• Member Since 11th Jan, 2014


Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.

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Rainbow Dash asked Twilight Sparkle out on a date. On the first of April.

When one pony plays a prank, and the other lays out their heart for all to see, disaster is bound to follow. A prank is by definition dishonest, but you don't need to lie to pull a prank.

I hate doing descriptions...
Happy April Fool's day! I felt guilty for not doing a Valentines day special so you get a special for a minor holiday instead!

Cover art generously provided by the wonderful Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her out!

Chapters (1)

It is a little-known fact that all living beings are born with a finite amount of bucks to give. It is little-know due to the fact that most ponies will die long before all of their bucks could been given. But Twilight Sparkle seems to give a buck about everything, and she's depleting her storage far too quickly. This is what happens when Twilight Sparkle runs out of bucks.

inspired by the youtube video: "Not Giving A F**k" by JonLajoie

Chapters (9)

When Rainbow Dash decides to pick up Scootaloo and hang out with her for birthday, she runs into something else. This incident leads Rainbow Dash to saving the filly.

Requested By: JourneyCatMLP

Inspired by the song: Metal Core Pony- Keep Faith

WARNING! Song contains screaming. If it's not your cup of tea, don't sip it. But if you're gonna try anyway, would you like a lump of sugar or two?

This is a sequel to: Keep Faith

I found a random image of Rainbow Dash and added my own little additions to it. I do not give or take credit for the image, nor, do I take any credit for the last image that I used for "Keep Faith."

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has challenged Twilight to a drinking contest on Casks and Clovers Day. Cute Twidash follows.

This is a short side-story to my good friend Surry's story, Princess Luna's Far-Out Casks And Clovers Day. I wrote this with explicit permission from him.

...I swear, writing descriptions is harder than writing the actual story!

Chapters (1)

Some days are tough, others are tougher. For Scootaloo, this is a tougher day. Sticks and stones can break bones, but words always kill me. Especially, when they make you feel worthless and pathetic. Once her favorite idol hears about this, Rainbow Dash is determined to help her out.

You'll be okay, I promise.

Inspired by a song called "Keep Faith." WARNING! The song contains screaming. So if it's not your cup of tea, don't try it. But if you wanna give it a try anyway, don't say I didn't warn ya.

I randomly found the image on the internet and added my own little additions to it. I do not take credit for it. At all. But here's the link that was kindly given to me for this artist: Where's that bloody link. It's gotta be somewhere. I just wonder where it is. Oh wait! There it is!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to TiM: A Lesson Learned

Story number three of the Twilight is Magic series. See author notes in first chapter for link to read order.
It has been forty years since Rainbow and Twilight married, forty years since they started on their new lives together. A time of peace overtook the land. With all races and nations sharing in the harmony of Equestria. Yet that is just the surface. Dark forces move underneath, planing their revenge.

Shout out to ModMCdl for the epic cover art!

Chapters (25)

It's almost Mother's Day. Scootaloo comes to Rainbow Dash with a startling question, but then backs off, feeling ashamed she asked it. Rainbow Dash, taken off-guard by the question, starts to question both herself, how she feels about Scootaloo, and about her past...

Chapters (1)

Celestia asks Twilight to move back to Canterlot for a year to work on her magical research, and to help her get better adjusted to life as a princess of Equestria. With all her friends being very busy, they'll barely have any time to see each other any more. Well, all of them except one. After all, what kind of Element of Loyalty would Rainbow Dash be if she didn't make time to be with her friends? But both of them will quickly learn that life doesn't leave much time for traveling, and distance is a hard thing to fight.

What's it like trying to keep in touch with the ones you care about only through writing?

A story about trying to deal with distance and love.

Thanks to HankOfficer on DeviantArt for the cover art!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to TiM: The Truth in Meanings

Story number two of the Twilight is Magic series. See author notes in first chapter for link to read order.

Note: this is largely a mindless fluff piece, if your expecting something deeper just move on.
This takes place six years after the events of TiM: The Truth in Meanings. It is a one-shot story detailing one day in Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle's new life of being parents.

This picture was my inspiration for the kids, change three things, Twilight is an alicorn, the unicorn is a colt with a rainbow mane, and Rainbow's wings are gold

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash. Best flyer in Equestria, 20% cooler and the most awesome mare in Ponyville.

...But none of those traits can win over the heart of a local librarian...

This is one of the hardest challenges she faced so far...

Thanks to the amazing Cynical for the edits.

Chapters (1)