• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Queen Chrysalis 219 stories
  • Queen Chrysalis 219 stories Stories that focus on or have the queen of the Changelings
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - February, 2020
Found 217 stories in 89ms

Total Words: 7,011,024
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Princess Twilight has just ascended to her throne of friendship and is prepared to tackle her new duties, but Princess Celestia has something of grave importance for her to do first.

She wants her to meet her family.

Chapters (20)

The queen has fallen. Her kingdom has splintered. The failure at Canterlot, however, did not begin her downfall.

It was the son she bore. Called by changelings a Halfling, his blood mixed with the blood of ponies has him marked as an abominition in the eyes of the most conservative of changelings. Fearing change and what a mixed breed foal might mean, the Royal caste collaborated with members of the Religious caste to declare the queen and her child outcast from changeling society, effectively stripping her of her title and the authority with it. With her kingdom in a state of civil war, the fleeing former queen does the unexpected and sets her sights upon the Crystal Empire for refuge.

With a small group of loyal followers, she made her way to the north, into the Everwinter Storm where the Crystal Empire awaited. There, a changeling priestess offers refuge and Sanctuary on holy ground. There, the queen might be able to secure a refuge for her son. Perhaps his father would be keen to take him in while she set about the business of righting the wrongs against her.

Vengeance, but only after her son is seen to a safe and secure environment.

But why let him be raised by prey?

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
All OC's are mine unless specified.

This story is not canon past season 3.
Chrysalis' name from the show will not be used as her real name, but as the code name given to her by the ponies for investigative purposes.

You guys are awesome. Thank you!

Chapters (27)

With Canterlot's steam-powered upgrade from the Great Innovation, Directors Celestia and Luna thought the upcoming wedding in Canterlot would dazzle everycreature around. But then the cyborg changelings came - and in their wake, the return of Equestria's formerly most prolific usurper. Can Sunset get the truth from Chrysalis in her last Canterlot case? And will she like what she finds - about Chrysalis or herself?

Pic credit goes to Underpable. Commission for PrussiAntique.

Thanks to Steel Quill, SweetBanana, and TCC56 for pre-reading/reviewing!

WARNING: Steampunk Sunset Shimmer Strongarms Sadistic Steel-Swathed Shapeshifters. Say that three times fast.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves: When Universes Collide

The holidays at Canterlot High are always lovely. Bells ring, children sing, and old friends reunite. Sunset and her friends are in good cheers when the Doctor returns for a visit. However, he discovers a crack in time leading to Equestria. Even when he closes it, the crack returns, and a swarm if Changelings comes out of it. With the TARDIS sent off who knows where, the Doctor is stuck between a rock and a hard place, as he must protect all of Canterlot High's students from the Changeling Invasion.

'Alternate Universe' tag for slight differences in the timeline.

Chapters (14)

Grogar’s master plan is coming to full fruition as the time of vengeance and Armageddon is nigh upon Equestria. However, he needs to eliminate loose ends first before he can accomplish his goal. His scheming minions Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow are trying to backstab him with a plot of their own. Fortunately for him, he has a mysterious friend who has been collaborating with him not too long ago. Is there something more to Grogar’s plan than meets the eye? Who is this ally that Grogar allied himself with? What does he intend to do with his would-be traitors? Will this ally of his grant him an army so powerful that all of Equestria will tremble before them? Join him as he unfolds his ultimate power and true colors.

Chapters (4)

One Changeling emperor attacks canterlot, to steal her daughters statue. Only to kidnap the princess and her friends. Separated by magic each of them sent to Changelings hive.

Chapters (11)

(Set after Season 6, completely disregards season 7 when that comes around, due to the nature of this story.)

It has been several months since Queen Chrysalis retreated from her hive, disappearing into the horizon of the badlands. Relations between Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom have improved dramatically in that time. But Chrysalis is still on the loose, likely playing it safe and quiet, feeding on scraps wherever she can.
It is on one night, at the edge of Ponyville that Tone Shift, an earth pony she had snacked on before, finds her. She is wounded, starving and weak. Despite not remembering their previous encounter, Tone Shift decides to help her anyway, taking the former Changeling Queen into his home to nurse her back to health. With little other choice, Chrysalis accepts his offer to help, wondering what fate has in store for her.

Check out my reading of this story over on YouTube: LINK HERE!

(Sex tag is mostly for suggestive dialogue and jokes, as well as maybe mild sexual content later on.)

Chapters (19)

Story Inspired by this GIF. Check it out.

Rainbow Dash receives a letter telling her that she is being given her own action figure line. However, things are not quite what they seem to be.

Not sure if Teen is correct but better safe then sorry.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to ULTRA LIVE! Sunset Shimmer

After bringing down Anon-A-Miss and defeating the alien duo Icarus and Metron two months ago; Sunset, Ultraman Ginga, and their friends have settled into a time of peace, with only the occasional giant monster attack. However, dark forces are looming on the horizon as Sunset's former demon, Fall, the cold emotionless Alien Baltan, and the entire rogues gallery of Equestria are now after her.

Fortunately, this time, Twilight Sparkle will be joining the gang, and she's brought some new tricks.

Oh well. Guess it's back to the grindstone.


Additional character tags:

Starlight Glimmer
The Dazzlings
King Sombra
Storm King
Tempest Shadow
Lightning Dust

Chapters (7)

In the space of a few minutes, Chrysalis' home is taken over, she is exiled from everything she ever knew, and her son is severely wounded. She has only one option to save her son, and her kingdom - joining forces with her old enemy, Twilight Sparkle. Understandably, the princess of friendship is reluctant - but will both leaders learn they have more in common than they imagined? Of course they will, that was rhetorical question.

(Image by Conicer http://conicer.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (11)