• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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memorable 238 stories
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Princess Celestia spends time taking care of a familiar sick little filly, and along the way, learns a lesson mothers - blood or not - all one day learn.

Took inspiration from Melt, go check it out - it was adorable!

Featured No.2 on 22/08/21, and No.1 on 23/08/21! Thanks guys!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has decided to snuggle Sombra. She told Shining Armor about this, and, of course, he had to ask "why?"

The answer was something he fails to grasp.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds out something isn't quite right about the crystal castle and herself. When she learns that something has changed about her and she isn't who she thinks she is, she tries to find out why and how that came to pass.
The answers isn't what she expected, but now that she knows, what will she do with that information? Will she change, continue, or end it all?

Chapters (5)

A journal was found. Old and weathered with years untold. The first entry was dated yesterday:

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and for the last 33 days I've been stuck in a time-loop, repeating the 23rd of March, 2 A.R. It is still unknown how the loop started, nor how I can end it. All I can say with any amount of certainty is that time for the rest of the world resets every night, and every morning I wake up it is the morning of the 23rd.

Now with a reading by ObabScribbler. Link!

Chapters (1)

Luna suspected something was troubling Twilight, but she didn't realize just how deep the hurt went...or how close she was to losing her.

Art by FidzFox

Featured from 4/5/2021 to 4/8/2021, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

An audio reading of this story by Rainbow Infinity is available at this link.

Chapters (1)

The hands of the clock keep turning. The passage of time continues its unrelenting march. Twilight and her friends continue to live rich lives, accomplishing their dreams and so much more. Yet, what is Twilight to do when, one day, she realizes she doesn't know her friends that well anymore?

Written for April Fools 2014. A bit of sad to balance out all the shenanigans.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle was flying with Rainbow Dash when she gets stuck in the sky.

...and this fic is the fic that pierced Twilight's Library on 7/20/2014!

Chapters (1)

After Twilight's psychotic break involving the Want It, Need It spell, Princess Celestia banishes her former student from Canterlot Castle and severs all ties.

A young and emotionally tortured Twilight Sparkle refuses to face facts. The same insanity that pushed her to the brink when she made that unforgivable error in judgment now compels her to fix it. Twilight will stop at nothing to get back in Celestia's good graces.

No, that's not right. She won't stop there, either.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "Princess Not Included*" contest.

Chapters (1)

Retired Princess Celestia writes a goodbye letter to Twilight Sparkle, before embarking with Luna on a journey.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's gone. In her battle through time, she died, a victim of an alternate timeline. Starlight is defeated, but at what cost?

Spike's lost the pony that's always loved him, the one who acted as a mother, sister, teacher, and best friend. Now he's in pain... but he's not alone. Because Twilight's friends have vowed not to let him become an orphan. In place of one mother, five will now raise him.

AU in regards to The Cutie Re-Mark and Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Basic idea by Rated Ponystar

Chapters (7)