• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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Fluttershy has been having a recurring nightmare about her friends begging her to 'not trust him' and to 'help them before it's too late'.
At first, it seems that perhaps this is just one of those nightmares that Fluttershy has all the time and it's nothing to worry about. Discord assists her in erasing the unpleasant dream memories from her mind.
Yet, this dream simply won't be forgotten.
Fluttershy is then faced with the question...is seeing really believing, or can she truly not believe her eyes?

(This story takes place sometime after Princess Twilight Sparkle and before Twilight's Kingdom.
It was written after Twilight's Kingdom premiered and before Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks premiered. Any similarities are purely coincidental.
Furthermore, the relationship between Discord and Fluttershy in this story is very much platonic.)

Chapters (1)

Butterscotch lost everything to Chrysalis.

His home, his friends, his family.

He hates changelings, he hates imposters, he hates liars and he really hates fakers.

So how will the ever so cautious and brash Butterscotch do when he is transported to Equestria?

By protecting the mares that look so much like his friends, it's the most he can do for them.

Chapters (1)

In a region called Warpla, the last of the humans live in various tribes and clans. Hostility still exists in the harsh region over there and the humans remain isolated for hundreds of years.

However, one tribe has reached out to make peaceful negotiations. In the agreement to strengthen the pact between the Tribe and Equestria, they send one student to learn from the School of Friendship. The human's mission is thus: Establish friendly relations and find companions to call their own.

Content Warning: Bit of blood, humans from this imaginary setting and not from the real world, silly stuff closer to Slice-of-Life, Slightly over dramatic

Have fun reading this at home!

Featured on 4/12/2020, a few hours after release
4/21/2020, 4/27/2020, 4/28/2020, 6/11/2020, 10/26/2020

Chapters (26)

Changeling's are known for either being soulless love sucking creatures, or curious and fun-loving colorful creatures. But what if 1 of those love sucking creatures, were really just a broken hearted music loving rogue. Well, whenever fluttershy and rarity are wondering through the forest, they find that special changeling.

Takes place before season 6 and Thorax's Redemption.

Song is The who's "Behind Blue eyes"

Had to change the story cause I can't have copyrighted lyrics.

Chapters (1)

I was just on my way through the forest when I saw her crash. I couldn't leave her there...what's a small detour on my usual trip. Never had a traveling companion out here before anyways.

Chapters (7)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders ask Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy about what happened just after the events of the Cutie Mark Chronicles; specifically, what happened to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash immediately after the race. Reluctantly, Dash and Fluttershy delve into a tale. A tale of a young Fluttershy's amazement at the world she had landed upon, and a filly Dash's desperate quest to save her from that most evil of places: THE GROUND.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is pregnant, but hasn't told any of her friends. As the months progress and it becomes more obvious, she can't keep it a secret forever...can she?

Chapters (6)

No one expects to go to sleep and never wake up. There's always tomorrow, or the next day. There was always time. So, when a young life is extinguished before its time, it becomes especially difficult to handle. When the spirit of that life is forced to face and accept her death, what will become of her afterlife? Scootaloo will soon be faced with this tragedy, and this is her story.

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy is nice. One of the nicest ponies in Equestria, even. She manages her anger by putting it away, deep inside herself, where it can't hurt anypony. But eventually it boils over and all comes out in a massive explosion of pure buttery rage. Will anypony survive? Will the town be left standing? Can the cute yellow horse be stopped? Only time will tell.

Cover art is by Jowybean.

Chapters (1)

On the surface, it's an ordinary meeting between friends. Fluttershy and the former Princess Celestia are friends, aren't they? How could they not be?

And because they're friends, Fluttershy has something very important to discuss with the former leader of Equestria. Very important and very personal. It involves fears, doubts, and the romantic life of the creature who was once Equestria's greatest threat...


A little idea that popped into my head and simply would not go away until I put it down on paper.

Special thanks to Rubycast and Swirling Line for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)