• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Romance 828 stories
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Celestia and Luna seem disappointed at Flurry Heart's birth, and Twilight wants to know why. The answer is... Probably not that surprising, but there is a solution!

Twilight just has a much better one.

Silly one shot, Flashlight pairing, and a surprise Big Macintosh ending. Merry Christmas/Happy Hearthswarming Eve!

Chapters (1)

You can move away from a person if you are tired of communicating with them, but what if you are tired of yourself?

Chapters (1)

Human Maxwell Frazier winds up in Equestria through a freak occurrence. Adjusting to life with talking, sapient equines is a challenge for anyone, but helping him through it all is his new best friend, the party pony extraordinaire Pinkie Pie.

When Hearts and Hooves Day rolls around, Max is struck by loneliness. When Pinkie decides to set him up with a single mare, she may find her soulmate instead...

A humanXPinkie one-shot.

Chapters (2)

Tai is college student who despite being in a not so bad position in life, isn't so happy. Having never been much of a social person, he's now reached a point of boredom and loneliness. His life is turned around when a strange girl teleports into his living room one night with no memory of who she is. Now finding himself stuck with a roommate, Tai's life takes a turn for the better as this girl starts to show him what he's been missing all these years. And in the end, the two might become a little bit more than just friends.

This story was inspired by My Little Dashie, Enchanted, Lois and Clark and all the humanized pony fan art out there.

Audio Reading on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqP5ou9cK_4&index=1&list=PL0fzo-8cnvinWfxKAOeSLD6Me03vBy_Zi

Chapters (12)

A human named Aden Sky and his siblings are sent to Equestria as ponies, and they soon grow accustomed to their new home. Having been transformed into a pegasus, he is taught how to fly by one of his closest friends: Rainbow Dash. All seems perfect as he grows closer to her everyday ever since he moved to Equestria. But all isn't what it seems as he takes on a life changing experience to win her heart.

Chapters (12)

When an unexplained magical occurrence brings the mane 6 to their genderbent world, Rainbow Blitz invites his clone to stay with him, resulting in a passionate, if drunken night together.

However, when Blitz awakens the next morning it is to find his clone gone and the door wide open, and with Ponyville in the grips of its worst blizzard in nearly two decades, can the two spectral speedsters survive the paralysing cold?

Image courtesy of JaquelinAmyRose.

Rainbow Blitz is property of Trotsworth.

My first attempt at a one-shot.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and her friends has noticed that their best friend Rainbow Dash has been acting a little different lately. She seems actually happy to come to school!

While the other girls brush this change off, Applejack gets even more suspicious when she sees that her brother has been acting different as well!

Trouble ensues as Applejack is determined to find out what is causing the changes in her friend and her brother, and wonders if the changes could be related with one another.

Chapters (12)

It's been five months since anyone has last seen Princess Cadence. She took a short walk through The Ever Free Forest by herself and no one has seen her since. Naturally, Twilight and Shining Armor get tasked with the job of finding her. Together, they followed her trail of hoof prints lead that to a strange portal which they jump in without a second thought. Now they've found her, but she doesn't remember who they are or who she was. Twilight and Shining Armor aren't so lucky themselves either. The portal has closed on them leaving no way out. Even worse, it seems they've turned into some of the native species in the area: human. Will they be able to get back Cadence's memories and find a way home? Or will they be doomed to live here for all eternity? And who even opened up that stupid portal in the first place?

Chapters (6)

Kuno, a young changeling, is left weak, bloodied, and bruised after the events of the Canterlot wedding. She is soon discovered by Warden, a Royal Guard. But for some reason, Warden shows her mercy. Instead of taking her into the custody of the Royal Guard, he becomes both her captor and her savior. But over time, Kuno will come to ask herself the hardest question she has ever pondered: Can a changeling feel love?

Chapters (16)

Personal discovery is a wonderful thing. In Silverstream's case, five words softly uttered from a certain distraught friend was all it took to ignite a furious fire in her heart.

Unfortunately for Grampa Gruff, he was flammable.

*Spoilers for Season 9 Episode: A Horse Shoe-In*

Chapters (1)