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Young Celestia and Luna get a brand new board game in which they create their own universe. Will Celestia have fun? Will Luna be allowed to play her custom content? And, most importantly, will they get their (parents') money worth out of the base set, or will they succumb to buying endless expansions, mini-packs and randomized boosters to get the full experience?

Inspired by the recent uproar in the gaming community regarding loot boxes and shady business practices. May contain microtransactions.

Chapters (1)

When Scootaloo admits to her aunts that she has a crush on one of her classmates, she isn't sure about whether or not she should tell them. So her aunt Holiday tells her the story of how the two of them first met and fell in love.

Cover image belongs to PixelKitties

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to New Shopping, Old Rival

Trixie loves Adagio, and Adagio loves her too. And Trixie knows Adagio can be quite the tease, but the minute Trixie starts checking her girlfriend out, a recollection and bad memory from the past returns...

Another one-shot in the lives of Dork Trixie and Friendly Adagio!

Rated T for suggestive moments and discussion. No actual sex.

Inspired by Nico-Stone Rupan's, A Sour Sweet Gesture.

Featured! Whoo-hoo! Thank you guys! :yay:

Chapters (1)

Normally, Dinky would be pretty happy to get a new sibling. However, everything has limits. Getting a new brother overnight? Possible. Getting new siblings everyday, some of them older than her? Something surely is going on...

Preread by Bootsy Slickmane
🇺🇦Russian translation🇺🇦 by FoxcubRandy

Chapters (1)

Somepony is sabotaging Moondancer's research project.

Twilight Sparkle suspects Starlight Glimmer may be responsible. She enlists the Canterlot Royal Guard to protect Moondancer, and offers to help with her research.

Soon, however, the two ponies discover an unexpected side effect of Moondancer's research: one with dangerous consequences for all of Equestria—and possibly even their friendship.

Inspired by The Writeoff Association's "Out of Time" contest.

Now featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (14)

Twilight goes downstairs for a midnight snack during a bout of insomnia and steps right over the edge of her own accepted reality into something inexplicable.

Chapters (1)

An anthology of short, completely unrelated, dark stories, each of which centers around a letter of the alphabet!

Inspired by the movie The ABCs of Death. At least, the basic idea of the movie inspired this.

Edited by NameGoesHere.

Chapters (13)

Vegetables: the bane of most ponies when it comes to dinner time.

In Princess Luna's case, they're her Kryptonite.

Lucky for her, she has a sister who's willing to make her a special sundae!

Unlucky for her, her sister's Princess Celestia.

Edited as always by the ever wonderful James Fire.

Chapters (1)

Over the course of man’s existence, there have been some questions that we haven’t been able to answer, such as what the meaning of life is and why we always lose a sock in the dryer.

However, there are some questions that one does not think to ask as they are... unusual. One of those, for example, is, “what would happen if Rainbow Dash was replaced by the longest continuously produced military aircraft in human history?”

One individual dared to ask that question. After being put through some of the most rigorous tests, these are the results he came up with.

Edited by James Fire.

Chapters (1)

Motion pictures impact individuals in different ways. The Exorcist, for example, scared audiences to the point that some ran out of the theater screaming.

However, every now and then, a film comes along and impacts individuals in a way that's much different than simply scaring them.

Sometimes, the film scars them.

And Rainbow Dash has just rented one of those films.

The Human Centipede.

Edited by James Fire.

Chapters (1)