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After the beginning of season 3, Twilights interests have been focused on dark magic after it was introduced to her. She keeps this a secret due to the general beliefs around dark magic. Its all going well until it starts to affect her physically. Surely that headache will go away...right?

This does take place in a AU, however the main focus of the AU is not present in this story
Cover art is by me

Chapters (3)

After a fight with her marefriend Rarity, Twilight decides to drink her problems away.


A big thanks to kits for proofreading and overall helping me a lot with the story.

Cover art by Fizzledlines (Tumblr, Twitter)

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon has returned. Princess Celestia lied and betrayed her star pupil, Twilight Sparkle, leaving her woefully unprepared to fight the Queen of the Night.

But when she fails, rather than disposing of her and the ponies that tried to help her, Nightmare Moon sees an opportunity and a necessity. Having been locked away for one thousand years, who better to help her solidify her rule and keep Equestria from collapsing, all while rubbing it in her sister's face, than her own betrayed pupil?

Chapters (54)

It's not easy to go back to your life after a thousand years of insanity and exile. It's not easy for Luna to even leave her room. All the same, there's a special somepony that Luna desperately wants to get closer to, and that's worth facing the outside for. All she has to do is get up the nerve to talk to her.

Chapters (1)

To better herself, Luna has studied Twilight's actions and friendship reports almost religiously. However, she never expected to find the tables turned and be under the microscope herself, nor did she realize that a pony would go so far for one they called friend.

Pre-reading/editing by auramane, Habanc, Foals Errand, Meridian Prime, and Timaeus

Cover art commissioned by me and done by Silfoe and can be found here. Thanks a bunch!

Chapters (47)

This story is a sequel to Rumble's Cutie Problem

Sunset and the others have been trying to live at least somewhat peacefully after the events prior. However, it seems fate doesn't want to let up. Ponies are going missing in and around Ponyville and a new Inquisitor has been sent in to oversee the town's defenses.

As well, a griffin and his apprentice have set up roots in Ponyville as of late and there are growing suspicions abound on them. Are they at fault or is there something else going on?

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Fanning Our Flames

With both the recent dragon attack and Nightmare Moon plaguing the town, Rumble just wants to have some peace. Yet when one of his schoolyard bullies get her cutie mark before him, he decides that peace can wait. Rumble is determined to do whatever it takes to get a cutie mark so they can't get to him.

The question is: How?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to To Fear A Predator

After the recent debacles going on in Ponyville, Sunset thought she had finally settled them and moved on to a more peaceful life. Of course, then comes a surprise from her mother. Two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. Ecstatic to go since she doesn't often get to, she has to choose which friend to bring.

... If only she didn't have so many friends to choose from.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Cute Trouble

It's been a long week for Sunset Shimmer. After defeating Nightmare Moon, she's chosen to live in Ponyville. She assumed it would be nice and easy from here on out, with a few distractions from her new friends.

She didn't expect an old school rival to appear and cause trouble. Of course, given that it's Tuesday, it should have been a given something was going to show up to ruin her day.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to A Different Sunset

Pizzelle has always wanted a child. She wished and pleaded to the stars above, but no answer. Now, she has it in the form of a little Kitsune.

Of course, raising a completely different species that is renowned for mischief is not easy. Not to mention the danger of being exposed to too much cuteness.

Chapters (15)