• Member Since 11th Jan, 2014


Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.

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An influx of weather duties has left Rainbow Dash more overworked and exhausted than ever. With no funds to go on a proper vacation to blow off steam, Rainbow is trapped in a endless cycle of waking up, going to work, and going to sleep.

When Rainbow's responsibilities make even flying no longer fun, Twilight offers to let her stay at the library for an all-expenses paid staycation. Though a little unsure, it doesn’t take much convincing from Twilight for Rainbow to change her mind. Expecting to just find some peace and quiet for a few days, Rainbow finds that and much more.

My (extremely late & winning) entry for the Third TwiDash Group Contest.

Editing done by The Abyss and DarqFox

Cover art by Rossby Waves

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is nothing if not an enthusiastic coach and teacher, but her winning smile isn't the reason Twilight asked her for flying lessons.

Okay... maybe it is... but only a little bit.

Still, looking isn't touching. It's not like Applejack could get mad if all Twilight wants is to spend a little time with her marefriend, could she?

Written as my entry into the AppleDashLight group's contest.

As always, pre-reading and editing assistance by the amazing Karrakaz and Steel Resolve.

Cover art by Johnjoseco over at DeviantArt.

Chapters (4)

An unusual storm falls upon Ponyville, leading to widespread destruction. Rainbow Dash is badly injured while fighting the storm and Twilight must take care of her until the storm ends. Twidash.

This is an entry for twilight-the-pony's "After The Storm" Twidash writing competition.

Chapters (1)

We were friends.
We were heroes.
Then, we were lovers.
We followed our hearts, and in doing so we became traitors. Now we'll run.
Why is it wrong? Can there really only be one way to love, and all others are wrong? Most importantly, why are we hated for love?

Be sure to check out my spin off story to this one (Eyes Unclouded)

Many thanks to my awesome editor pinkiepie17

(image by Jykinturah from deviant art)

Chapters (18)

Rainbow Dash loses a bet. Now she has to buy Twilight lunch.

3rd place finalist in the TwiDash 3.5 Contest!

Editors: IRpony and Enter Madness

Vector of Rainbow Dash by Sairoch

Chapters (1)

Every story has its beginning, every song has a start, and every love has its first date. For Twilight and Dash, this is theirs.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is stuck in a lengthy diplomatic meeting and can’t spend her time with the other girls during their beach vacation. Her being away causes Rainbow quite some distress – not only because she’s missing her, but also because there is a thing she needs to discuss with Twilight.

So when Twilight starts sending letters, Rainbow is excited. And she decides that she doesn’t care if Twilight is on a tight schedule – Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be Rainbow Dash if she couldn’t come up with a solution!

Written for the Third TwiDash Group Contest.

Cover art credits: Rainbow Dash, scroll, ink and quill, Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (3)

In the wake of a massive storm, time and patience will heal the physical damage to Ponyville and its residents. But how do you treat an injury that you can't see?
Winner of the TwiDash Writing Competition v3.5
Featured by The Royal Guard

Gorgeous cover art by the extremely talented Viwrastupr

Chapters (3)

After a rather unpleasant landing in a thorn bush, Rainbow's wing is hurt. Luckily, Twilight is there to mend her wounds and take care of her.

Proofread by TheShadow

Chapters (1)