• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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The Princess of the Night has a chat with you in your dreams.

The cover artist is Silfoe

EDIT: Featured on the same day! Thank you all so much!!

EDIT 03/08/2020: A very warm thanks to Professionalism for translating this fic into Mandarin Chinese!

Chapters (1)

Luna discovers a lone member of the Royal Night Guard stationed beneath her private balcony. As a question becomes a conversation, as an evening becomes a week, and as an annoyance becomes a friendship, an unfortunate truth looms large in her mind: nothing is ever as it seems, neither in dreams nor reality.

Comments contain spoilers
Edited by PresentPerfect and Grand Moff Pony

Chapters (4)

A pegasus stallion by the name of Storm Chaser has landed a job as a weather pony alongside Rainbow Dash. At first he doesn't think much of the rainbow speed demon, but when the mare falls on hard times he will be there to help her in any way he can. But Rainbow is still suspicious of him, why does he hate the Wonderbolt's and what is he hiding behind a black metal door?

Rainbow Dash X O.C.

Chapters (8)

While studying, Starlight notices weird changes in Twilight when around Sunburst. She tells her to knock it off in the nicest way possible.

Spoilers for the Season 6 Premiere.

Cover art by Cover Designer Novel-Idea

Chapters (1)

Intrigued by her brush with love, Sweetie Belle concocts a plan to find her a special someone. A plan that will need the help of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a chance of getting a story like this for just 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (1)

UPDATE: COMPLETE! You may have heard of Pipsqueak. He's a pinto colt, originally from Trottingham, saved Nightmare Night from being abolished seven odd years ago. Know the one I'm talking about? Yes? Good. Since then he's grown into a charming, cultured hedonist who wants to bed near every mare in Ponyville and a good few of the stallions. He has a slender build and some ponies say he has mares' hips, though he feels that those ponies should shut their bloody mouths. His best mate is the gregarious and multi-talented Featherweight, and his other best mate is the stoic trencherpony and excellent cook Chowder.

This is the story of a Friday, and the wee hours of a Saturday. It's a teacher training day, and Pipsqueak and his friends have no school.

In twenty-four hours, a sinister plot to take down a local business is launched, Snips and Snails dabble in the dark magic of Peyuase, a great deal of debauchery occurs, a cocktail of unrivaled destructive power is created and a small fleet of ships are launched! All of this and more, in Pipsqueak's Day Off!

Massive thanks to LittleSallyDigby for help, editing and advice.

Chapters (7)

You attend Canterlot High camp; a few cabins out in the nearby woods. But, you and another student get sick, forced to stay in the sick room until you get better, or until the camp ends. Things go downhill from there.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash Confesses Her Love to You

You've been going through a tough time lately. Every day you come home exhausted and hurt, and your mind is at its all-time limit. The only recluse you have is in Fluttershy, your loving, caring girlfriend.

During a restless sleeping fit one night, you're aware of her voicing her true feelings to you.

Now with an audio recording by LolidereBrony

Chapters (1)

Celestia lives on the streets of Canterlot with her pet phoenix, Philomena, as her only friend. But, she has dreams of romance and a better life. So when she finds a jeweled necklace which holds the wish spirit, Discord, she is granted 3 wish to grant almost any desire. And, she decides to use them to earn the love of a stallion she likes, Prince Solaris of Equestria. But, at the same time she must deal with the evil sorcerer, Sombra, who has his own plans for the wish spirit.

Chapters (4)

[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Vinyl Scratch]

Being a human, you are quite the unique specimen. Though you stand out among pastel-colored ponies in your wake, your form does allow for something many ponies aren't properly equipped for. A certain DJ took notice of this specialty, and decided to take you under her wing...

A/N: Just a simple one-shot with Vinyl Scratch. Yes, another story inspired by music. Seems to be my best inspiration, music does.

Rated [Saucy] by SFG's rating system. Be prepared for some heat!


Artwork by ~zonybrony

Chapters (1)