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The changelings never asked to metamorphose into completely new bodies, but it happened anyway, and they will never change back to what they were. For some, this is one of the most horrific things to happen to their species. For others, it's one of the most awesome.

Chapters (1)

(A retelling of the episode "She's All Yak")

"This is the story of a young creature who believed that in order to win the approval of another, she had to change what, and therefore, who she was. This is a belief that has been held by many a creature throughout time. However, no creature that held to this believe ever found happiness. Why? Because to hide or change one's own identity just to please someone else is foolishness, as that other creature clearly doesn't have the first creature's best interests at heart. At the same time, those who truly do care would be turned away by the sight of their friend twisting and corrupting their identity, and thus would their friendship die."

"This is the tale of a young creature who learned this lesson the hard way. . . It is a tale of love."

Chapters (3)

Leaving Carousel Boutique the morning before he and Yona are set to debut their latest fashion line, Sandbar finds himself thinking about life, love, the future, and what his relationship with Yona might mean in a larger, universal sense.

Unfortunately, thinking's not the sort of thing that usually turns out well for him.

The original version of this story placed second in the 131st Writeoff, Cutting Corners.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis disguised as an unicorn was just sitting in ponyville park. She was not feeding on the abundant love around her. She wasn't attacking ponies and encasing them in cocoons, in fact all that she was doing was watching the ponies go on about their business on this Hearts and Hooves day. Starlight knew that she was up to something but she hadn't moved or done anything other then watch pony couples and it was driving Starlight crazy.

Chapters (1)

It’s not easy being Queen. Especially not if you’re the Changeling Queen. It’s even harder and more frustrating when some peasant convinces all your subjects to abandon you and instead become some colourful butterfly/deer thingies.

But hey, that’s just how it is. Times are changing, and Chrysalis will have to adapt to the inevitable, whether she wants to or not.

And with that I mean she really, really, really doesn’t want to.

Lesson one: Food.

Chapters (1)

What do you get when Twilight finds a thing that has never been categorized in any book?


Chapters (1)

Weeks after Chrysalis's failed attempt to take over Equestria and the subsequent transformation of the changeling race, Thorax is caught off guard by an unexpected visitor to the hive. As the two talk, they learn more about one another, and possibly resolve some bad blood between them.

Proofread by Malefactory

Chapters (1)

"Hey Thorax?"

"Yeah, Spike?"

"Remember when you said you remember being different from the other changelings the day you were hatched?"


"Well, I asked Twilight about it and... Well, apparently nopony really remembers that far back in their lives."

Thorax flinched.

When Thorax made the plan to move to the Crystal Empire, he didn't think it would be so easy as it was. Then again, nothing ever goes according to plan. Thorax learns this the hard way. Having just convinced the rulers of the Crystal Empire, his first friend pops the question he did not want to hear.

Now, his story is quickly falling apart and his mind must work overtime to maintain his recent clemency.

After all, he's not a regular changeling. The ponies believe it too, just for different reasons.

Rated Teen for Language

Chapters (1)

Pharynx is still coming to terms with all the changes, both to the Hive and to himself. While Thorax leads his people into the bright new future, Pharynx is desperately trying to keep the Hive safe.

Is it so wrong to worry about each and every member of his Hive family even while the rest of the Hive is buzzing over holiday festivities? Especially the one member of his Hive studying abroad at the School of Friendship?

Thank you to ninjadeadbeard for help with the cover art, and daOtterGuy for pre-reading.

Written for CitreneSkys for Jinglemas 2021

Chapters (3)

Believing it to be an easy job, two thieves broke into Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle. With no Royal Guards protecting the castle and Twilight herself gone, her valuable possessions were as good as theirs.

Or so they thought.

Last but far from least, special thanks to Little Tigress for drawing the great cover art.

EDIT: Featured through 09/09/20--09/14/20!!
#1 story with mature mode enabled on 09/09/20
#1 story w/o mature mode through 09/09/20--09/11/20

EDIT on 10/19/20: Has an audio reading done by the youtuber Enharmonic!


Chapters (1)