• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Queen Chrysalis 219 stories
  • Queen Chrysalis 219 stories Stories that focus on or have the queen of the Changelings
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - February, 2020
Found 217 stories in 59ms

Total Words: 7,011,022
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Chewy loves her mother with all her heart, but how can she stand out from the dozens of other love-hungry nymphs? By being the cutest of them all, of course!

Story set after Chrysalis was run out of her former hive.
YouTube Reading

Chapters (1)

For seven months I've been with one of the best girls imaginable. We're living together, we're doing well in school- I'd never believe I could ever be this happy.

I also could never believe that, on the night of my 25th birthday, I would look in the mirror and see my hair and eyes turning green.

Nor would I believe that, within the next twenty-four hours I would turn into the queen of a vampiric race of insectile monsters from a cartoon.

Go home, evolution. You're drunk.

(Set in the Five Score universe. ...What do you mean there's already a Chrysalis Five Score story?!)

Fair bit of swearing.

Chapters (36)

Basically a Teen Fic due to Death, always wanted to write this, so why not?

A Changeling is born into the Hive, but after learning that the Hive has been killing ponies for love, questions if it's the right thing to do in the world, and is put to a conflict when assigned his first task as a changeling.

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis was blasted from Canterlot by Shining’s and Cadance’s love for each other, but she hasn’t lost yet, she still has a secret weapon against them.

A weapon that only an ancient love-sucking being with a keen mind and an army of spies can wield; a deep understanding of the pony’s laws.

So, she arms herself with a business suit, glasses, and a briefcase full of documents, and marches on towards Canterlot.

Featured 4/20/2020, this time was intentional! :pinkiehappy:

Narrated by StraightToThePointStudio: Narration

Reviewed by Javarod: Review

Now translated to russian! by GrandCat

Chapters (1)

A human living in Canterlot castle is given to Queen Chrysalis as part of peace negotiations between Equestria and the Hive. Celestia knew she shouldn't have let Luna finish the negotiations herself.

Cover art by jalm on Derpibooru.

Featured on 4/22/20. Thanks guys!

Now with audio readings by StraightToThePointStudio! Go check them out.
The Audio Reading Playlist

Chapters (6)

When Lord Tirek asks Cozy Glow what seems like a normal question, he has no idea the floodgates that will open... and how his relationship to the little villain might ultimately be changed.


A small bit of villainous sweetness inspired by both the dynamic of the Evil Trio and the cover art by soundwavepie.

Chapters (1)

She has lost her hive. She has lost her throne. She has lost her army. Chrysalis, former Queen of the Changelings, has been left with nothing but her own life. Having fled from her enemies, the vengeful monarch plots and plans, but before all of that, she must first find somewhere to lay low for a while.

Chapters (1)

You know all those stories about cos-players disappearing? Well this is kinda like those. Jason Hughes was just a normal guy attending a con for the first time. Of course he had to buy that omnitrix replica right? Well now he's stuck in a world of talking ponies and has to learn what it means to be a pony.

**This somehow got on the popular stories list on 8/16/14, which is only a day after I published it. Thats a new one*

**So this got featured on 8/17/14 I have no idea how that happened but thanks everyone!**

Big thanks to m2pt5 for taking on the role of proofreader/editor. Also want to thank DuskShadowBrony for being my other editor.

Chapters (56)

A spiritual rewrite of the deleted story 'A Shimmering Memory'. Sunset has decided to take drastic measures after being accused of being Anon-a-Miss. She finds family with the most unlikely of people.

This is the basis for Sunset's outfit. Credit goes to Marty Scurll for the design

Chapters (9)

Starlight Glimmer never thought much about the map table in Twilight Sparkle's throne room, except to consider taking it apart to learn its secrets. It didn't have much use for her. But all that changes when the table selects her and Twilight Sparkle for a mission in Las Pegasus. Now they're in pursuit of a crazed villain and a magic spell that threatens to undo their entire timeline.

Starlight Glimmer knows a thing or two about timelines. But the dreams she's been having? They're the deepest mystery yet.

Winner of the March Writeoff Competition.

Chapters (1)