching for clues as to the whereabouts of the Fiendish Five, the people that took out Sly's parents... as well as recover the pages of the Thievius Raccoonus.

All of them must deal with the tests and challenges that come with being in a gang of thieves, especially when some tests will push them to their breaking points.

(Sly Cooper/ MLP crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (85)

Cover Art by ponygoddess.

Twilight Sparkle is a simple student from Equestria Elementary, mostly content with keeping to herself and focusing on her studies. But all that changes after a field trip to Belle Industries where she finds herself on the receiving end of a genetically-enhanced spider bite (due to the bumbling of a certain wall-eyed girl).

As the side-effects become more and more apparent, unknown to her several of the other spiders ended up getting free and have escaped into the city! Over time the victims of their bites start to surface, each one stepping up to defend their city.

But as time goes on, more superpowered individuals start to surface as well... and not everyone will use their new powers responsibly...

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Pound and Pumpkin Tales 1

Pound and Pumpkin had quite a year with their six year old selves, dealing with bullies, fearing storms, running away from home, solving friendship problems, and making friends. What awaits them in their seventh year?

Chapters (108)