• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Special ponies 41 stories
  • Special ponies 41 stories - 0 unread chapters Stories about Nyx, Snowdrop, Radiant Hope
    Created by AppleKit
    - October, 2020
Found 41 stories in 46ms

Total Words: 1,211,426
Estimated Reading: 3 days



  • Featured 23572 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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It is winter in the Undiscovered West. Nopony has ever set hoof in this westerly region of green forest and animal homes. It is also the home of Meadow, a young fawn plagued by dreams of ponies and beliefs of a spirit from his mothers stories. As winter becomes harsh and the danger of being hunted increase, Meadow starts to see the entity of countless folk stories, a spirit, blind with a coat of white, her every step cold as ice and her mane flowing with the stars of wishes and freeze.

Snowdrop is a character from the Snowdrop fan-animation and was created by Meredith Sims of Silly Filly Studios
Edited by: Word Worthy
Cover Art by: shelbythehedgehog112

Chapters (1)

The now reformed King Sombra and Radiant Hope make their way home to the Crystal Empire upon recovering Princess Amore's shattered remains in hopes of restoring her. However, they quickly find that the memories of not just the citizens of the Empire, but the citizens of Equestria as a whole, have been twisted, believing now that Sombra is still evil. Sombra and Hope must now restore the good king's name in order to restore their shattered princess...

This story takes place in the canon of the comics, but to keep faithful to the tradition of the comics to follow show canon, it will also acknowledge the canon of the show.

Art is a cropped edit of an image by TwitchyGears. https://www.deviantart.com/twitchygears/art/A-ponies-redemption-551142518

Chapters (5)

This fanfic is a tribute to Silly Filly Studios' fan work Snowdrop.
Original author: Sung (Read the Foreword chapter for details)
Cover art is courtesy of Haruliina
Translation Proofreading by Zackfig

Date of First Publication: Jun 24, 2013
Completion of Translation: Aug 16, 2014


After Snowdrop had created the first winter snowflake, other pegasi learned to carve on the snow as well. With their vision as an advantage, they were able to create much more beautiful carvings on their snowflakes. Snowdrop was very frustrated at this, because she couldn't improve her own work with blind eyes.

One day by chance, she had a small talk with Princess Luna, and told her that she had always wanted to wish upon the stars that she could see the world. Luna, who cared so much about her little friend, promised that she would do whatever she could to realize Snowdrop's wish.

Surely, she couldn't cure her blindness. But being the Princess of the Night, she had her own way to open that little filly's eyes to a wide and colorful world, even though she wasn't fully prepared for such arcane magic that manipulates the dreamscape.

Nopony could have foreseen what that promise would eventually cause...

Chapters (15)

King Sombra had long been corrupted by darkness. To rid him of it, Radiant Hope was forced to make a terrible sacrifice.

Now, Sombra may be free, but he has lost the only pony he ever really cared about. To get her back, Sombra must descend into the Prison of Shadows and brave the wrath of his own people, the Umbrum. But even with the unexpected aid of Princess Cadance, the quest to save Hope will be a treacherous and perilous one. And as he plumbs the depths for answers, Sombra may find it hard to live with what ultimately comes to light.

Featured on Equestria Daily on January 26th, 2020.

Chapters (4)

Love makes wishes come true, not snow or stars. Celestia has all but given up on her wish ever coming true, after all, the only one who would always love her is gone, and it's her fault. But help come to her in the form of an old friend of her lost sister: Snowdrop.

Seriously, open the link in a new tab when you get to it, the background music during the last part sets the atmosphere perfectly. Thank you YouTube, the place where I own nothing. Here's a copy of the link if you don't want to use that one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LOlqD9P2eU

Written for the Winter Moon Celebration, and the Snowdrop one-shot contest.

Chapters (1)

On a windy and restless autumn night, Peter and Snowdrop share some cuddles and a heart-to-heart talk.

Author's note: Just a little fluffy story that came to mind after a recent watching of "Snowdrop", which also allowed me to give Thanksgiving some overdue attention. With Nightmare Night (Halloween) and Hearth's Warming (Christmas), many overlook this holiday. Well, I found something to be thankful for and so did my characters. ^^

Proofread and Edited by: Dashiefan101

Cover art by Pilot231

Special Thanks to Silly Filly Studios for giving us the gift of the adorable Snowdrop!

Chapters (1)

After a dinner with Celestia, Luna is thinking left thinking about a certain mare from her past. When she gets to her bed chambers she falls asleep and finds herself in a dream that she discovers is a memory from over a thousand years ago. Snowdrop isn't a foal in this story, also this is my submission for the Filly Foolers fanfiction contest.

Chapters (1)

It has been many months since Snowdrop first introduced the snowflake to the world and changed the face of winter forever. Though life had improved for the blind filly, her mind is now plagued with questions and doubt.
Much like a certain pony.

Chapters (1)

Snowdrop heard the twinkling in the stars in the dead of night. A sound which none other could hope to comprehend and, in her saddest moment, a single tear froze on her cheek. Down in swirled with the snow until it clicked into her hoof... And she heard it. The faint twinkle of a star.

Snowdrop's time came and went like every other pony in Equestria, but she left behind a gift of unsurpassed beauty: the glorious and intricate snowflake. But she left behind something else as well, the ever gentle and timid Snow Sparkle. Sparkle can't hear the twinkling of the snow or the stars, but she can see more than anypony. She can see how they sparkle.

This is a sequel to SillyFillyStudio's amazing video, Snowdrop

Got questions, comments? Leave 'em with my tumblr page askinkyarn

Chapters (6)

Written for Equimorto for Jinglemas 2018.

Radiant Hope is overjoyed to celebrate Hearth's Warming with Sombra for the first time in over a thousand years. Pharynx is cautiously optimistic about his brother's plans for a holiday party. But both of them are shocked and hurt to find that their loved ones don't want to spend the holiday with them. A chance meeting in a diner offers them both the chance to fix the holiday season, but will they be strong enough to overcome the hopes and fears of all the years gone by?

Chapters (1)