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Knead Top is a lonely pizza shop owner. After inheriting the shop (and all the responsibility) from his parents after their passing, he’s had a hard time making the bills due to the severe lack of customers.

Canterlot just wasn’t in the mood for pizza anymore.

However, one pony seemed to be.

…Princess Luna and Topple enjoyed the night they spent together.

(Topper’s Pizza logo belongs to Topper’s Pizza. This isn’t the logo of the Topper’s Pizza I usually go to down in SoCal, but it works.)

Chapters (1)

Lofty doesn’t reply to that. The sky flashes white and a roar of thunder sweeps them up. “Are you sure you wanna do this?”

“Yes!” Her voice cracks.

“Holly. I don’t think you do.”

“I do.” It comes far weaker this time. Her grip on the wheel falters.

Lofty sighs. She puts a hoof on Holiday’s shoulder. “It’s not too late to turn around,” she whispers.

Entry for the Lofty Holiday contest.

Chapters (7)

One thousand years ago, Nightmare Moon overpowered Celestia and banished her to the sun. As dictator of Equestria she's come to a slow eventual conclusion. She needs someone in charge of relations. And, like any good dictator would do with a undesirable job, she outsourced it.

Chapters (15)

A long figure, garbed in a flowing red cloak, walks the streets of Canterlot in the pre-dawn hours. Their path will take them directly to Canterlot Castle. Their march is slow and steady, only stopped by a chance encounter.

Cover Image Source

Edited by: Kiernan

Not a parody of "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allen Poe.

Edit: Featured 2/27-3/2/2022 Thank you all!!

Chapters (1)

When most ponies think about the Canterlot Wedding, they think of a few main things. The imposter bait and switch, the invasion that followed and how, against all odds, the love between the Bride and Groom was able to push back the invaders that stormed through the city.

Ironically, most of those things just so happened to be included with the event package Princess Cadance picked. And the queen herself? Well, when she says that she planned this, she meant it in more ways than one.

A funny one shot that came into my head after seeing this piece by Icey_Starr.

Also, it's been ten years since Canterlot wedding? Man time flies by fast.
Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro.

6/23/2022- Reached the Popular stories box and Feature box!

Now with an audio reading from StraightToThePointStudios! :pinkiehappy:
And a second reading by Lotus Moon :pinkiegasp:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How many have you forgiven today?

For Anon, so much has changed in a little amount of time. He can't really complain about it either. Things are getting better and he knows that the sisters are happy too. However, there's been a change in Celestia, it's small but it still has him questioning the reason. Did he do something wrong or could it be something else?

A special thanks to the following people:
PeerImagination, Dedicated and always ready to proofread any story I make. (c1-13)
SirReal, Countless hours of editing and refining my story. (c1-8)
Proofreading (c1-6) by Ra1nbowCrasH and Anonimous
I appreciate all the time you've invested in my stories.

Chapters (23)

For nearly one thousand years, the ponies of Equestria had a legend. A legend of a creature who resided in the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters. An immortal being, one who had near omnipotent powers, but who only appeared in the Castle and its grounds at night, unable to leave. Ponies were wary of the creature, who was only known by the name Djinn, a Saddle Arabian name for a creature who could grant wishes to anypony who was brave enough to approach. This Djinn was unlike any creature known to the world, mostly because nopony who’d ever ventured to the Castle to ask for a wish never could remember what it looked like.

After a death in Ponyville of one mare who attempted to have her wish granted, Princess Celestia herself intervenes and visits her old castle to meet with the Djinn in pony, but is confused by what she finds...


The concept behind this was pitched to me by yakopak.

Chapters (1)

Twilight didn't expect she would get to know anypony in Ponyville, let alone travel with them through one of the most dangerous forests in Equestria to fight a supercharged alicorn in an abandoned castle.

What she REALLY didn't expect was that she wasn't going to be the one fighting.

I did not draw any of the art that is on the cover. I only photoshopped Let Me Solo Her into the image.

p.s. writing this has given me aids.

p.p.s. Thanks for getting this on to trending, I like watching numbers go up.

Chapters (1)

“I’ve been in the land of Equestria for a few months now, and I have seen some of the most mind-boggling things one can ever imagine seeing. When I’d managed to finish that birdbath a few days ago, I have never, not even in my wildest dreams—not in a million lifetimes—would I ever seen an alicorn floating around inside of it.”

(Because of popular demand this story has been placed on the incomplete list, also Chapter titles and name has been edited to better represent the story. Thanks to Jakomi of the Rose for the name suggestion.)

Chapters (11)

Silverstream has never been a half-measures kind of girl. So when Gallus returns from a rotten trip to Griffonstone in need of a pick-me-up, she's prepared to do whatever it takes to lift his spirits. And she knows exactly what she must do.

Hijack the Wonderbolts in his honor.

Cover Art by Hioshiru
Thank you to Meridian Prime and semillon for being handsome. And for helping me put this story together.

Chapters (4)