• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Romance 831 stories
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Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Roseluck hates Hearts & Hooves Day. She's always been a single mare, and spending the entire day selling flowers is not her idea of a good time. She was hoping things would be different this time around, and who knows? Maybe things will finally change for the downtrodden mare.

Obviously, the title is a play on words of the Poison song, "Every Rose Has Its Thorn".

Chapters (2)

Jack backlash was a highschool student that doesn't have that much of anything interesting happening in his life. One day, these 'Dazzlings' show up and one of them caught his eye. She looked like a cute girl who seemed clumsy, but funny. Her name was Sonata Dusk. Ever since the battle of the bands, the dazzlings lost and were never seen again. It was a shame that he never got the chance to talk to Sonata before she and her sisters disappeared.

But it seems that luck was with him.

Three weeks later as he was walking home from work on a rainy afternoon, he heard a girl in the alleyway sobbing. As he looked into the alleyway, he was surprised to who it was. This is where his story begins…

Chapters (10)

David has only been in ponyville for about 2 months. He thought he had met everyone, however when twilight introduces him to scratch, he finds himself hopelessly falling for the mare. Things only become harder when scratch asks him if he wants to be a VIP on her latest "gig", and, as things unfold, David learns that things are going to become VERY hard for him and Scratch

Chapters (10)

My name is Stalwart Gray, I'm a junior at Canterlot High. Since I was six years old, I have experienced things a bit different. Conversations are, at best, in pieces, music has less personal appeal, and some people look at me like I'm some kind of robot. Still, I've learned to cope with my inability to hear fairly well, if I do say so myself.
But, strange things happen at my school, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who notices. Stranger still, was when met a girl. She was cute and all, with long blue hair, bright pretty eyes, and a voice that can literally hypnotize someone to do her bidding... Yeah, that's what said.

Chapters (1)

Mole Cricket, a changeling, faces the greatest challenge of his life so far: Convincing all four princesses that he deserves a chance at earning citizenship in Equestria. Can he convince Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance that he can be a contributing member to society?

An Interquel to the story "Your Fangs Are Showing", this takes place between chapters 3 and 4.

Chapters (10)

The mirror to the world of CHS was not the only mirror portal. It was just one of many, including one to an alternate Equestria.

Celestia once made a trip in the interest of knowledge and learned something not quite what she thought she would.

And the cost was heartache.

Shipping: Celestia x Alternate Universe Sombra

A gift for Lotus Moon.

Hit popular stories 10/27/17

Chapters (1)

Doppel Ganger is an outlaw changeling who has been living in the Everfree Forest for more than a year. Far from all the ruckus his Queen caused with the invasion, he spends a quiet life stealing love from Ponyvillians with his two friends, Camouflage and Mimic. But an encounter with a manticore will give him the worst thing he could catch, a cold.

This seemingly mild illness has terrible effects on changeling's physiology. At each sneeze, the changeling will either lose his disguise, or get a new one without any control over it. Now, it's harder to feed on ponies’ love unnoticed.

Doppel will have to feed on love in Ponyville during the duration of his sickness.

Chapters (18)

Based on an idea from DeathWing118

After caring for and developing feelings for a lost, amnesia ridden stallion who was found stumbling out of the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy discovers that he is not the pony he said he was, or even a pony at all for that matter.

Cover Art by Drauguzislt. Find the full version here

Chapters (5)

Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape.

After one-thousand years of being bound in the celestial body, Nightmare Moon is free! Right alongside the poor sap that got bound with her.

Thrust into an unfamiliar world, with scars and memories that are now drastically out of place, this is the story of the former guard captain, Magic Barrier.

Do the words above sound familiar? If they do, then you've probably read my other story, A Pony Displaced. This tale isn't a sequel. It isn't a rewrite, though you might consider it a re-imagining of sorts. It is a tale of progression, one that I hope will show my development as a writer in both skill and quality. But more importantly, it is a story that offers exploration into one simple question. What if Magic Barrier had trotted down another path?

As always, thanks go out to everyone who helped me get to this point. In particular, thank you to Alticron, for editing, proofreading, co-writing, being my idea-wall, and arguably the single biggest reason this story saw the light the day, and thank you to Word Worthy, formerly Izanagi, who also edited, proofread, and threw ideas around with us. It wouldn't be possible without these two. In addition to those two I'd like to thank the newest member of the group Omnicron25 for his efforts in proofing/editing as well. Damn glad to have you on board mate.

Additional thanks to Wing for keeping me company late nights and for being a wordsmith when I needed one.

Chapters (54)

Rainbow Dash has asked her close friend for help dressing up! Dash says it's for an event, but she's asking for his help for other reasons...

Chapters (1)