• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


More of a reader than a writer.

memorable 238 stories
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Twilight couldn't remember ever having seen Princess Celestia get sick. That simply doesn't happen to alicorns. And yet there she lies, on her bed, delirious. If only she knew how to help.

Lengthened version of the tenth-place finisher in the /fic/ mini write-off "One Little Mistake."

Cover art by Mica Halligan

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a reading!

Thanks to Themaskedferret for feedback on the draft.

Chapters (1)

A short little fic regarding Twilight and the importance getting enough sleep. Twilight gets no sleep then overreacts accordingly.

Celestial intervention may be necessary.

Chapters (1)

Sombra has won, and the Element of Magic is presumed dead or missing. Equestria has assumed the former. As the country prepares to defend itself, there is a rumor of a weapon that Sombra has that forces Celestia and Luna to rethink their defence. When they think they cannot have worse news, they find out that not everyone in Sombra's army is brainwashed.

Twilight was Sombra's prisoner. And yet, he hadn't killed her. Instead, he presents to her an offer that will change everything.... but she still has a plan in mind.

Have you ever heard of the saying, "The ends justify the means"?

Written by iAmSiNnEr
Cover Art by Zig-WORD

I am unsure if this will work. Hmm....
Updates are completely irregular, my writing schedule is :twilightoops:

If you have any comments, advice or notice any grammar mistakes, do leave them in the comment section below, I'd appreciate them :)

Chapters (2)

Ever since she stopped Sombra and saved the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle has taken an interest in dark magic. Princess Celestia catches wind of her student's interests, and tells her exactly why dark magic is not to be trifled with.

Image was used with permission.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Post Nuptials

The long lost chapter.

The day their son got married was... strange, to say the least. They want some answers. Too bad nopony is telling. And too bad they might not take it well when they find out.

Chapters (1)

When King Thorax released his reformed changelings into Equestria, Mister Lonely Heart set up shop in Ponyville as a "Grievance Counselor". He mimics ponies that his clients have ugly history with. Twilight Sparkle asks him to do a special job that reveals how deeply troubled her personal life really is.

Featured on 6/15/17! First time ever! Yowzah!🎃
TheDizzyDan did a great Youtube reading!IN THIS LINK!

Chapters (1)

Stress is driving Princess Twilight Sparkle crazy, but at least she seems able to regain control of herself once per week.

Oddly enough, Twilight's friends would love to put a stop to that... but Twilight controls a lot more than she realizes.

Even when it hurts, there are times it pays to lose control.

Chapters (1)

Three years after she first gained the Element of Magic, Twilight learns that it has a whole lot more in mind for her than being a simple librarian. Twilight falls into a coma to adjust to her new abilities and Celestia follows her to try and help. Unfortunately, while the sun goddess is away, monsters come out to play. An unexpected enemy declares war on Equestria while the princess sleeps. When Twilight awakens to a new world, will she be able to save it with her new powers?

Updates will be highly sporadic. I am going to need a plethora of OCs, so please submit them either as comments or PMs. You will be credited for your suggestions.

The title is a work in progress, as is the description. I may change to mature rating later, depending on the content of future chapters. This is an experimental first pony fic, so we'll see where it goes.

Chapters (6)

Inspired by the cover art (by glittering-pony).

Twilight hated when her teacher did it, but couldn't talk to anypony about it. After all, who would believe her if she said that Princess Celestia – always so refined, graceful and regal – could be even worse than Twily's own mother when it came to grooming? Nopony, that's who.

Except... Cadance might actually surprise her on that one.

Chapters (2)

No pony can hold onto their magic forever. Inevitably, a pony's body will be broken, and their magic will return to the air and soil. Celestia has held onto her magic for a very long time.

After many long years of preparation, the time for Twilight to succeed Celestia as Bearer of the Sun has come. But as the abdication ceremony in which Celestia will relinquish her power approaches, Twilight begins to desperately search for a way to stop the dread ritual of the ceremony and save her friend.

Chapters (1)