• Member Since 11th Jan, 2014


Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.

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On a stormy Winter night, Rainbow Dash crashes into the library. She decides to stay the night, but the chilly weather leads her to teach Twilight the proper use of wings- cuddling, of course!

This is my seasonal oneshot, since I'm a terrible person who never wrote anything for Hearth's Warming Eve. Enjoy some Wintery TwiDash fluffiness!
Cover is by joeyh3 on deviantArt and is used with their permission.

Chapters (1)

A story in which a young Princess and her lover, a young, brave Pegasus named Rainbow Dash, face prejudice and hatred. It gets worse, though. Ponies are arguing and fighting, and the very nation of Equestria faces a rift in its society.

Lines are drawn- and crossed- and emotions run high as Equestria teeters on the brink of civil war for the first time since the Three Tribes Period. To make problems even worse, Celestia and Luna pick sides, and things get even more complicated.

A story based off of the cold, harsh realities of real life. (Occurs several years after Season Three, but ignores Equestria Girls and Season Four). Twidash fan fiction (obviously).

Chapters (6)

Twilight invites Rainbow over for an interview for a book she wants to write. Things don't go the direction that Rainbow expects them to.

Cover by OZE-JP

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is grounded by a storm in Ponyville. She finds sanctuary within the library but Twilight Sparkle soon finds out that the storm isn't Rainbow's only problem. She's suffering from a very personal pegasus problem and Twilight has taken it upon herself to look after her friend during this delicate time.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash shows a surprising amount of manipulation to get Twilight out for a romantic night. Rarity might have helped a little.

Cover art by DoktorRainbowFridge

Chapters (3)

Sunny evenings, trees, courage and confessions...they all lead to the beginning of something big. Something beautiful.

My first romance story, don't hold back on criticisms.
This was inspired by a cute little FlutterDash comic that I read on the internet, but I changed lots of things and made it into a better ship: TwiDash!
Have fun!

Chapters (1)

Well, who would have thought I'd fall for a tomcolt? I sure didn't, especially with all that's happened. Me becoming a princess, getting new studies and duties. Love and relationships were the last thing on my mind. Well, they were, until a certain rainbow maned pegasus changed that. A harmless, little trip turned into one of the craziest and most memorable adventures I've had... and I'll never forget it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Guardians of Many Hues

Tears freezing on her cheeks in the cold mountain air, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. In her final seconds, she could think of nothing but her daughter... Scootaloo...

This is a sequel to my other story Guardians of Many Hues. I recommend reading it beforehand, although you should be able to understand most of it by just reading the recap.

Warning: death, war, mild torture, extremely sad
Rated Teen for adult themes and violence.

A huge thank you to my amazing editor and proofreader Kevinltk. You're more than just amazing! Also big thanks to twilight-the-pony for additional proofreading!

Image by Freefox

Chapters (11)

Guardians come in many colours and personalities, protecting others or misusing their power. Rainbow Dash is just one of them. As she encounters her favourite filly Scootaloo alone after dark, she soon finds herself tangled up in a complicated network of protégés and presumed protectors, both from the present and the past.

VoxelTron has started a reading of this one. Check it out! click
Proofreader(s): twilight-the-pony (also The11thWonder, Nonagon )

Sequel: Lonely Mountains
Trigger Warning: non-descriptive (sexual) abuse of a minor
Rated Teen for adult themes and violence.

The events are set somewhere after Sleepless in Ponyville, but before the coronation.

This is my very first fanfiction (in the hope that this doesn't scare you of).

Image by DavidMRyan

Chapters (22)

For years Trixie has been living with a secret that has drove her to challenge Twilight Sparkle for the title of Equestria's greatest magician. Till now, no pony knew what that drive was, and once it is learned, can things ever be the same for them again? Or will this revelation bring about a change? Whether if it is for better or worse is for fate to decide.

My second entry for the Everfree Northwest 2014 Writing Contest

Featured on 2/27/14

Chapters (1)