• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Special ponies 41 stories
  • Special ponies 41 stories - 0 unread chapters Stories about Nyx, Snowdrop, Radiant Hope
    Created by AppleKit
    - October, 2020
Found 41 stories in 51ms

Total Words: 1,211,426
Estimated Reading: 3 days



  • Featured 23572 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Born blind, Snowdrop has always lived a life of limitation. Two years since the glorious event that changed her life and unearthed the blessings of winter, she has again fallen into a rut.
An unexpected visit from her favourite Princess and best friend is about to change that.
After the Princess insists that only Snowdrop can perform a certain dangerous task, she heads into the Everfree Forest to confront a mysterious, previously unknown creature. But how can a helpless blind filly possibly succeed where elite members of the Royal Guard have failed?

Sometimes it takes the blind to see what everyone else cannot.

The extended version of my entry in the Writeoff Association's April event, the prompt being Great Expectations.

Preread by BlazzingInferno, Foxy E, Comet Burst, Quill Scratch, Thornwing, Horizon, Not_A_Hat, PaulAsaran, and NightWolf289. Edited by BlazzingInferno, Foxy E, and PaulAsaran. Proofread and finalised by PresentPerfect and Cold in Gardez.
Thanks to Obselescence for letting me pick his brain in regards to the title.

Cover art by Cold in Gardez.

Featured on:
Equestria Daily!
Recommended by PresentPerfect!

Chapters (1)

1,000 years of banishment can really force a pony to rethink her life's choices. Now that she has returned, Princess Luna is starting to realize everything that she has missed since her departure, including the death of her beloved friend Snowdrop. As Luna and Celestia release Snowdrop's very first, and last, snowflake, Luna yearns to say goodbye to her beloved friend.

But doing so may prove to be more dangerous than Luna imagined.

Snowdrop is (C) to SillyFillyStudios.

Chapters (1)

Featured August 5-7, 2013.

After releasing Snowdrop's first snowflake into the first winter's snow, Luna reminisces about the last time she saw Snowdrop before becoming Nightmare Moon. After going to bed and commencing her dreamwalking for the night, she runs into said friend in her own dreams.

This is a sequel to SillyFillyStudios fan episode Snowdrop. It is advisable that you watch before reading the story.


Chapters (1)

After Twilight brings a Saddle Arabian artifact to the Ponyville library, Nyx becomes too curious for her own good. After jumping in she finds herself in the pony version of Purgatory. There she meets the tortured soul of Snowdrop. Nyx tries to comfort Snowdrop and become her friend after over 1000 years of isolation. But with all the challenges ahead will their relationship become more?

Story officially takes place after Season 4
Edited by: lp523
Cover Image: Link
Nyx is from Past Sins by Pen Stroke

Chapters (11)

A thousand years after love drove them apart, Luna reunites with an old flame.

Inspired by Andrew Lloyd Weber's Love Never Dies. You have been warned.

Set in the canon of Siege of the Crystal Empire, and not canon to Season 9.

An entry into the May 2020 Pairing Contest.

Chapters (9)

In the waning days of the Crystal Empire, three young students come together in an unlikely alliance: a King, a Princess... and a Queen... who has little reason to like either of the other two...

Given how readily King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, and Radiant Hope teamed up as allies in the Siege of the Crystal Empire, what might have happened if they'd actually formed that alliance a long time ago?

Note: as usual, I treat the comic storylines as an excellent starting point and reference, but not as absolute canon.

Chapters (1)

After the Umbrum's defeat, Sombra and Radiant Hope set out to find the shards of Princess Amore, but the former King is still tormented by guilt. Along the way, he and Hope grow closer - even starting a family. Along the way, Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but that the destination makes it worth it.

(Picture belongs to Eeveewhite97 on DeviantArt, who gave me the inspiration for this.)

EDIT: Now with a sequel!

Chapters (16)

Princess Amore has been murdered by the soon to be King Sombra. He faces off against the elite crystal guard as his wife Radiant Hope watches in horror.

Her mind is racing with where it all went wrong and what she could have done to stop this before another thought worms its way into her mind.

A thought that leads her down memory lane and perhaps... a different path.

Edited by... no one as of yet.

Cover art - A cropped version of a piece by Polina_Graff on FA goes by LeonErdman on deviant art. Check them out, their stuff is absolutely gorgeous.

Chapters (1)

After the events of Siege of the Crystal Empire, the ex-King Sombra and Radiant Hope travel the world to resemble Princess Amore to atone for Sombra's past mistakes. All the while dealing with demons of the past and preparing for the future.

Commissioned by Holycross9, a long time follower of mine.

Okay...if you've been following me for any length of time, you know that I hated Siege of the Crystal Empire. A lot. I've gone on record and said I consider it the worst comic IDW has ever produced. And that I considered Radiant Hope unsympathetic and do NOT like her.

But I ALSO said I had intents to do fix fics because I felt the amount wasted potential in that comic was a large part of why I hated it.

So when I got this commission, Holycross let me try to fix some of those issues while I was at it.

Note, I didn't say an ACCUSATION fic or a 'beat up the character I dislike' fic. I don't blieve in those.

This wasn't easy to do, given my feelings for the subject matter, but I'm okay with how it came out, I hope you like it!

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Cover Art thanks to Fluttershy626!

Chapters (1)

Its been two years since Spell Nexus was defeated and his cult destroyed, Nyx and Twilight Sparkle have been preparing for another winter. One that is having an odd effect on Nyx.

As the winter draws even closer, Nyx begins to remember a filly, not from her past, but from Lunas. Filled with questions but nopony to answer them, Nyx investigates as to who this white filly of the snow is, and how she is tied to her past.

Can Nyx discover who this filly in her memory is? Or will the answers be buried beneath the snow.

Chapters (13)