• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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Total Words: 4,221,644
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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Fluttershy is helping Discord come out and help give a lesson to the students. A couple of them are a little worried about this, but a couple of them, including the young six, are all for it. However, things spin out of control when Discord breaks one of his claws. This causes his magic to leak out and things spin wildly out of control.

Chapters (1)

Once the portal was opened, new aliens called 'ponies' started appearing all over Earth. They're very friendly and very cute, but there's a problem: They don't seem to understand the concept of 'personal space.'

As I found out a few times.

Featured April 9th, 2020. Thanks guys!

Now with a Sequel!

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy abuses her adorable powers in an attempt to seduce Discord. Will she succeed? Probably not.

A collab with Howling Wolves

Now with a Youtube reading!

Chapters (1)

It was late on a winter's night when Fluttershy found a strange creature on her doorstep that nopony had ever seen before. At first she thought that it was just another animal, a hairless ape, but the more and more it behaved like a pony the more she decided she would raise him as her own son--named Harry. How will he grow up in a world meant for ponies? And how will Fluttershy's friends react to this creature?

Contribute to the TVtropes page here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Twoworldsonefamily

Chapters (17)

A changeling in exile, wandering without purpose, encounters a small Equestrian town with expectations of meeting his end. He is not prepared for what he finds.

Made for the Outside Insight Summer Fanfic Contest, which I almost didn't realize was happening. As a result this may be a bit shorter and a bit more rushed than I'd like, though I still enjoyed making it.

Chapters (1)

Stallions Applejack, Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch live in this crazy town of Ponyville. And they have to deal with neighbors harassing them, old enemies stopping by, chasing girls and more.

Chapters (9)

Nursing a changeling is like nursing an animal: give it bandages, feed it, take care of it, and when it's better, let it go. Fluttershy knew that it was dangerous, knew that if she got caught, then her life was over. Off to the dungeons she would go. Yet, she couldn't help it, seeing the poor, mangled creature at her own front door. So she took him in, hid him from the watchful eyes of the other ponies. Eventually, what began as an effort to help another creature, blossoms into much, much more then simply a relationship of nurse and patient.

Chapters (6)

Using a human shower is intuitive.
For a human.
Fluttershy is not a human.

Written for a close friend.

Special thanks to Door Belle for editing.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow dares Pinkie to eat a stick full of spiders. Things don't go as planned when Pinkie accepts the dare.

Inspired by Zajice's Pinkie Picture (Source on the cover) when I was cleaning through my favorites.

Chapters (1)

During the events of "Putting Your Hoof Down", what could've happened if Rainbow Dash confronted New Fluttershy?

~FlutterDash hints~

Song: Black Hole by Lindsay Lohan

Chapters (1)