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This story is a sequel to Why No One Messes With Celestia

In the wake of Celestia's return to Equus, the ponies have worked tirelessly to prepare for the arrival of the Ascended. Defenses have been set up, weapons prepared, allies warned, but most important of all in the minds of both Diarchs, a cure for the Indoctrination has been pursued.

The Ascended, or the Reapers as they are known to the rest of the galaxy, are not amused. They attack in force, unwilling to stand by and let this small, barely space-worthy race of unascended quadrupeds neutralize their most effective weapon in their march towards galactic cleansing.

Now they too shall learn to fear the dark, and the Princess who controls it.

Chapters (2)

Discord wants Twilight to hit him. Twilight thinks there has to be a catch. Set in the same continuity as my TNG crossover fics, between "The Princess and the Dragon" (and also "Discord's First, Last and Only Friendship Report") and "The King Who Would Be Man", but Discord being Q isn't relevant to this specific story.

A page for this series now exists: Next of Kin to Chaos

A zipped copy of a WMA Audio file of me reading this story is now up on my web site, but be warned, the zip file is 28 megs. (The WMA is a good bit bigger than that.) I have an MP3 version as well, but it was both larger and less compressible, so I went with the WMA version instead.

Chapters (1)

An unexpected turn of events have lead to Discord's freedom, but his plans are turned asunder when Twilight Sparkle accidentally badly injures him.

Vulnerable and weak, the spirit is taken in under the ever watchful, gentle and concerned eyes of Fluttershy. Through this time of healing, the pegasus discovers that there's more to this miscreant than meets the eye, and she's determined to prove it.

Through this process dark secrets are revealed, pain is revealed, and gradually a hidden side never seen of the draconequus, and Fluttershy struggles to push him and past friends back together.

Will she ultimately have an effect on his indifferent heart or this only another one of his dastardly plans?


(So far there are already ten written chapters. If this story gets good reception I'll upload them all and continue to update. If you're impatient, all chapters can be found on my deviantart account at cryssy-miu.deviantart.com There is also a ton of art on my account too, which includes the story's preview image~)

Chapters (19)

After the events of "Broken Spirit", things couldn't be better as everything is once again in perfect harmony, and Equestria has gained a new guardian. When things first begin to affect the land, nopony pays much attention until utter destruction begins to take hold, particularly on Equestria and the realm of Disarray. The rulers of the lands find themselves powerless and desperately seeking the source of the madness, unaware of the darkness they will find in the truth.

Now Discord, the princesses, and the six must team up with an old foe to find answers, and fast. As secrets are revealed, the realms suddenly find themselves launched in a war against the threat, and in the midst of the journey, Discord finds himself becoming more acquainted with his background than he'd like to be, as questions are answered. Is he really the product of demons? And what was his life before he ended up in the care of Aegeus and Astraia?

Chapters (9)

Celestia and Discord were the rulers of Equestria, King and Queen, and husband and wife, but there was a common misconception about the two of them. Just based off many meetings and audiences, both appeared to be very democrat and civil. They never ignited a conflict, but merely solved it with dignity and grace.

However, that never left the royal court.

Beyond royal regiments they needed to adhere to, the two were far from civil when they were with each other at times. And they. Could. Fight.

Set in "Distorted Worlds" pre-events, soon after marriage.

Chapters (1)

“Do you remember the day we first met?”

Celestia has been having recurring dreams; dreams that she wishes would go away. But they won't, they only increase in their frequency. One night, she gives in and visits that statue in the royal garden. The statue that haunts her sleep. The statue of her one true love, the statue that she made. That night, under the statue, she remembers the day they first met.

Chapters (7)

Pinkie Pie, reality's "Blind Spot." Capable of impossible things, things that nopony would understand. That is, if they ever tried. Everypony gave up on figuring her out a long time ago, including Equestria's most notorious scholar, Twilight Sparkle.

Enter Discord. He senses something that should be impossible, even for him, and traces it back to Pinkie Pie. Then he does what he should have done back when he was first freed from stone.

A.N. Cover art by the talented Hei201 Featured on March 29th, 2015.

Chapters (23)

Just when Twilight’s at the end of her rope, weighed down with her latest mistake, Discord pays her a surprise visit for a “dance lesson.” Grudgingly she accepts and finds that there’s more to be had from Discord’s lesson than a simple dance routine. Sometimes it takes an intervention to see what should have been obvious from the start.

A collab with my best friend, Miranda Laufeyson. Couldn't have done it without her!

Now with an audio recording by Crafty Arts! Check it out.

Cover art by BlazeMizu on deviantart. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Long ago, Commander Hurricane set an example that still resonates with all pegasi who fall in love with their ground bound kin. Every pegasus knows the story, the tradition is deeply engrained and held dear to their hearts.

Now, if only Twilight could curb her curiosity long enough to enjoy and appreciate just how important she is to Rainbow.

Pre-reading and editing assistance by Melon Hunter and Timaeus.

Art originally by ELZZombie

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's life hasn't been the easiest. Being orphaned at a young age and brought up in the foster system came with its own set of challenges, not the least of which was a lack of older pegasi around to teach her how to fly. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash can help with that. With her honorary big sister taking a more active role in her life, Scootaloo learns much more about herself than just how to fly.

A story about love, family, and growing up.

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Chapters (18)