• Member Since 11th Jan, 2014


Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.

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A bout of sickness causes a rainbow maned pegasus to wander over to a friend's place late at night. However, the instant cure she is looking for doesn't exactly exist, and the condition has caused her to rethink a lot of things.

However, could a long term remedy be created between the two under the beautiful starry sky?


Cover art is an image by ~lostzilla, which can be found on deviantart.

Proofreading done by fellow author Sparkbrony

Chapters (1)

Everyday life can seem boring to some ponies. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle don't seem to have this issue since they became a couple.

Here are some reasons why.

A collection of short, standalone mini stories. This story won't have a specific update pattern, and mostly will be updated when any random little idea hits me. Also, this is completely unedited, so mistakes might exist.

Cover art can be found here

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash has unwittingly offended half of Ponyville, all thanks to one pony’s absurd confession of their undying love. Realising that her position as Ponyville’s flying team captain was slipping away, Rainbow Dash tells a lie; a lie that can only hope to stand up to Ponyville’s scrutiny with the cooperation of Twilight Sparkle.

Will Twilight agree to help Rainbow Dash? How long will they be able to deceive the rest of Ponyville with their farce? What will happen if Rainbow Dash realises that she has something more important in her life than flying?

Chapters (2)

After failing time and time again, Twilight Sparkle has had enough. No matter how hard she tries, she cannot show a certain cyan mare how she feels about her. Everything she attempts is always to no avail and there seems to be nothing left for her to do.

Well, nothing but turn to the most trustworthy source there is, a book.

Nothing could go wrong, right?

*Rated teen for a part towards the end (Not sexual, don't worry).
Thank you to Jiropracter and Aelan for pre-reading!
Coverart by http://colinmlp.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

Twilight has little experience in the world of dating, and decides to ask Rainbow Dash for help on the matter. Rainbow's "practice date" seems like a good idea: two good friends, one helping the other out in their quest for love. As friends. Just friends. Nothing more. Right?

Accepted into Twilight's Library on 3/25/14.

Dramatic Reading by joehighlord
Read Through by KhaosSparkz

Chapters (1)

Luna has a problem. She's spent all of her royal allowance, and she wants to go shopping! What's a mare to do? Ask her older sister of course! But when she is shot down for her own idea, Celestia decides that if Luna's going to get some extra bits, she's gotta earn it.

And so, Luna's going to have to clean out a vault filled to the brim with a thousand years worth of tributary gifts. Gifts she didn't ask for, or know she had, or even want! What will she do? Well, when you need bits, you do as the ponies do. Roll up your figurative sleeves and get to work!

(Based on a dream I had. Yeah, I'm a strange one.)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is many things. Awesome, radical, amazing, and at least twenty percent cooler than any other pony in Equestria.

She is also lost, lonely and uncertain. Not that anypony else would know.

During the day she is everything everypony expects her to be: she is fast, daring, and adventurous, but when the sun goes down, she is left alone with her thoughts. Tired of simply yearning for something more, she sets out on a night of soul searching and stumbles onto a friend in need, and maybe, underneath the vanilla twilight, she finds something more.

Chapters (2)

In the weeks following the coronation of Equestria's new princess, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are both troubled by regret. In the face of changes they can never reverse and actions they can never take back, they search for solace in solitude, but instead find each other in the small hours of the morning.

Inspired by Little Wonders by Rob Thomas.

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Winner of the TwiDash Showdown by a single vote.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash needs help with a problem. It's the day before Hearth's Warming Eve, and she still doesn't have a gift for one of her friends. But for this particular friend it can't be any old gift, no. This gift is for Twilight Sparkle; Student of Princess Celestia, Element of Magic, and Rainbow's crush.

Happy Hearths' Warming to everyone. I hope you enjoy this special I threw together for the festive season.

Chapters (1)