• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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All things told, Princess Flurry Heart really doesn't have any major problems in her life. Sure, she's a Princess and heiress to the throne of the Crystal Kingdom and potential successor to her mother Princess Cadence, who has been, without question, one of the Kingdom's best rulers since it's inception, but she know she'll grow into that.

She might have Princess Twilight Sparkle as an overly-enthusiastic teacher who seems to think she can learn everything there is to know in the world before she hits her teens, but Flurry Heart knows that her Aunt Twilight means well and knows that as long as she tries her best the Princess of Friendship will be happy with her.

All in all, the Princess's life is pretty good, all things considered.

Now if only she could figure out why she's hearing voices late at night: voices that mention crystals, the sky, and her name...

Chapters (2)

Part of the Anarchyverse.

Fluttershy has always been a warm, motherly presence in her friends' lives, so filled with kindness, caring, and love. But when she is once again reminded of the one aspect of her life yet missing while on a train ride to Ponyville, the Bearer of Kindness will find herself confronting her Very Special Somepony... or Somedraconequus, with a very special request.

How will Equestria survive the results? And what will the in-laws think!?

Special Thanks to Toriandthehorse for being a great co-admin, a great editor and proofreader, and a great friend.

Featured: 12-20-2019!:yay: (for 20 minutes!) :raritydespair:

Chapters (16)

When Anthony's shirt doesn't prove enough, Fluttershy sets her sights on something bigger.

His sweater. And all that lay within.

More "Anon-thony" nonsense. Cover art by Frozenspots.

Rated TEEN just to be safe.

Chapters (1)

After adventuring around Equestria with her best friends, Fluttershy gets separated and ends up in Changeling territory. As Rainbow goes to find her, she finds a hurt Changeling.

Chapters (13)

After a year of strict training Rainbow Dash is accepted onto the Wonderbolts, and at last her dreams are coming true. But an encounter with a face from the past sparks an obsession that leads her to confront the roots of her ambition, and puts her relationships with her oldest friend and her idol to the test.

Chapters (5)

Zecora has a problem and has had for years. She's never before had friends she could ask to help her before but that all changes when she decides to just ask Fluttershy for help. Can Fluttershy fix this strange problem, or is she going to need some help herself? Find out.

So this is just a little comedy one shot I wrote on a mad inspiration when I didn't have anything else to do. As always if you notice any spelling or grammar mistakes do tell me.

Chapters (2)

Taking a girl to the movies has got to be the most cliche way to ask her out, but that didn't stop you.

WARNING: Contains an M. Night Shyamalololo level twist.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was born to be an athlete. Eventually joining the Wonderbolts seemed like the natural progression in her life and yet there was always a roadblock stopping her from walking down that path. Whilst she may be the perfect athlete in terms of drive, personality and muscle tone, a genetic fluke left her with two very big problems to deal with. Though dealing with them isn't as easy as it sounds.


Let me begin by telling you all about the magical land of Equestria. No one really knows why it's called Equestria, but leading theories suggest that it refers to the land’s ancient tradition of keeping horses for use in transport and battle. Others say that it's all a coincidence and its name stems from a foreign language that resembles the word for horse riding. Others believe that the founder of the land was obsessed with horse puns.

Regardless of its long and storied history, Equestria is a vibrant, modern land filled with interesting people and magical creatures. There are three sentient races that predominantly inhabit Equestria; the humans, the elves and the avians.

Humans are a sturdy, hard working people with a strong emphasis on labour and nurturing life. Their agricultural knowledge is unmatched and as a result, the vast majority of farms are run and staffed by humans.

Elves, on the other hand, are a secretive and mysterious race, choosing to spend their lives studying one thing or another. A naturally intelligent race, the elves are forerunners in the various fields of science, using their innate magical talents to perform impossible acts.

Last but not least are the avians, a slender race who use the massive wings on their backs to take to the skies. The avian people are slightly smaller than their human and elven counterparts, but make up for it with their natural speed and agility. They have the strange ability to manipulate weather phenomena and use this power to help others in times of need.

You didn't come here for world building however.

Let's move onto the good stuff.

Chapters (1)

Discord shows up for Teasday Tea, but finds Fluttershy behaving...oddly. Is Fluttershy...trying to flirt with him? Why? And what should he do?

Fluttershy x Discord. Don't take it too seriously!

Rated Teen to be safe, since seduction is a topic.

Chapters (3)

Thanks to Spike, Discord has learned that love exists. Fluttershy has always believed in it, but somehow takes even longer to notice. There's a lot of reasons it would have been nice to know sooner - least of all the chaos it could have saved at the school. At least they finally figured it out.

(Spoilers for A Matter of Principals; cross-posted on fanfiction.net)

Chapters (1)