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Badd, better known to the public by his hero alias Metal Bat, was enjoying a quiet evening with his little sister Zenko when a monster breaks into their home. Badd had the monster on the ropes when it used a strange technique.

In it's dying breaths, the mysterious being teleports Badd and his little sister to an unknown land. The worst part is that they've been turned into tiny colorful horses! Zenko is ecstatic, Badd is furious and humiliated beyond belief. How will the hotheaded S-Class hero deal with a world that's nothing but welcoming and friendly?

Chapters (11)

This is a show separate from Good Morning Equestria
Inspired by the fanart: RUG Podcast
By Doodle-Mark

Four former villains decide to set up a new show for all the listeners to rival Pinkie Pie's shenanigans. Hopefully this show in the afternoons will be fun and have less chaos in. Right? They also talk to former villains and reformed creatures on their show and see where they are now.

Chapters (114)

Fluttershy wakes up one morning. It's a great day!

Her friends stop by with some disturbing news and an unsightly image.

Fluttershy has been featured on the cover of a certain magazine.

Dear Celestia, why.

Preread by: Sethi

Author's Note:
Don't ask.

Chapters (2)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash, together? Must be that 'opposites attract' thing. Then again, maybe they have more in common than they're letting on...

An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. RD, I said to keep the Library clop-free, not... oh, forget it!

All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Pony Stories (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Chapter Summaries:

Epilogue - The next Daring Do book isn't out yet, so Twilight convinces Rainbow to read a romance novel instead. That never works - does it?

Second - Twilight reads everything she can get her hooves on. Sometimes she finds things she'd rather not know, or in this case, that Dash would rather not know.

Becoming Daring - The latest Daring Do novel isn't quite what Dash expected, and her reaction isn't what a friend of hers expected, either.

Firelight - Not every schedule has to be full and not every list has to be checked off.

Lift, Weight, Thrust, and Drag - Dash's friends can't save her from an anniversary date with Twilight, at which she will show Twilight a secret skill she's kept from everypony. Twilight's definitely not complaining!

The Wait - Agony is knowing the one you love is standing hoof to hoof with danger and knowing there's absolutely nothing you can do to help.

Hoofing It - One day, Twilight will learn that reading Daring Do alone won't get Dash to do everything. That day is not today.

Variations on a Theme - How many combinations of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash can there be? Plenty!

Reluctantly Yours - There's something Rainbow Dash doesn't want to lose, and Twilight refuses to let it go. Will this be the end of the awesomeness that is Dash?

Closer to Home - Giving up one dream to keep another isn't always a bad trade.

Wings, Wonderbolts, and You - Always read the fine print. And the rest of it, too.

Pinfeathers - Dash was all she ever wanted and all she'll never have. Twilight hasn't lost Rainbow Dash, but someone has.

Daring Do and the Chapel Perilous - Something's wrong with the Daring Do fanfic Dash and Twi are reading, and it's not funny.

Pew! Pew! Pew! - Rainbow Dash finds new and unexpected uses for the Elements of Harmony.

Less of Me - Twilight decides to help Dash's career along, but she might be getting ahead of herself.

The Ink Wasn't Even Dry Yet - Dash and Twi go head to head in a battle for the ages! And oh, the stakes...

Audience - Twilight Sparkle doesn't dance. We hope. Dear heavens, please let her not dance.

The Trip and the Destination - Dash took on one storm too many and Twilight's had enough of it.

A kind chap by the name of munngojerrie graciously offered to do a dramatic reading of Egghead and Featherbrain. It's done, and it's an hour of audiobook shipping goodness your ears will thank you for! Take a listen to part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE and part 3 HERE.

NOTE: Not related to the Luna's Librarian / Rustic & Romantic / If the Flight Suit Fits continuity.

Chapters (18)


Has been republished ((again)) so I can submit other stories without waiting for the dreaded approval waiting time. Or I'm delusional, and that's not a thing. I was not. It really does work like that.

If you want to know why it was originally taken down, read the blog. ((Also my profile's comments. This shit is cringe))

244 likes 17 dislikes before the shameful snap I made ratings visible again 'cause ppl are still reading this for some reason.

New story of similar theme coming soon, so hold 'yer horses. But this time without the cringe. Hopefully.

Takes place in an alternate universe where princess Platinum, commander Hurricane and chancellor Puddinghead begrudgingly works together in threat of annihilation by the windigos to form Equestria without their advisor's intervention. However, not everything is sunshine and rainbows, as the desperate union continues to be plagued by ethnic strife between the three tribes, and constant border raids/skirmishes from their new neighbours begin to breed a culture of mistrust and paranoia.

One such raiders were the 'savage' eastern griffons; whose origins were hidden by the impassable eastern mountain ranges which cut the Equus continent into two. Wild tales and speculations came out of the mysterious eastern lands, as even the coasts were lined with mountains; seemingly to protect its vast riches from outsiders. Little did they know, the eastern lands did not hold vast riches nor fertile lands, but was a chaotic and violent collection of warlords, counties, dukedoms and kingdoms; all fighting for so long to the point that their original casus belli had been lost or forgotten due to time.

There was no creature in Equestria who could stabilise the isolated region; many griffons having fallen attempting to unite the vast lands. Luckily, the next ones wouldn't be Equestrian. (Yeah, you know where this is going)

Enter Bismarck and Mauser; the former having been forced into retirement by the boisterous Kaiser Wilhelm II, and the latter continuing to refine his rifle designs, and eventually witnessing his Gewehr 98 becoming the standard issued German rifle. The latter was a realist and an extremely gifted statesman; whilst the former was an inventor whose name would label the infamous "Mauser" small-arms company.

Can they unite the fractured eastern lands? Can they create a unifying identity to rally the apethtic citizenry? Can they fix the agricultural and economic strife? Can they turn their divided lands into a unified superpower? Of course they can.

Added Characters: (Permanent & Non-permanent)

* Erwin Rommel (Griffon)
* Winston Churchill (Changeling)
* Franklin D Roosevelt (Changeling)
* Queen Victoria (Changeling)

Disclaimer: First time writing. Writing on a phone. Harsh criticism is fine, just don't be unreasonable. Historical accuracy is thrown out the window to fit the narrative. Realism is also thrown out the window (goodbye immersion). Totally not a Gary Stu story with all the modern weapons (pretty much just a 'civilised' vs 'uncivilised' situation). The pony civilisation is not a fairy tale utopia. Lots of death. Research_all and add_equipment are used liberally. Victoria 2 (and hopefully soon Victoria 3) are referenced frequently (mostly in comments).

Cover art link:
(The image is free to use, and requires no permission nor request to use) (If you're a dum-dum and asking if I made the cover art, "ofc I didn't make the covert art.")

Featured 06/27/21 ("The world must've gone terribly wrong for something like this to happen...")

Chapters (60)

The fall of Beacon Academy was a tragic event, many had died in the chaos, and one of them was Vale's most wanted, Roman Torchwick. We all know his story and how he had fallen into death's embrace, Roman didn't expect to lose to a nameless girl, and he thought everything would end once the darkness consumed him, but he was wrong.

Now he finds himself in a whole new world of multi colored horses, where he also encounters a certain showmare who speaks in third person.

Follow the dashing thief of Remnant as he takes the greatest second chance in his life, by doing what he does best.

Chapters (37)

Lord Beerus, God of Destruction of Universe 7, woke up after several years to face a warrior that his Prophetic Dream says will be his ultimate rival, The Super Saiyan God, Son Goku. During the fierce battle between the 2 deities that is able to shake the very Universe, Beerus's Blast Attack is able both to destroy Earth and send our Hero to another world.

Son Goku finds himself in a land called Equestria as an Alicorn and must adapt to his new home and get stronger in order to protect it from any threats. Will Goku surpass the power of the Super Saiyan God with the help of his new friends or will he fail once again to protect the ones he cares?

Set after the events of the Battle of Gods Saga of Dragon Ball Super and from the beginning of the 4th Season of MLP FIM onwards.

1) Battle of Gods Saga

2) Lord Tirek Saga

3) Resurrection of "F" Saga

4) The Dazzlings Saga

5) Starlight Glimmer Saga

6) Tournament of Destroyers Saga

7) Revenge of Starlight Saga

8) The Dragon Lord Saga

9) Goku Black Saga

10) Wrath of Chrysalis Saga

11) Tournament of Power Saga

12) Broly Saga

13) Rebirth of Daybreaker Saga

14) Return of the Pillars Saga

15) The Storm King Saga

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Equestrian Border Checkpoint

Hi, I’m Anon. I’m the asshole in the booth at the Checkpoint. See, ever since I came to the Equestrian Border Checkpoint of Manehatten, I’ve done two things. Stamp papers, and yell at people. I do both of these things really well. Now, without further ado, get your shit and get out, you’re holding up the line.

Papers Please does NOT belong to me, but there isn’t a tag for it. Sex tag is for references to sex. Also, there’s a shizzle ton of swear words. It get heckin hectic.

Amazing Cover art by LazyHooves
Chapters 1-14: The Human Arc
Chapters 15-28: The War Arc

Chapters (44)

Starlight Glimmer's friends all find out she has become a mother long before any of them met her. But what'll happen when they make the discovery the long-lost filly isn't so 'lost' after all? What'll happens if... she just lives around the corner?

Who knows... but we're about to find out.

Chapters (21)

Sunset, ashamed of her relationship with Adagio, tries to hide it from her friends. Adagio then gives her an ultimatum: Tell them or she will. Join them as they try to navigate through the tricky journey of redemption, love, forgiveness, and who tops.

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys . rated T for mild humor/implied sex.

Chapters (1)