• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1559 stories
Found 1,554 stories in 113ms

Total Words: 40,378,010
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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New Cover Art! See the full image here: https://www.deviantart.com/harwicks-art/art/Commission-What-My-Destiny-is-Telling-Me-969614816

Sunset Shimmer was a pony that always had her destiny in her control… but that was before. Now, trapped for months in a world where she no longer has magic, no longer has a plan and no longer even has her own body, she's lost. She found an unexpected lifeline, however, when she showed up at the Crumbles/Flanks residence, desperate for help, and formed a close bond with a human around her own age, Rarity.

Having lived together for several months, Rarity has grown to consider Sunset a sister, even as Sunset feels hesitant about the moniker. Shortly before the start of the school year, Rarity brings Sunset along on an annual camping trip, hosted by Applejack and Big Mac, hoping to better acquaint Sunset with her friends. But one morning, Rarity awakes to find Sunset, sleepless and distraught, struggling with concerns and fears she doesn't understand... as the specter of destiny continues to loom large in the former unicorn's mind.

And it's up to Rarity to provide some much-needed comfort.

Set in an alternate universe in which the timeline diverges after Sunset leaves Equestria. This story also deviates from the depiction of Sunset's past as portrayed in the comic The Fall of Sunset Shimmer. Chronologically, it takes place after the events of The Final Conversation, though reading that story is not a requirement.

Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder and Ninjadeadbeard. Cover art by Harwick. Originally written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Let's Go Camping".

Featured on 8/23/22–8/26/22!

Minor Note: My stories generally treat Canterlot High School as a 7-12 school to justify the Cutie Mark Crusaders/Canterlot Movie Club being there in the main films. Keep that in mind if you notice some odd-looking age math in there; at the time of the story, Rarity and Sunset are about to start 9th grade (freshman year).

Chapters (1)

Sent to the corner three times in one week . . .

Despite getting his cutie mark, Stormy Knight isn't happy. He thought it would change things at school, but he's still made fun of, just for a different reason. Convinced that he's no good, cutie mark or no, he starts believing his own sad thoughts, and it makes him lash out, which only makes everypony at school believe what he believes.

That he's nothing but a bad colt who deserves it.

A sad little one-shot for the naughty kid in school, or the screw-up who never felt loved.

The dialogue without modifiers is more akin to memories than actual dialogue. Sort of like reflections. I hope that helps to clear up any confusion.

Special thanks to Sipioc for the amazing hand-drawn cover art!

Now with a beautiful reading by Midnight 23 and AJ the Autistic Pony!

Chapters (1)

All Celestia wanted to do was give Luna the perfect Hearth's Warming. It's too bad that she forgot the most important part.

This was written for Pen Stroke as a part of Jinglemas 2019!

For more information about Jinglemas, check out our group!

Cover art by Dahtamnay.

Thanks to _Moonshot for editing.

Chapters (1)

Back in Equestria, the spring equinox is a hard line, the last day of snow, winter is over, full stop.

On Earth, that’s not exactly the case. The equinox might have come and gone, the clocks might have been set to a summer schedule, it might be April and still snowing in Missouri.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

An Ace Hardware employee has been promoted to manager.

Manager of an Ace Hardware store run by ponies.

Featured 9/18 - 9/20/2021!! 'Preciate y'all.

Chapters (2)

Dixon Alexandra Shephard, your everyday 16 year old going through high school and adolescence stuff. He never would have thought that one day, he will find a very confused and lost princess from a television show. Much less having his normal life turned upside down.

Join him as he endure a day of high school with the most irritating classmates, and school bullies. While at the same time, trying to keep Princess Luna safe.

(Rated Teen for language and some 'situation')

Coverart by BerryPAWNCH

Luna's Fanfiction Library Approved!
Do not confuse 'Luna's Fanfiction Library' with 'Luna's Library'. 'Luna's Library' is a different group focused on Crossover stories while 'Luna's Fanfiction Library' are focused on all kind of stories.

Edit: 20/10/2013, 50 likes! Milestone #1! Thank you all!
Edit: 31/7/2014, 100 likes! Milestone #2! Thanks guys! You're awesome!
Edit: 21/12/2013, The following chapters, Monday Blues, The Three Stooges and Snow Day, will be taken down for reworking and rewriting. I will update this post when each chapter is re published.

Edit: 26/12/2013: Chapter 1 have been re-released.

Chapters (10)

Nightmare Moon and her human lover cuddle in bed together.

Cover Art by radomartxx01

Featured 7/26/2022!
Featured 7/27/2022!
Featured 7/28/2022!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rustic Snuggles

Heading home to Ponyville Castle after a long day of snuggling Applejack at her farm, you are accosted by an adorable little pegasus mare who demands snuggles. When her sister comes home, you find yourself having to snuggle with her, too...
The seventh story in the 'Snuggles' series (it is not necessary to read any of the others in order to enjoy this one!). The others are:
Seraphic Snuggles
Scholarly Snuggles
Prismatic Snuggles
Shadowy Snuggles
Sunlit Snuggles
Direct Sequel to: Rustic Snuggles

Chapters (1)

Being a DJ is more than just playing music; it's about using music to allow ponies to let loose, go crazy, and having a great time. And when Neon Lights, an up and coming DJ, notices a particularly lonely filly was not having fun, he decides to take it upon himself correct this.

Little does he know who this pony turns out to be...

Edited by the awesome Electric294!
Amazing cover art by: _Vidz_

Arc breakdown:

Arc I - This is a 'Slice-of-Life' arc, contains character development and world building. Cute, fluffy, and random.
Word count: 25,055.

Arc II - This is the 'Adventure' arc, contains physical and mental conflict with darker themes; readers advised. (Can be skipped, if you don't like this genre.)
Word count: 27,289.

Arc III - This arc is the 'Romance' arc, contains shipping and a 'cool down' period from the conflict of the second arc. Light themes with a more 'Slice-of-Life' feel.
Word count: 24,360 (One more chapter).

Arc IV - This arc is the 'time passes' arc, contains a major time shift, having the chapters separated by a longer period of time. This is where life and love conflict, and where the bond will be tested.
Word count: 0 (Ongoing).

Arc V - Final Arc.
Word count: TBD.


This story is a learning experience for me. In it, I'm experimenting with different writing styles and techniques while trying to keep an engaging narrative.

Also, if you don't like action and adventure and prefer romance and fluff, then you can skip the second arc and go directly to the third without missing anything, as it was designed.

Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy!

Chapters (22)

Inspired by the fanart Meme (smol)
By artist ShadowReindeer

Pipp decides to enlist the help of her friends and sister for a live stream displaying the many ways of taking pictures on a phone. The rest of them seem happy to help, but Zipp would rather not help at all.

Thank you to StraightToThePointStudio for another amazing reading
Strike A Pose by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)