• Member Since 5th Nov, 2013


Write and edit. Until the work is done.

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Trixie has a strict lunchtime regimen:
One container of apple slices, with a dipping cup of caramel.

Unfortunately for her, the school health officials just went screwing with the menu.

Trixie is less than pleased with this latest development.

Lightning Dust just wants a peaceful lunch.

Set in the Equestria Girls universe

Chapters (1)

The most ordinary day in Equestria. Until a 6 year old human girl walks straight in the middle of the lively Ponyville Marketplace, in its most busiest of hours! When nopony offers to help this lost soul, Rainbow Dash steps in! The girl is young and doesn't seem to know much of anything, let alone about talking horsies! But she will have to put her blind trust in the hooves of one!
RD will also find that something is definitely off about this alien creature from another realm! What is it? Read to find out!

Update: The story line progresses somewhere after the Crystal Empire adventure adventure during season 3.

Chapters (10)

The legendary Nigel Thornberry is brought to Equestria by unknown forces and now must rely on the help from the ponies to return home, however circumstances and fate might have other plans.

Obligatory first story warning.

This is a story idea I've had in my head for awhile and I've finally motivated myself into writing it.

Edited by PoisonedArrow

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash find themselves in another world during the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Surrounded by death, destruction, and those freaking alarms that are on every dang door, they must fight their way to safety through the infected hordes alongside four survivors that are thoroughly confused about why there are colorful, winged horses helping them, and how they could even wield machine guns without fingers.

An MLP/ Left 4 Dead 2 crossover.

Chapters (5)

Fire Emblem Crossover

Marked Defiance (Mark for short), a mischievous unicorn, not to mention apprentice to Equestria's Royal Tactician, finds himself in a whole new and dangerous world by accident.

After being saved by a local named Lyndis, he is set on an adventure that will test his skills and quite possibly his sanity. But can he and the friends that he gathers, stop the forces threatening to destroy both worlds?
If you do dislike it and you press the dislike button, at least let me know why so that I can improve.

This is my very first written fanfiction. I appreciate honest and constructive criticism so that my story and writing will get better as it progresses.

Crossover of My Little Pony and Fire Emblem (Will follow the seventh game's plot to a point)
Rated Teen for cursing, violence, and sexual themes (No Clop)

For those who'd like to know how I'm splitting the story arcs and it's primary focus, it's as follows:
* = Complete
^ = In Progress
$ = Planned
*Lyn's Story (Where I started and got used to writing while introducing the crossover)
*Chrysalis' Story (I split off into Equestria to practice my original content as well as provide an engaging FE style plot in Equestria)
$Eliwood/Hector/Mark's Story (Where I use everything I learned from the previous arcs to tell a familiar tale in an interesting new way)

Edited by Neiha(Retired) and IRpony. Without these two, the story would be a lot worse. Trust me.
Cover Art by: littletea10
I do not own MLP or Fire Emblem (unless you count the GBA cartridge), they belong to Hasbro and Nintendo respectively.

Chapters (31)

Chrom and his Tactician approach the Outrealm Gate after receiving a letter indicating a new doorway has opened. Neither of the guardians knew what lay behind the gate, but Chrom was determined to gather as much aid as he could to stop the Fell Dragon Grima. How was he to know what he would unleash upon such a peaceful world?

Chapters (11)

The Elements of Harmony have failed to stop Discord and now it falls to one man to save them all, one very unstable lunatic of a man. Who is this man you ask? Why he is The Freakazoid!

** popular story list 9/19/14**

Chapters (1)

Toph Bei Fong never did get her 'life changing field trip with Zuko'. She really should have been careful what she wished for.

Story proof read by; Thardoc

currently undergoing rewrite.

Chapters (7)

After Twilight's second trip to an alternate reality, Fluttershy becomes interested in the idea of other worlds filled, not with ponies, but with humans. Would she be able to interact with these hairless apes like her animal friends, or would she view them like she does other ponies and hide? Not only that, but all of her friends have gone on solo adventures that she doubts that she could ever go on without them. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, and a little help from discord, Fluttershy resolves herself to have an adventure in a human world. Lucky for her, discord has chosen a world filled with over a hundred and fifty species of new animals that she would love to find and meet.

This story takes place in the first generation of Pokemon, just slightly ahead of Ash's adventures.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Absolution

Applejack thought she was done with Pokemon. Heck, she wished that she was done with Pokemon. After her encounter with Cres the Absol three months ago she thought she would never have to hear the word ‘Pokemon’ ever again aside from Twilight’s new obsession with them. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, things rarely turn out how we’d like them.

Cres thought he’d never have to hear the word ‘Pony’ again outside of Ponyta. Three years have passed since Cres returned from Equestria to be with the one he loves most of all. In that time, he’s grown increasingly confident in both himself, and the life he’s picked. However, when a certain orange mare shows up inside of a Pokeball he begins to question whether or not he can ever catch a break.

Editing by DaedricPrinceSheogorath

Chapters (26)