• Member Since 21st Aug, 2019

Eternal Samson

In honor of the best pet one could ever have

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This story is a sequel to Canterlot High Has A New What?!

With victories against Diamond Tiara in hand, the CMC and their Nudist Group the NLAC have begun hosting parties through the summer months at CHS. Through the eyes of other characters who attend the wildly crazy themed parties, the saga of the NLAC at CHS continues.


These are a collection of short stories written by both fans of the WHAT series and members of the Nudist and Nudity Group here. many of these writers are first timers so please be gentle with your criticisms.

Please note that this story primarily focuses on naturism as a lifestyle. It does not contain exhibitionism or graphic depictions of sex.

Chapters (7)

Are there times you've ever wondered, "Jee, why did the girls at Canterlot High forgive Sunset Shimmer for her evil succubus meddling so easily?"

The answer's simple: "Because, deep down, she's a pretty pretty pony, you stupid melon fudges!"

Chapters (4)

Discord had been doing very well in recent times when it came to not doing evil. Not that Discord was evil, of course; he was just looking to have some fun. But anyway, Princess Celestia decided that he needed to become a productive member of Equestrian society, rather than living however he wanted. And so, the Almighty Discord, Lord of Equestria, Spirit of Chaos... was ordered to find a job. Ugh, gag!

This story was inspired by a dream I had once, as my sister will be extremely eager to explain to you for some reason, even though it was my dream and not hers. :ajbemused: Each chapter will be a new job, and suggestions for new chapters would be greatly appreciated.
Also, if any of you have read Princess Stupid Jerk McButt by Twinkletail, you know exactly what inspired this story's writing style. And if you have not read it, I highly suggest it. Unless you hate Trixie's ego like my sister does. In which case, read the Lunaverse stories instead!
Why Trixie get no love? :applecry:

Nov. 15, 2014- I got featured?!?!
I can't even words.:rainbowkiss:

Sep. 24, 2014- This story finally got its first dislike! How dare they?!:flutterrage:

Jk, but this is good. It means I must have room to improve. From now on, any dislikes are encouraged to be accompanied by a review, critique, or suggestion. If you didn't like it, please help me make it better. And please be brutal and specific (especially specific). :eeyup:

Chapters (5)

Sly Clop is a laid back slacker who runs one of Ponyville's only porn shops on Soresaddle Street. He is a regular customer of Hard Cider's "gentlecolt's club", the Knife and Apple, where he regularly shoots the breeze with Rainbow Dash, who's seen better days.

One day, his only employee quits, and he's forced to hire a new one, starting a new awkward relationship with Lyra, who needs cash. What follows is a lighthearted fic with dark undertones that I hope you'll enjoy.

And if I haven't convinced you enough by this point, no, this not a clopfic.

New cover image by mickf18 on deviantART (DeusExKane here).

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Cake Twins and a Baby Pie

Princess Celestia and Luna were turned to foals after Twilight made a deal with Discord. Now she has to watch the two rambunctious foals for a month while trying to also keep their insanse magic from destroying Canterlot! All the while Discord secretly records the entire ordeal for a very special somepony...

Editor: Superpinkbrony12

Cover Artist: Skitter Celestia,Luna

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Foal Prince

Thie story takes place after the episode Baby Cakes

Pinkie Pie is left in charge of caring for the Cake Twins for an entire week. But somehow while Pinkie was feeding the foals she didnt realise that the muffins she fed them had chaos magic left behind by Discord. Soon Pinkie Pie was regressed into a baby and the Cake Twins are now adults and are scared of getting in trouble. So they try to care for Pinkie Pie and open Suagrcube Corner on their own. But this could be too much for the twins as they learn being an adult is much harder then they thought.

Editor: Superpinkbrony12

Shout out to Reverse Scratch for the idea

Chapters (10)

Harry Potter had the (mis?)fortune to fall through a portal to the Everfree near Ponyville. He was transformed into a unicorn, to his surprise. After being found, Twilight Sparkle took him in as an orphan, and to learn more about him as he learned more about Equestria. His adventures there are another story. This story is about what happens when he is pulled back to the human world by the Goblet of Fire when he is fourteen.

Finding himself back in the human world is bad enough, but also to discover he has an unbreakable magical contract to compete in a Tournament that is known for the deaths of the competitors is just icing on the cake. What else can go wrong?

(Not a continuation of “If Wishes Were Ponies . . .”)
Scheduled posts on Monday and Thursday (UTC-4)

Edited by gerandakis. Picture by Quinn Kepner, from an image in the MLP comics.
Made the Featured List with Chapter 1! Hurray! And Popular Stories list on 9/14! A second Hurray!
And every 100 up votes gets an early release of the next chapter.

Chapters (29)

Ever since the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia has noticed that her student and her friends have been getting into a lot of trouble, so, naturally, she worries that they may end up getting hurt while they're unable to protect themselves. Thus, she assigns a very special guard to keep watch over them, without them knowing, of course.

Ever since he'd met the Princess, he'd been serving her faithfully, how could he not? But when she tells him to head down to Ponyville to keep her student and her friends safe, he can't help but wonder if this is the best use of his time.

Unfortunately for Emerald Skies, a job is a job, and he'd be loathe to ignore an order from his Princess.

Chapters (42)

When a freak reading accident causes Twilight to be admitted to the Ponyville hospital, Rainbow Dash is right by her side. Compelled by a sense of duty and repayment, she takes it upon herself to cheer up her friend.

Chapters (2)

What makes a good story? Is it delicate prose and captivating description, as Twilight Sparkle claims, or is it non-stop action and entertainment, as Rainbow Dash has been arguing? With a stalemate between them, they decide there's only one way to settle this once and for all—a write-off!

The prompt? "Romance."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)