• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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memorable 238 stories
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Celestia decides to see just how right she was in her choice regarding Twilight's ascension. But upon stepping off the Cutie Map, the world is shattered and she aims to find out why.

If you're interested in more, Apathy is the sequel.

Chapters (1)

Starlight and Trixie enjoy spending time with one another, and often they will just spend entire afternoons having pleasant conversations together. One such afternoon brings just such a talk, as the two mares decide to finally settle, once and for all, the ultimate question. Who was really Twilight's arch-enemy?

Chapters (1)

We, the ponies of New Canterlot, do hereby dissolve the position of Monarch of Equestria, stripping it of all rights and privileges, effective immediately.

Second place in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Event 100 contest. The prompt was "A Worthy End."

Cover art by the delightful Snow Quill.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been losing her mind. She lives plagued by nightmares and hallucinations.

Discovering she's not alone, Twilight realizes Equestria may be in great danger. She seeks counsel with Princess Luna to discover the truth about her nightmares. However, Luna warns Twilight the knowledge she seeks will come at great personal cost.

Twilight Sparkle would give up anything to save Equestria, but how much will she sacrifice just to learn the truth?

Special thanks to Bradel for his editing advice.

This story won First Place in The Writeoff Association's "A Matter of Perspective" contest.

Now featured on Equestria Daily.

This story has been accepted to the Royal Guard archive.

This story has been accepted to the Nonpareil Fiction archive.

Chapters (8)

Celestia and Luna have just announced their intention to retire and pass the throne to Twilight.

Before everyone can start assuring Twilight she'll do great as ruler of Equestria, Twilight refuses and explains why it wouldn't make sense for her to take the throne. From there, the conversation swerves.

This is a story for those who think Celestia and Luna retiring is a bad idea, and that Twilight found her true calling as a teacher rather than a ruler.

Featured: 8/22/2020 - 8/26/2020

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has always been frustrated with Discord. His ability to do anything, with no more effort than a snap of his claw. It shouldn't be possible. His power had to come from somewhere.
Then, one day, Twilight lets slip how she feels. Surprisingly Discord agrees to explain it to her. To give her the secret to all of his powers. If she's willing to pay the price that knowing it all will bring.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has fulfilled her destiny and become the sole ruler of Equestria.

Unfortunately, at her first council meeting, she learns a terrible truth.

Equestria is a bit of a mess.

Chapters (1)

It is Heartswarming Eve, and filly Twilight Sparkle wants to stay at the empty castle with Princess Celestia, refusing to go home with her parents even after the monarch has sent all the staff back to their families. But why?

Twilight's answer leaves Celestia contemplating all the ways that make the lavender unicorn so special.

Thank you to the wonderful readings by Lonely Fanboy48 over here and one by Agent0Fluffy over here!

And also, a Russian translation by GreatDragonLord over here!

Chapters (1)

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Things seem to be falling through the cracks lately. Spike thinks I should go see the doctor, but...

Chapters (1)

When Spike returns home early from a gathering he sees something that causes him to go running from their little home...the sight of Twilight and Caramel together.

Once Twilight finds him, shivering and cold, she decides to try to address his fears...by giving him The Talk.

But, to Twilight's surprise, it may not be a talk about basic biology that Spike needs...perhaps something far more important is on his mind.

Chapters (2)