• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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Your name is Lightning Strike, a pegasus tranfer to Cloudsdale's one and only "Cloudsdale's Academy for the gifted and talented".The only otherpony you know is your all time best friend, Thunder hoof, a dependable friend and caring pony ...

You aim to make the school wingball team with Thunder hoof and get an athlethic scholarship but school never seems to be that simple.

Along with everything else, you also get to experience the many ups and downs of high school.

How will you cope going to a new school, away from home and friends?


Please comment on what you like and what could be improved!
Taken inspiration from many fics on the website. No plagiarism intended.

Chapters (16)

All ponies need to be shown kindness and love, and Fluttershy is no exception. After a traumatic experience, Fluttershy comes to see the only pony who made her feel safe in the past, and that pony would be you.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to " Fluttershy, make him stop hissing! "

A certain edgy ruler connects to the animal-loving mare herself, which is all fine and dandy, but plot twist, he's rather...obsessed and clingy. Almost POSSESSIVE of Fluttershy, here we go again. What will she do? Is Discord jealous? He seems to be. He was the same way with Flutters and still is, Fluttershy doesn't want any fighting happening.. but... Discord isn't too keen on the new guy.

Coverart: https://www.deviantart.com/evehly/art/Let-s-go-571083370

Chapters (1)

Jacob Feles was on his way home when he has a terrible accident and is thrown into a world that is not his own. A world where the dominant nation is run by herbivorous ponies. Now he must try to live his life in world that is not his own and a body that was not his original one.

Anthro tag is only for the main character. Story begins after "Lesson Zero" (S2 E3). The sex tag is only for some jokes.

Chapters (10)

After a terrible storm sweeps through the Everfree, Fluttershy finds the weakened but still powerful King Sombra on her doorstep. Unable to resist his dark magic, she finds herself trapped by a spell that forces her to aid him, protect him, and heal him until he is strong once more, all while keeping his revival a secret from her friends. Unwilling to risk bringing her friends into the situation and endanger them, Fluttershy decides on a riskier tactic

If she could reform Discord, why not the Tyrant of the Crystal Empire. After all, with his spell keeping her from betraying his presence, it might be her only hope. Can she kill the Dark King with Kindness? Or will the ancient sorcerer once more stretch his shadow across Equestria?

Author: "I reserve the right to potentially bump up the rating depending on where this goes."

Edit: Wow, Featured Box twice? I guess people really like Sombrashy. 7/15/2016
Edit: Featured again! 9/3/2016

Coverart by the magnificent Evehly

Chapters (26)

Twilight told her friends of her adventures in the Human world, but she didn't tell them everything. One dark secret haunts her still.

Hamburgers are delicious.

Chapters (2)

The Fluttershark: elusive; yellow and pink; lots of teeth.

Also practices friendship. Underwater.

Swim faster.

Cover image taken with permission from Beach Day by Alasou.

Alternate forms:
* Youtube reading by StraightToThePointStudio
* Russian translation by GORynytch
* Chinese translation by Nova Twinkle
* Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (3)

*Takes place a couple of weeks after the Tirek incident in 'Twilight's Kingdom Part 2'

Fluttershy and Discord are now officially a couple. When Discord goes over to his marefriend's house one day, he notices she's not herself. After a visit to the doctor's, she finds out what's wrong with her, but does not want to tell Discord the truth...Will Discord find out? How will he react if he does?

Chapters (14)

Ten spirits watch over the Mortal Plane. Ten spirits, each one balanced by another.

What happens when the Spirit of Life and the Spirit of Death, the two most opposing spirits, start to feel an attraction for each other?

Cover art made by Kassitheplantwarrior

Day Two of #FluttercordWeek

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has been having a recurring nightmare about her friends begging her to 'not trust him' and to 'help them before it's too late'.
At first, it seems that perhaps this is just one of those nightmares that Fluttershy has all the time and it's nothing to worry about. Discord assists her in erasing the unpleasant dream memories from her mind.
Yet, this dream simply won't be forgotten.
Fluttershy is then faced with the question...is seeing really believing, or can she truly not believe her eyes?

(This story takes place sometime after Princess Twilight Sparkle and before Twilight's Kingdom.
It was written after Twilight's Kingdom premiered and before Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks premiered. Any similarities are purely coincidental.
Furthermore, the relationship between Discord and Fluttershy in this story is very much platonic.)

Chapters (1)