• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Romance 831 stories
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Total Words: 22,515,269
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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With Pinkie Pie's birthday coming up, her friends find themselves facing a bit of a dilemma about how to celebrate it. Fortunately, Cheese Sandwich just so happens to come back to town, and he's more than willing to take over the party planning.

Pinkie is quite thrilled to know her party pal is back in town, but soon she can't help but notice that Cheese seems to be acting rather strange around her.

Will Pinkie be able to figure out why Cheese seems to be acting so odd? And what's the real reason behind Cheese's return to Ponyville?

Chapters (1)

Original story by Layri Cheetah - ficbook.net

Original art by Yakovlev-Vad - deviantart

Chapters (3)

Taking a girl to the movies has got to be the most cliche way to ask her out, but that didn't stop you.

WARNING: Contains an M. Night Shyamalololo level twist.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Staff Meeting

Twilight joins one of her changeling friends in the novel he's hiding in.


Together, she and Stormy Night climb through paragraphs and sentences, debate arcs and scenes, and reconstruct some of the emotions within.

Thanks to Noble Thought for prereading.

Cover art: Twi's Desk by Shastro

You can click here if you're curious about the AU tag.

Chapters (1)

Spencer is regular human trying to get by in life and wanting to become successful in life. However, when he is suddenly captured by the storm King's minions and taken into his encampment, he will find his life that more challenging. However, he does get placed under the hot Lieutenant Tempest Shadow during his stay. He also gets to learn some interesting facts about the Lieutenants life.

To Spencer, this will be a somewhat fun imprisonment.

This story is my first 1st person story that I ever did. I do hope you come to enjoy.

Editor for this story is A Man Undercover, and I can't thank enough for his help.

Rated T for sexual references mostly involving breasts.

Featured, 03/14 The first that I've seen!
Featured! 07/18
Featured! 01/24/2020
Featured! 07/22/2020
Art was made by the famous Koveliana on Deviantart. Do go check her out.

Chapters (24)

Set After ‘Best Gift Ever’. Fluttershy catches up with Discord after Twilight’s Hearth Warming Party, neither of them noticing a mistletoe suddenly above her heads. When Discord asked about it and what it’s for, Fluttershy finds she has the hard time finding the words.

Submitted for #FluttercordWeek

Chapters (1)

Luna finally was allowed to go to school as well as her older sister what kind of troubles will they have to overcome maybe even some romance.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh are having another night at the bar, and Dash has something to tell him. Big Mac learns an important lesson: Sometimes it's what you don't say that makes the difference.

UPDATED: Combined the two chapters and made adjustments for over all improvement.

Chapters (1)

There's only so much failure a changeling can tolerate. For Shade, once was enough. Years of training and preparation in the hopes of achieving a new life for himself and his colony wasted because of the negligence of their leader. It's time to try a different approach; if force won't work, then maybe peace and diplomacy will. What could go wrong?

A chance encounter in a creepy forest; A tree filled to the brim with books; A brief and sudden rain shower. These are all things that will change Shade's life forever.

Chapters (22)

Octavia is out and Vinyl Scratch has full run of the house. Vinyl Scratch spends a lovely day with her special somepony. The two of them just enjoy a nice day together. Rated T for innuendos. :facehoof: I really shouldn't write Vinyl.
Noteworthy sans cutie mark from HareTrinity
Vinyl Scratch from sirhcx

Chapters (1)