• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Special ponies 41 stories
  • Special ponies 41 stories - 0 unread chapters Stories about Nyx, Snowdrop, Radiant Hope
    Created by AppleKit
    - October, 2020
Found 41 stories in 56ms

Total Words: 1,211,426
Estimated Reading: 3 days



  • Featured 23572 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)