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Pre-read by Majin Syeekoh (who also gave me the idea), King of Madness, TheBritishPony, and Zendar.

Edited by James Fire.

Cover art by HPBudgecraft.

Applejack is many things. Honest, hardworking, kind, and trustworthy. To her friends, she's somepony they can always count her to be there when they need somepony to talk to, or when they simply desire a snack or cider. To her family, she's everything they could've asked for in a farmpony.

But beneath it all, there's a voice that cries day in and day out, yearning to be free. Never is it heard, ever is it present.

That is, until one autumn day when her wish is granted, for the hat gifted to her all those years ago is blown away, breaking her free of its eternal grip.

Now, her hat must get back home by any means necessary. Lucky for it, Ponyville has plenty of potential hosts for its calming and motherly touch...

Chapters (2)

Pre-read by Majin Syeekoh. King of Madness (who co-authored this with me), and TheBritishPony.

Edited by James Fire

Cover art by HPBudgecraft.

After being dared by Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash stay overnight in an abandoned mansion in the woods of Canterlot. Now within its walls, they find out that the history it holds is far darker than they could've imagined.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Twilight Evangelion Excursion

To say that Twilight Sparkle loves her books, is an understatement. We all knew that, since about forever.

Study and research, is something seem as almost synonymous with Twilight; in more ways, than one.

Feeling small, is not something fun and exciting; thus Twilight build herself a Mecha, to deal with her issue. It leads her into research, she may never have been considering before; but she had to read up on the topics, related.

Twilight ended up, designing a solar panel; she installed, on the roof of the home in which she is living. Just that once she had done so; other possibilities presented themselves. Now she is following up, on where this is taking her.

Simply put; Twilight Quantum Electronics is established, continuously developing and marketing the products she is developing. She had to go there, and now she is following the trail to where it is taking her; which is leading to her becoming a patron education and research, who would have guessed?

The local University is the first to be approached with an offer. One offer, they can not refuse

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???
Puns: Intended

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Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to To Love as His Own

Following the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, the princesses of Equestria seek to build a relationship with newly-crowned King Thorax and forge an alliance between ponies and changelings that has never been seen before.

While the changelings adjust to the broad, sympathetic intricacies of shared love magic, Thorax works to embrace his role as the hive's new patriarch, demonstrating a benevolent rule far different from his predecessor. Through sleeping and resting together in groups, he aims to cultivate harmony and empathy in a once turbulent hive and find a place for himself within it at last.

With the help of Equestrian royalty, a few good friends, and his brooding older brother, Thorax must now champion the idea of peaceful changelings in Equestria and show the world that his kind can change more than just their looks.

* Now in physical print! Check here for details!

* Main entry of the Love Bug Continuity!
* Takes place between seasons 6 and 9.
* Featured on a Tv.Tropes page.
* Story artwork created by Racingwolf.
* Edited by Double R Forrest.

Chapters (38)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most prized and faithful student, is being sent to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.

This is going to be fun!

A spinoff of Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student by milesprower06.

Chapters (154)

While Anon the human is trying to study for his college entrance exams, his little sister Flurry Heart is trying everything that she can to make her big brother hang out with her.

Cover art by: nonamenymous

Chapters (2)

Rarity has had some tough luck at love. Blueblood, Trenderhoof... Now that she's been set up on a blind date by Rainbow Dash, all she hopes for is that it won't end in utter embarrassment.

She didn't account for having already impacted their life in a major way.

Rated Teen for Horse Romance. Coverart by myself.

Chapters (6)

When their mother brings home an abandoned purple hatchling, and introduces him as Spike, the newest member of their family, both Garble and Smolder are more than thrilled. Garble even vows to be the best big brother he can be for Spike, no matter what he does or fails to do.

Does he really need to act like a pony?

An alternate universe where Spike is raised by Garble's family.

Featured on 2/26/2020! Thank you everyone!

Edited by VoxAdam

Cover art drawn by Doodle-Mark

Old cover art Cover Art drawn by boskocomicartist for SpikeSmolder fan, used with the commissioner's permission.

Chapters (30)

After the Hive reforms, Thorax finds himself the sudden leader of the changelings. And as it turns out, being the leader means comforting a small nymph who's all alone. But as Thorax looks after the little one, he finds himself caring about the young nymph more than he ever could have thought. Thorax soon found that he's created his own family. It may not be the one he dreamed about as a nymph, but he loves his family. Thorax would do anything for his little nymph, Apex. And as young Apex continues to touch the heart of the alpha changeling, it turns out that Thorax isn't the only one who cares about the little one.

Author's note: The character Apex in this story is in no way connected to the Apex from NavelColt's stories. This Apex is my own original character viewed as an alternate version of Apex with a completely different personality. I only took inspiration in the name, which was originally meant to be a placeholder. If you're interested, go check out NavelColt's The King of Love Bugs to see his Apex.

Edit (11/11/20): Now with cover art! This was drawn by CitreneSkys, check out their DeviantArt account!

*Popular 10/23/2020-10/24/2020!! Also featured 10/24/2020, 12/26/20, 1/16/2021, 1/22/2021, 3/5/21, 4/2/21, 4/9/21, 5/28/21, 6/11/21, 6/18/21, 7/9/21, 8/13/21, 8/20/21, and 9/10/21!!

Chapters (48)

After sensing his mother had become distant from him for some reason, Spike decides to travel to another world to find out answers and hopefully help his sister make amends with their mother.

However, Sunset Shimmer isn't the kind of person to say sorry so easily. So Spike, with the help of a few friends and family, will try everything to bridge the divide within 30 moons.

Featured 08/06/2021
Featured again on 04/17/22

In Hiatus: Needing someone to edit it.

Chapters (8)