• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Queen Chrysalis 219 stories
  • Queen Chrysalis 219 stories Stories that focus on or have the queen of the Changelings
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - February, 2020
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Total Words: 7,011,024
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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This story is a sequel to The Ending of the Beginning

The moments of our lives are fickle things. We never really know what moments we'll remember years down the road, and we surely have no idea how significant some moments can be until they're already long past.

For three former villains, a great number of moments occurred between their fateful meeting with the former Princesses of Equestria and their ultimate revenge on two callous ponies from Manehatten. Some moments were tiny, still others enormous, but there was one thing they all had in common; for this odd little family, they meant the world.

Step back and peer through the window at these moments, these scenes, in the lives of three creatures who united to destroy, but were bonded together forever by love.


A collection of small scenes in the lives of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow between the events of the first and second chapters of 'the Ending of the Beginning.' They'll be written in no particular order, and put in order once all the scenes are completed.

Cover art borrowed from Flutterthrash


Villain-Tines Day- "Tirek and Chrysalis have their first Hearts and Hooves Day."

Rules for Dating Our Teenage Daughter- "Tirek and Chrysalis have a heart to heart with one of Cozy Glow's suitors."

Mother (Figures) Day- “Cozy Glow has some questions about how Chrysalis really feels about Mares Day.”

Sixteen Tons- “Tirek gets a job.” Suggested by Animation Crusader

Pick On Somepony Your Own Size- “Cozy Glow gets some unexpected back-up when dealing with a bully.” Suggested by Ember Shroud

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year- “The family celebrates Hearth’s Warming with some of the friends they’ve made over the years.”

Progress Reports- “Chrysalis starts getting mail from an unexpected source.” Suggested by Frustration in Excelsis

The Sound of Little Hooves- “Chrysalis has something very important to discuss with her husband.” Suggested by K9Thefirst1

The Imitation Game- “Chrysalis has mixed feelings about Cozy Glow’s choice in Nightmare Night attires.” Suggested by Vaguely Demented

We Need to Talk About Cozy- “Chrysalis attends her first parent-teacher conference.” Suggested by Animation Crusader

Upcoming Chapters;

Sleepovers 101- “Cozy Glow has Lily Vine and Mustard Seed over for her very first sleepover. Tirek and Chrysalis are unsure what to do.” Suggested by Green Cuppa

Decisions, Decisions- “Cozy Glow can’t decide what university to attend. Tirek and Chrysalis have an idea, but it comes with a heavy price.” Suggested by Wisp_of_a_Willow

Neigh-Borhood Watch- “The family’s neighbors debate their true intentions.” Suggested by ppg1998

The Chrysalis Revenge Squad- “The family is visited by three mares who don’t believe they’ve changed.” Suggested by ruthim345, bottleH2O, and Razzy.

Chapters (10)

Ruby Pinch has had enough, her mother's drinking had become out of control and so has she. One night after passing out drunk again, Ruby slips out into the night. With nowhere to go, she winds up in the Everfree Forest, only to be found by one of Equestria's greatest enemies...

...or are they?

This Fic contains the following ingredients:
Nice happy changelings
Happy endings
Possible sequel

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer told her friends that she was afraid to go back to her old town to celebrate the annual Sunset Festival. The Mane Six reassured her that she’s changed for the better, and that she wouldn’t have been invited if her old village had not believed she had reformed.

She decides to go with Trixie, but upon leaving, Twilight and the others were captured by Queen Chrysalis which made Starlight come back and get an unlikely team to save them!

But what if something else happened?

What if Starlight was too afraid to go to the festival that she didn’t leave? And what if Chrysalis and her changelings arrived at that same moment to invade Ponyville? How different would it might have been?

Well, actually, it would end up being a smart move for Starlight since she would stay and save her friends BEFORE they were captured. But what if that’s what happened instead?

An alternate ending to the season 6 closer, To Where and Back Again, and the second in my alternate ending series.

Chapters (1)

This is the sequel to My Little Chryssie.

Edited by Shadow Blades, iakovl, FlutterSky1979, and operaticphantom to whom I am grateful! Other editors will show on the chapters in which they lent their time and efforts.

Cover art by spier17. Go check out his stuff!

Michael Spriggs is invited to Equestria so he may visit his daughter, the budding changeling Chrysalis in the midst of her teen years. He's missed her terribly in the month since she left, but Luna visited him and offered him the opportunity to traverse worlds and see his little pumpkin.

He is shocked to discover the ponies have been watching Earth for a long time and are preparing to make first contact with Earth. However, his concerns lay fully on the purpose of his visit to this strange world. Fully intending to return home, Michael will follow his daughter in her choice to go out and seek other changeling hives to learn about herself.

Join them, a sorceress, an overweight changeling, and the Sun and the Moon as they venture deep into the greatest lair of the changelings and meet the mysterious Empress of the Changelings. There are secrets, personal quests, discoveries, and the simple desire to survive the odd things this world has in store for a simple human.

Not all is as it seems as changeling eyes are upon father and daughter; watching, waiting...

Rated T for language, violence, sensuality and gore.
MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
OCs are mine unless specified.

This will be updated as changes occur.

Featured 7/6/2014, 9/12/14. You guys are awesome. Thank you!

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Sniffles

Having recovered from the lowly sabotage that had seen her briefly bedridden, The Queen and her thoroughly useless human servant can now proceed with vengeance, domination, victory and all other things that come naturally to her.

Events conspire to make this difficult.

Chapters (17)

A man comes across a filly, however she's not one of the Mane Six.

Sometimes life plays games with you. Everything you felt was important to you is taken and your past seems to have more stark moments of things you'd rather forget. Living alone and battling your own demons seems to be the only thing you have to look forward to. However, one night while walking home in the middle of a freak late summer storm in the middle of the night, something happened. Something terrifying. Something wonderful. Something unexpected.

It's an old trope, not a fresh idea, but this is a story about me and My Little Chryssie...

Cover art by ZuTheSkunk. Check out dat artwork! A special thanks goes out to this artist who so graciously allowed me to use his work.

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust
OCs are mine unless specified.

Chapters (8)

After losing her hive, Queen Chrysalis is forced to start another one. Luckily she has the help of a few loyal subjects who never accepted their fellow changelings new way of life. They must stay hidden from enemies, collect enough food to survive and rebuild their strength. Now the first brood has hatched and there is something very different about one of the larva.

Chapters (77)

While returning from a political summit in the dragon lands, King Thorax and Prince Pharynx navigate their way through a dense woods. When gnarled branches and twisting shadows take shape, the brothers find themselves holding their ground against the changeling's former tyrant. But while one brother readies himself for a fight, the other faces his predecessor unarmed, seeking not victory, but answers.

* Edited by Double R Forrest
* Part of the Love Bug Continuity!
* Covert art commissioned by me, created by the always fantastic Percy-McMurphy!

Chapters (1)

It was that moment, that accursed moment when the glass shattered for her and everything went straight to Tartarus. The moment she took it and stood up. That damned moment that doomed her into the life of misery. If only she could stop it. If only she had a moment to tell her that time.

"I don’t want to be…"

Set in an alternate universe where the defeated Chrysalis took Starlight Glimmer's hoof.

Regretting the path she had taken, Chrysalis sets in motion a plan to undo a key point in her past.

Will her attempt succeed? Or is there yet another path to choose?

A contest entry to FanOfMostEverything's delightful ponydox contest: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/915967/contest-a-most-delightful-ponidox

Cover artist:groomlake here's the full

Edit2:I would like to thank Scarheart and kildeez for their editing and their honest emotional support they gave me. Plus my friend Kyle whos last name will not be disclosed as he is only on facebook afaik. His emotional support was invaluable during my writing hiatus.

Chapters (1)