• Member Since 11th Jan, 2014


Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.

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Twilight Sparkle is a troubled pony. She had just made five new friends for the first time in her life, yet she can't find it in herself to be joyous, despite facing down murderous beasts, winning a battle against Nightmare Moon, and helping a long-lost princess reclaim the throne.

Something is keeping Twilight Sparkle up at night.


[EDIT] To read my Real Episodes series, you can click the link, or find them via the FIMFic group, or my user page or blog posts. Thank you.

Chapter 3 of this story was edited by shadowsreached.
Chapter 4 of this story was edited by Hellpony.

Cover art by Minibot-1. (His DeviantART)

I give my thanks to the wonderful community of FIMFiction, who inspire me without end.

Chapters (4)

Dreams are such delicate things, and Scootaloo’s are more fragile than most.

But in Equestria, dreams are protected. Sometimes a filly just needs a helping hoof to learn how to hope again.

Edited by Knight of Cerebus

Cover art by Joemasterpencil. Go check him out!

This story has a reading! Slightly older version of the story, but the reading is very well done. It can be found here.

Chapters (1)

"Dear Celestia, what have i got myself into?" Twilight and Rainbow Dash have always had each others back, but now Dash has no choice but to put her life in Twilight's hooves. Due to one of Twilight's magical experiments gone wrong, Rainbow Dash has been changed back into a 3 year-old filly. Now Twilight has to find a way to to change her friend back before the effects become irreversible. But will Twilight's attitude go from 'mother' to 'lover'?

Chapters (2)

The Witch of the Everfree... a tale that has spread among all who live by the ever illustrious forest, to whom the witch truly is, no one knows apart from the one herself... until now. Twilight Sparkle had lived in the Everfree throughout most of her long life, since the corruption she was alone until not long ago when she met few companions. Trained along side her sisters through bond in arcane magic, given true immortality, she continued her studies alone only every now and again seeing how her race fared. Now, forty years after she was dubbed a witch by her race, three little girls stumble through her woods in search of the ever mysterious "witch", what could really happen? read to find out.

FEATURED: 16/03/14

Many have wondered what Twilight looks like and such so to clarify, she does not look like a human female, she retains her fur coat, she is of human height and has hands. The facial structure is more detailed such as where the eyebrows should be there is a darker patch of coat much in the color of her mane.

The story starts a few episodes in, around halfway through season one I would say, some shall stay canon whilst some with alter, I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Twilight is still Twilight in every way, though she has been with little to no contact throughout her life apart from when the Everfree retained people, in such her words would become haggard sometimes so that's why you will probably go "huh" when you first see her talk to the CMC.

That is all for now.

Chapters (12)

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash create a plan in order to get their long-time crushes' attention, Rarity and Applejack, respectively, at a Pinkie Party, by pretending that they are together. This won't fail, or will it?

Attempt on TwiDash. Will be receiving any kind of reception.

Chapters (1)

Skittles are Equestria's latest trend, but when Rainbow tells Twilight that she doesn't like them, the studious unicorn comes up with a rather bizarre theory: maybe Rainbow tastes like Skittles herself, and is therefore immune to the taste. But are they ready to find out if her theory is correct?

Editing by Sharp Spark. Preread by Rasael.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Vanilla Twilight

Rainbow Dash has a problem.

She might be in love with Twilight Sparkle and has yet to admit it to anypony, least of all Twilight herself. After the events of Vanilla Twilight, the two have grown much closer together, spending more time together and sharing their interests. Unfortunately for Dash, Twilight hasn't caught on to her feelings yet, and she could be content with just letting things progress as they are...

If only she hadn't sent that blasted letter admitting it.

Now, thanks to a pair of meddling princesses, Rainbow Dash finds herself on a globe-trotting journey with the subject of her affections. On the surface, it might just seem like a simple task for the Princess, but for Rainbow Dash, it might be the very thing that forces her to come clean with her feelings, or forever face her doubts. For her, in the world of life and love, sometimes it's best to take it one dream and disaster at a time.

Chapters (27)

Once again Spike is left alone at the library while Twilight is away. Bored and tired of always staying inside he decides to go to a night club with a friend. While there he meets a mare that shows him to loosen up and live life to the fullest.

Chapters (6)

A normal afternoon reading session prompts Twilight to question the true meaning of weather patterns, more specifically... what exactly is a storm?

At the same time, Rainbow Dash is acting strange, as if her mind resembles one of these phenomenons.

The unicorn decides to compare two and two together, thinking that maybe there is a relation nopony else can see. What she does discover is something that she would have never expected. She just hopes her mind won't become a storm of its own.

Entry for Twidash Competition 3.5, found here.

Credits to the artwork go to Nicolaykoriagin, found here.

Chapters (2)

Recently rewritten. Contains occasional adult humor and violence.
On a request from Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the mane six explore an abandoned mansion located deep in the woods. While doing so, they unwittingly stumble across an enchanted mirror that scrambles their DNA and pops out three brand new bouncing baby ponies. Hilarity and drama ensue as the mane six must cope with being suddenly thrust into motherhood, as well as protect their new foals from a dark god that wishes to use them for his own sinister gain.


The three foals. by Freefraq on Deviantart.

Chapters (2)