• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Discord Stories 219 stories
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What would happen if Discord got shot with Nighthowler serum?

Chapters (6)

When the draconequus race left the world, one child was left behind.

This is his story, and the story of the filly who loved him, lost him, and was forced to imprison him in stone to save her people.

Cover art comes from She never came back by Nirac. I have slightly modified this version from the original in that my version of Discord had dark hair as a child, and in Nirac's original the hair is white.

There is now a series page: The Last Draconequus

Progress Bar at my writing journal. Also there is a TV Tropes page and a French translation.

Chapters (6)

What if Twilight had remembered a reforming spell? How would this decision affect Discord, Fluttershy, herself, and the whole of Equestria?

Cover art made by TheOperaticOne

Russian translation: https://ficbook.net/readfic/9144801

Day Four of #FluttercordWeek

Featured on 1/23/20, 1/24/20, 1/26/20,
1/27/20, 1/28/20, and 1/29/20

Chapters (1)

All good things must come to an end. That is a simple fact of life, however tragic. And now one story is ending, though the participants will never be forgotten.

But while one story must end, another shall begin. This is something Twilight Sparkle will discover for herself... at the close.

Featured on: 13/10/2019.

Chapters (1)

Just when it´s Twilight´s coronation, the Legion of Doom and Grogar step in, creating the biggest challenge Twilight and her friends have ever faced. But they´ll discover they are not alone in this and that there´s still hope for Equestria.

Cover image by AleximusPrime

Chapters (34)

Story Description:
During her mail-mare rounds in Ponyville, Derpy runs into an unexpected individual who offers her a strange answer to one of her "signature problems".

*Story was created on a whim. Notice [Random Tag] :twilightsheepish:
*Many thanks to a friend who helped me with revision.
*All credit to the creator of the image, who is not me.
*Here is the source from which I got the image, in case it doesn't show up: http://thederpyhoovesorganization.blogspot.com/

Chapters (1)

What would you do if you saw something in the sky that wasn't normally there? Most people would probably ignore it, go about their lives as usual. You are no ordinary person though, are you? No, the curiosity nags at you, ever blinking and twirling up in the sky. Perhaps you'd ask a friend, point it out to them?

And what happens when they don't see what you see?

You might, reasonably, think they simply don't see what you do. You might, also reasonably, start asking a few of your other friends what they think about it.

Say, perhaps, you do all of this, but the thing in the sky only seems to appear to you. Is someone else in on a prank? Are you being punked? Punished, perhaps?

Maybe you're losing your mind? It's not like you'd know for sure...

Would you?

This story takes place before Twilight becomes an alicorn, and after Discord's rehabilitation.

Chapters (4)

Before she and Discord were married, Fluttershy had a lot to do as both a School of Friendship teacher, and a worker at her animal sanctuary. Discord, wanting to help his beloved pony, offered to help with the sanctuary, leading to Fluttershy telling him all about the many different animal classes that could be found there.

Story is mainly inspired by the DreamWorks Dragons How to Train Your Dragon Classes.

This is my seventeenth overall story, and the first one to be very focused in science, and require a lot of information from the internet as stated in the acknowledgements.

Due to being a Friendship is Magic story without the Alternate Universe tag, this story is linked to my other Friendship is Magic stories.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Secret Secret Room

In order to destress every few weeks, Princess Celestia takes a potion that allows her to be a child again, living life without a care in the world for hours at a time. Thus far, the effects have been stupendous.

So, with that in mind, could the same treatment be applied to the most nefarious villains in Equestia in hopes of lessening their evil ways?

Queen Chrysalis, Discord, and King Sombra beg to differ.

Artwork by olegsavoskin.

Chapters (1)

It's been three months since Discord died and Fluttershy still didn't move on looking for a way to bring him back.
One day she found out about mystery witch who gave her what she desired.
But is it really possible to cheat death once it has taken someone's life?

This story is based on the comic and audio drama The last adventure. It's related to the one of the two endings. So If you want to fully understand the story, read the comic or watch the audio drama version.



Chapters (6)