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Growing up is never easy, especially when you're a dragon among ponies and the closest thing you've ever had to a parent is a slightly scatterbrained young unicorn. When tempers boil over, can this makeshift family pull itself back together?

Chapters (1)

Golden Bracer, a Lieutenant of Celestia's Royal Guard, has desires that somewould declare shameful, perhaps even indecent. One day, however, these desires find him invited into Princess Celestia's own private quarters. With his honor as a guardspony on the line, Golden Bracer can only hope to keep his secret safe.

Chapters (1)

When a madmare bestows a 'gift' upon a humble cellist, her life is changed forever. Her lifelong career ruined, and the royal guard unwilling to enact some justice upon the one who wronged her, she decides to take matters into her own hooves.

If only things were ever that simple...


inspired by this image by the talented Tzelly-El on DeviantArt

No this doesn't mean i'm dropping Vampony chronicles, i just felt like writing something with a different tone to it.

Chapters (6)

Luna is haunted by mysterious monsters while she grows up. Can the Doctor help her before it is too late?

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia lies unconscious without explanation… And the sun refuses to rise. Desperate, Luna calls upon her Sister’s faithful student for help in an effort to enter the Princess of the Sun’s mind through a dreamscape to find the cause of her mysterious coma.

But once they enter, finding themselves in a place of magic itself, a place where a pony’s fears, dreams and histories manifest themselves as worlds of epic proportions, are the two mares ready for what they find inside?

An action fantasy novella.
Featured on EqD!

Chapters (6)

Trixie Lulamoon, the personal student of Princess Luna, has finally, through a combination of reasoning, pleading, and whining, managed to convince the princess to invest some real responsibility in her, and give her a chance to show off everything she's been learning while under the alicorn's wing. Luna has appointed Trixie to be the official representative of her Night Court to the town of Ponyville, which this year will be hosting the Longest Night Celebration. Trixie is additionally tasked with overseeing the preparations for that festival.

At first, things seem to be going less than swimmingly. The catering is way too many kinds of apples, the weather patrol is far behind, the musical maestro is nowhere to be found, and the decorations could use significant toning down. To top it all off, Trixie can't help but feel that this was less an appointment to a position of real responsibility, and more an informal exile from the Night Court. Still, things could be worse: a mad alicorn goddess of fire and hate could escape from her millennial imprisonment on the sun and try and conquer Equestria.

But what are the chances of that?

A prequel to Boast Busted
Part of the Lunaverse
Now has a TVTropes Page!

Chapters (18)

Fact: Dinky Doo has the best mother in the world, and Dinky Doo is fully aware of this. Ditzy Doo works hard for her every day, and Dinky tries her hardest to be the daughter that her mom deserves. To really show how much she cares for Ditzy Doo, Dinky needs to get her mother the best birthday gift ever. A new jewelry store opening up in Ponyville provides the perfect opportunity. Unfortunately, Amethyst Star's Fine Jewlers is going to result in far more than Dinky bargained for...

A Lunaverse story.
TVTropes Page!

Chapters (6)

Rarity is once again too busy to spend time with her sister. With Twilight Sparkle looking after her, Sweetie Belle discovers a liking of poetry and tries to write a poem about her sister.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle pulls a prank on Rarity, but a good laugh is not the only thing that she wants.

Chapters (1)

The speaking of rhymes. Zecora has never spoken without rhyme, but... what happens when she can't rhyme?

Chapters (1)