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Hearts and Hooves Day is a busy time for many ponies, especially party ponies. Fluttershy knows this, but she can't help but worry if Pinkie Pie will return. Or maybe move onto somepony else.

Written for Hearts and Hooves Day 2020. (:pinkiehappy: :yay:)
Cover art used made by SpeccySY.

A thank you to Silent Whisper for proofreading before publishing.

Chapters (1)

Our six heroes decide to settle down for the night with a few bottles of their choice beverage and a few hands of poker.

The night was going so well until Rarity decided to wager her virginity.

Now she's desperate to get it back.

(Formerly known as Rarity Loses Her Virginity in a Poker Game. The author's artistic integrity was long gone by the time of writing this.)

Special thanks to Blue_Paladin42.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard

Between castle gossip, professional rivalries, a blooming romance, and a mysterious malefactor still at large, Decurion Twilight Sparkle has a lot on her plate. Hopefully, she'll make a few new friends as she moves towards the destiny she's chosen for herself.

As per usual, big thanks to Magello for the rad cover art!

Chapters (14)

Pinkie Pie takes a lot of things seriously, surprisingly. Party planning, being a good friend, and helping reform her marefriend chief among them. And like most everything else, she has a unique way of going about it.

Written for NaNoWriMo 2020.

Story inspired by cover art used, made by simondrawsstuff.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Kirin And Changeling

Limelight and Minion returns, months had passed after the events of the nirik and now the duo are back for more. This time, Limelight is determined to achieve his dream and he would finally reach the stars, especially with the help of his friend Minion.

Though their simple days must come to an end, something is on the horizon, and if left unchecked, it could spell disaster.

Chapters (5)

A kirin from a secluded village made the decision that changes his life. With this first step he sets out for an adventure that would be his very own origin story. But as fate has written, he will meet an extraordinary creature with an unknown past.

This is how it all began. How a lone kirin was destined to meet a changeling.

This story is a prequel to Kirin And Changeling: The Firefly

Chapters (13)

Princess Celestia has retired. Her reign is over, and her stewardship of Equestria is at an end. But that doesn't mean that her little ponies have stopped needing her. Her time as supreme political puppet master has given her a unique set of skills; networking, guiding, mentoring, and of course a little bit of manipulation. So she opens up a new business: Auntie Tia's Matchmaking Service!

Ponies come from far and wide to tell Auntie Tia their romantic woes and ask for her help, and she never turns away a pony in need. But her new clients are among the toughest she has ever faced - have Celestia's matchmaking abilities met their match?

Print copy now available!

Chapters (29)

The universe can be a strange and dangerous place. Once you think you've understood almost everything, you are blindsided by something new that changes your viewpoint on everything you had seen before.

In the land of Teyvat, no one knows this better than Albedo, the Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt. As the Captain of the Investigation team for the Knights of Favonius, it's his job to go out into the world and investigate things that cannot simply be understood. Whether it be changes in the behavior of monsters or the ruins of a lost civilization, Albedo's job is turn the unknown into the known. For every effect, there must be a cause or reason behind it.

Yet, Albedo is more than just simply an alchemist. He is also a teacher and more notably, an older brother. Even though she isn't related to him by blood, he see's the little spark knight named Klee as his younger sister. Despite all of the times that Klee had gotten in trouble and end up getting 'grounded' by Grandmaster Jean, Albedo still cares for her and when he isn't busy, would spend time with her and make sure that Klee didn't cause too much trouble whenever she goes out to play

Though, one day, when the two of them venture to the ruins nearby Starsnatch Cliff, they find themselves caught in a rather bizarre circumstance. Now stranded in a unfamiliar world, where magic is present everywhere you look, the two of them have to rely on not just each other, but the residents of the world if they want to make it back home to Teyvat.

As long as Klee doesn't try to blow anything up, everything should be fine... right?

A crossover story with the game Genshin Impact involving the characters Albedo and Klee. This idea kind of emerged as a 'what if' one shot, but after giving it some more thought, I thought I would try to take a crack at it.

Credits to everything shown
MLP by Hasbro
Genshin Impact by Mihoyo
Takes place in between season 8 and 9 for MLP and after the Dragonspine quest line in Genshin Impact, but before Windblume and Midsummer Island Adventure. I'll try to be consistent with updates, but some things IRL might have these updates be a bit more spread out than usual.

Reached Popular stories tab and featured temporarily on 02/5/2021. "Klee thinks you guys are the best!"
Featured again on 2/10/2021. "Da-Da-Da!"
Featured once more on 3/26/2021 as well as 5/11/2021

Chapters (45)

A cold, calculating assassin is teleported to the magical land of Equestria due to the unstable powers of the siren, Lilith. Will our awkward, haiku-obsessed hero be able to adapt to the Magic of Friendship, or will he simply end up murdering everything in sight like he's used to? Let's hope its the former.
Only one thing is truly known, this was a challenge he was NOT prepared for!

Borderlands/MLP crossover. Challenge Accepted.

Cover art by steptrool on DeviantArt

Chapters (16)

After being called by the Cutie Map to stop an incident in Ponyville, the girls discover a stallion being pursued by the worst kind of girl imaginable: a tsundere. How can this possibly work out well? It probably might not.

Chapters (1)