• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Discord Stories 219 stories
Found 218 stories in 85ms

Total Words: 7,017,922
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

A few days after ascending to Alicornhood, Twilight Sparkle is experimenting with Magic, as she is wont to do. She found a lovely new spell in Luna's old quarters in the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters that she's just dying to try. She should've read the fine print.

Featured 6/22/2020. Thank you all so much!
It happened again 6/30/2020! What insanity is this?! :heart:
OK, seriously, you people spoil me. 7/1/2020
I'm going to keep thanking you every time it happens. You can't stop me! 7/4/2020
Have all the happy Pinkie Pies in the world! 7/5/2020

New cover art by Mix Up: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/195663/Mix-up

Mix Up's deviantart page: https://www.deviantart.com/amalgamzaku

Chapters (38)

Through wind and rain, down track and lane, Ponyville Postal delivers. No matter the weather, letters bring ponies together, and Ponyville Postal delivers.

Parcel Post faces his toughest assignment yet.

Chapters (1)

All Button Mash wanted to do was return a game he didn't like.

Perhaps he should've checked who was working at Gametrot first.

Artwork by megarainbowdash2000.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has been running her grand animal hospital for a few years now. But she has also found her calling in travelling Equestria to give motivational speeches on how to give The Gentle No. Iron Will has been the lynch pin to her success, managing her tour, giving her the support she needed to be successful. It has been a wonderful professional relationship. But what about Discord? Is he okay with Fluttershy spending so much time with her tour manager?

Set in the Universe of The Amulet of Shades, this will be a stand-alone story. You don't need to read Amulet to enjoy this one. So.. enjoy!

Also featured on Equestria Daily...:eeyup:

Chapters (3)

Jay Jepsen has recently found success as a children’s book author with his debut, “The Monster From My Closet,” the story of the unlikely friendship formed between a boy and a creature he found lurking in his room one fateful night. Returning to his old hometown, he is given permission by his childhood house’s latest owner to revisit the place he once called home. Upon finding his room, he decides to wait around to catch up with an old friend...

Closet pic found on Google, credit for Discord head belongs to MLP FiM: Discord Puppeteer by AlexCroft1991.

Chapters (1)

Dr Whooves just wanted a normal year. The soon to be married stallion however would soon be put through on his families more embaressing traditions. Well at least he still has Derpy to take good care of him.

Co author Zubric

Chapters (8)

It's been nearly a thousand years sine Discord left his dimension. But now his mother has come to visit him and Fluttershy in Ponyville bringing along her own brand of chaos. As Discord does his best to keep her from causing to many problems. Mishaps with chaos magic begins to grow out of control. Anything can happen and nopony is safe and Discord may be the only thing standing in the way of total chaos...

Chapters (9)

Fluttershy finds a strange stuffed toy, one that looks like it's made of all sorts of animal parts, abandoned in the road. She decides to take it home and fix it...but soon, it begins talking, telling her its strange story.

She finds herself agreeing to help lift the curse on it...though she's not sure what that will entail.

Day Five of #FluttercordWeek

Chapters (1)

(Gore tag is only for one short scene in ch2 due to description of blood in T story)
(It tickles me every time people erroneously think this is a self-insert)

Tobias has lived in Ponyville for almost two years now. He's been holding onto his secret, even though his friends keep worrying more about him every day. He focuses on the different jobs he does around town, trying to get by one week at a time.

He's become a welcome resident of the town, even if a few ponies still shout insults now and then because of his appearance.

Not a single one of them knows he's only been a diamond dog for two years and he's been trying to find a way home.


What the crap am I doing in the feature box?!

That's like :yay:

And the top of the feature box the day after?!

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

I'm kind of glad I intended this to only be five or less chapters. :rainbowderp:

Second chapter given a great boost by feedback and proofreading with the help of:
Timetraveling Pony

Third chapter editing and feedback help from:

Chapters (3)

As the Grand Galloping Gala draws to a close, tensions linger from Discord and Fluttershy's fight. Discord, nervous and remorseful, is afraid to approach her. Meanwhile, Fluttershy regrets yelling at him, even while knowing better.

The good news: Fluttershy knows she can set everything right again.

The bad news: it's going to require her to come to grips with old wounds.

Editing duties courtesy of nanashi_jones.

Chapters (1)