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This story is a sequel to A Day for Family

Friends and Family Day has come and gone, leaving behind both many happy families with a plethora of newly-forged, long-lasting memories, and one exhausted griffon with a multitude of hauntingly bad memories that he would rather forget.

Of course, he also made quite a lot of good memories as well. Funnily enough, almost all of them focus on a certain pink hippogriff. These are memories he wouldn't trade for the world.

Unfortunately, it's never really that easy even if Gallus wishes it would be. So while he may be in a far better place than he was before, he's still far from being as well as he could or wants to be.

Luckily, he has a great number of others, willing to stand by his side to help him heal. His teachers... His friends... Silverstream... All of the ones that he loves are standing with him as he makes his journey toward serenity. And while that long, arduous journey is still his to walk...

He doesn't have to walk it alone.

WARNING: Though the Suicide Tag is included, the act itself does NOT occur! In fact, it is added specifically because of Chapter Nine - and ONLY Chapter Nine - where the topic is brought up and discussed briefly.

All other chapters are devoid of any major discussions of the subject matter.

EDIT: Apparently, as of 1/15/2021, this story got featured! Thank you, everyone, so, so much for this! It really means a lot!

EDIT(8/18/2021): Much thanks to Johnerose126 for being awesome and gracing us with a brand new cover art!

Here's the link to the Cover version: https://www.deviantart.com/johnerose126/art/The-Bonds-of-Love-COVER-889056152

The full image version: https://www.deviantart.com/johnerose126/art/The-Bonds-of-Love-889054653

And Johnerose126's DeviantArt account: https://www.deviantart.com/johnerose126

Now go give them some love!

For anyone interested, the original cover art was found via Google Images; here's the link to it: https://www.deviantart.com/ejlightning007arts/art/Gallus-and-Silverstream-773813568

Chapters (16)

It's close to Heart's Warming, and it's one of the most exciting times of the year. As much as you love Heart's Warming, you were not a fan of winter due to the insanely cold weather.

After being outside for too long and with Twilight still busy in the middle of holiday preparations, you caught hypothermia and she was unaware of your condition. Which means that it was up to Starlight and Spike to help restore your body temperature.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Nightshift

An exhausted sleepwalking all-powerful Alicorn walks into a restaurant.

She kind of absolutely buggers the place up a lot.

I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

A short and comfy holiday one-shot in which your plans of spending the Hearth's Warming holidays alone are interrupted when you find yourself playing unwilling host to Starlight Glimmer. What begins as an inconvenience turns into a perfect Hearth's Warming Day!

Chapters (1)

It's Starlight Glimmer's first birthday after her reformation, and she's made a party that could rival one of Pinkie's parties! But it becomes very clear to both her and Anon that things are going to go much differently than what was planned.
Prompt was started on /mlp/, just decided to run with it and write a wholesome fic.

Chapters (1)

In the early morning of Hearth's Warming Day, Sombra awakens.

Written for ZeroMonkey for Jinglemas 2021

Thanks to The Sleepless Beholder, Emotion Nexus, and Dewdrops on the Grass for prereading.

Chapters (1)

What if Wallflower Blush’s pony counterpart in Equestria…wasn’t a pony at all?

Enter Wallflower Blush. The most dangerous changeling in Equestria that you’ll never meet.

CONTENT WARNING: This story contains depictions of war violence which some readers may find disturbing. This is a work of fiction, and I do NOT condone the immoral actions in this story.

DISCLAIMER: I have never read The Perks of Being a Wallflower before. I'm not even sure what it's about. I thought of the title a year ago and thought it was too good of a wordplay to pass up; the actual story came much later.

Cover art traced from 1, 2.

Story is set sometime before the changeling reformation.

Chapters (1)

In Equestria, when it rains it pours. A recent barrage of threats has included an evil queen from the moon, an invasion of shapeshifting bugs, and even a rampaging god of chaos.

Some days, Twilight Sparkle wishes there was an easy fix for it all. Some sort of rainbow laser that could solve any conflict. But wishful fantasizing doesn't keep ponies protected; hooves on the ground do.

Only guards like Twilight can keep Ponyville safe. Still, she won’t say no if a few locals offer help...

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

Expecting to live a rapturous life in Equestria getting loads of cash simply for teaching at a school about friendship, you weren't so satisfied when getting a lousy paycheck once every month! What's worse is that you weren't the only one disappointed at the low wages. Only one mare is responsible for providing these harsh wages; Princess Twilight.

Banding together, you protested inside the school halls to spread out the message to her and her cruelty to the public.

Chapters (1)