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Knowing Thorax had struggled to convince some of his follow changelings to change, Princess Twilight Sparkle decided to visit the changeling hive and check up on him.

It turned out, with the exception of one changeling, Pharynx, all of the changelings had finally accepted the new way and had transformed as a result. Even so, as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight took it upon herself to get Pharynx to change his ways and learn friendship.

No matter how many times Pharynx says "no".

Chapters (1)

In the middle of her "Princess Business" in Las Pegasus, Princess Celestia decides to make a quick stop at the world renowned pawn shop, Bronze & Copper in hopes to experience the genuine pawning experience.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon and her human lover cuddle in bed together.

Cover Art by radomartxx01

Featured 7/26/2022!
Featured 7/27/2022!
Featured 7/28/2022!

Chapters (1)

It's a beautiful day in the city of Cantershot, and Princess Killestia isn't taking Twifight Sparkill's suspicions seriously. How is she supposed to defeat an Ancient Good if she has to travel to Ponykill to make more minions? All the ponies there are crazy! And who is this strange creature with mismatched limbs that keeps trying to interfere with Spike's day?

This is a crackfic. It is a crackfic I have taken way too seriously. Please don't read into the crackfic, it's entirely an excuse to come up with a bunch of super edgy pony name substitutions.

Edit: Now with an excellent reading by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

Their eyes met across a crowded park. Okay, they didn't, but still. She was everything Scootaloo wasn't: She flew, constantly. Her cutie mark stood proud on her flanks. She dictated the actions of the Bearers of the Elements.

She had to be stopped.

Foes will act as one. Plots will be hatched. Colts will be embarrassed. All to put an end to the foulest, most sinister force Ponyville has ever seen:


Rated teen for unintentionally suggestive dialogue and allusions to violence, just to be on the safe side.

Chapters (1)

Solar Sail is lost, drifting on the seven seas in his life boat. He doesn't have much time left, but that's never stopped him before. While he sails slowly towards his inevitable end, Luna is working in her dreamscape. It's not as easy as she makes it look.

I wanted to write a story inspired by "Papagayo: The Mischief Maker". This hardly does the original justice, but it's neat to think about. Papagayo's stories are a fun little creation legend for kids, and it holds a permanent spot in my brain! Along with a ton of nonsense from Rudyard Kipling. Hmm... Maybe I can write more like this.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Owe You One

"I must admit I wanted you to save me,/Now I'm sat on the ground, feeling half crazy./I don't want you to go." -Arlo Parks, 'Softly'

Prequel: "I Owe You One"
Sequel: "When You Know You Know"

Awaking in the middle of the night, Gallus finds himself next to Ocellus, and the two discuss the situation, their relationship, and their future.

Pre-read and edited by Striving for Harmony.

Chapters (1)

There is an island, an island with a bizarre way of living. It's a way of life that has been gone for ages as civilization spread but still lingered in this place even to this day. It's the act of sacrificing individuals to deities unseen, a tradition frowned upon the modern world.

What could the be reason behind it? Who's this deity they're speaking of? And more importantly, who's the unlucky pony that they're going sacrifice?

These are the questions that Permanent Marker will unfold as he enters the mysterious and magical island of Heartfire Isle.

Chapters (5)

The thunder listens.

Written for a Quills and Sofas Speedwriting panic. The prompt was something to do with lightning. I can’t really remember to be honest. It was a year ago! Thought I should polish it up a little bit and get it out there.

Thanks to Snow Quill, Sunlight Rays, and Vis-a-Viscera for proof-reading during the initial contest :)

Chapters (1)

His defeat during the siege of the Crystal Empire did not kill Sombra. He was already dying. Now alone in a frozen wasteland, his final moments approach.

Now with audio reading (for older version) by Coombs & Kuroba.

Chapters (1)