• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Human Maxwell Frazier winds up in Equestria through a freak occurrence. Adjusting to life with talking, sapient equines is a challenge for anyone, but helping him through it all is his new best friend, the party pony extraordinaire Pinkie Pie.

When Hearts and Hooves Day rolls around, Max is struck by loneliness. When Pinkie decides to set him up with a single mare, she may find her soulmate instead...

A humanXPinkie one-shot.

Chapters (2)

Ten year old Anton MacLeod after losing his mother runs away from his cold and cruel aunt. Luna who had been keeping an eye on him through his dreams sees he had nowhere to go and no one else to go to decides to bring him to Equestria where she hopes the Mane Six and other residents of Ponyville will fill in the empty void in his heart that longs for a family.

Chapters (28)

Fluttershy and Sombra have been together for a while. And she has often commented on the soft fluffiness of her colt friend’s rump. After a long and exhausting day, she uses Sombra’s rump for a while.

Chapters (1)

John’s life had taken a turn for the worse since he moved from the bustling city of Los Angeles to a quiet mountain town named Dewford. He had expected a change of scenery and a calmer state of living.
That was not the case, as he’s had to deal with racist citizens, money problems, and several people who won’t get off his back. Life had gone wrong so far. Now he has to deal with a strange hippie girl with a butterfly tattoo. John just hopes this new addition doesn’t complicate things further.
Edited by:
A Dumb Door [chapter 1-2}
Sqarishoctagon [chapter 3-40]

Chapters (40)

Fluttershy has always had trouble finding her voice, confident only when surrounded by her animal friends. So of course she's eager to take in a small blue creature she thinks needs her help. But when her newest guest begins destroying everything, Fluttershy may have to find her a voice a little sooner than she expected.

Chapters (17)

Fluttershy wakes up, to find all the animals can now speak!

What can a mare do, besides question her sanity?

Rated T for very mild language.

OMG, On Toast! My Very First Featured! 5/14/19

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Discord have been through a lot, in their friendship and their romance. But finally, they're married, and things can settle down now...right?

Fluttershy should have known that things aren't that easy when Discord's involved.

A collection of random, fluffy drabbles. Not much of a plot here.

Amazing cover art made by Eveeka!

Chapters (100)

Harry the bear gives Fluttershy a fish as a thank you gift for helping him with his broken arm, and is insistent upon her eating it before it spoils. When Fluttershy reluctantly complies, she's forced to face a dark and disturbing revelation.

She loves it.

Chapters (7)

Celestia owes Twilight and her friends so much, that much can't be denied. From reuniting her with her sister, to saving Equestria time and time again, Celestia has more than once offered to reward them for everything they've done. Yet every time they have turned her down, intent on achieving their dreams on their own, which Celestia respected.

Until one day, when Fluttershy comes to her and asks for an... odd request.

Inspired by the image by firefanatic, which was used with permission from the artist.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy wakes up early in the morning with a throbbing headache and a broken leg, alone in the Sweet Apple Orchards, save for Rainbow Dash who she finds lying in a ditch. Together, the two of them go to the hospital and remember what exactly happened last night.

And now for something less formal: Felt like writing something sort and sweet, and this happened. Not sure what to expect, but comments, concerns, questions and constructive criticism are appreciated. Thank you, have a good night/evening/afternoon/morning.

Chapters (1)