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Alright, do you want some advice?
Don't go evil if you don't want to have heroes trying to kill you repeatedly. I know, sometimes you have to do things that are morally questionable, but at others, just be a good guy. Wait in line rather than summon a horde of undead to tear the throats out of everybody except the barista. Or just freeze everybody in place. That's at least funny in a conventional sense.
I'm (sort of) reformed now.
Unfortunately, there're these six mares and their ruler who are making this VERY DIFFICULT.

EDIT: After four days, the Featured streak has ended. It was a good run.
EDIT: Featured again on 10 May? Aw, stahp it guys. Stahp.

EDIT: New coverart courtesy of Leila Drake. Go to her and commission stuff.

Chapters (20)

Author Note: This is something new I wanted to try. Contains 10% human, 90% ponies, and 100% fun-filled, cuddlelicious goodness. Not suitable for those allergic to cuddles. Please consult your physician before reading.

A young university student suddenly finds himself thrown from his homework studies into a land filled with more colour than Gears Of War, talking ponies with ridiculously huge eyes, and topped with so many cuddles that it makes Care Bears look like Michael Myers.

And for some reason, all of them come to the conclusion that he must be smothered in cookies and cream-delicious cuddles.

For some, it's heaven; for Jamie, it's his own little plane of hell that makes even Satan feel torment.

Inspired by Forced Pony Cuddles

Yay! Thank you guys so much for getting this fic in the featured box! You all deserve huge amounts of cuddles. And you're gonna enjoy it!

Chapters (20)

So, I accepted an invitation from a first cousin, once removed. It seemed like a sweet deal at the time, I mean, there were these conventions I wanted to go and he so graciously offered me a place to stay! Alright, so I had to share a room with my brothers, but I had the first convention all for myself! Plenty of cash to spend, and my costume was really easy to make!

Naturally, I spent all of the money that didn't go into my costume on everything that caught my fancy.

I should have left that table alone.

Now? Now... I am not as mad at Celestia as I could have been, as I should have been, all things considered. I can't help but let it be smoke in the wind.

It's in my nature.

And she... she knew there was a chance it would happen.

I'm so sorry, Wind Whistler. It was my fault.

DJSkywalker has been contributing so much, I'm officially adding Dj as a co-author.

Chapters (56)

I was known as Frank DeFontaine. I was going to a Halloween party. I was a pretty intelligent kid, starting my first college term, and decided a little dress-up couldn't hurt.
My buddy Richard got involved, though. And like everything, he took it a bit too far. This time, I didn't say no, though. I really should have.
Next thing I know, we're going all-out on making my Dullahan costume. Because he's my favorite optional boss, and all.
Really shoulda known something was up when that guy behind the counter just so happened to have a sword that fit our specifications perfectly.
Next thing I know, I'm in Equestria. And I'm missing a head.
Sakes, I could use a drink. And a neck.
Featured on 2/19/2014.
I'd like to leave it at "Holy mother of-!" but that doesn't capture what I'm feeling!

Chapters (25)

For a thousand years Equestria was peaceful and happy... For over a thousand years Equestria was ruled by good and harmony... No more.

The time has come for them to be reminded of the true meaning of Evil. Time to crash the party. Time to crush Equestria! Time to bring back the black! To unleash the Minions of War!

The time has come for the Overlord to awaken.

Because Evil always finds a way...

Featured not even 15 hours after it came out on the 5th of April!
And for a second time on the 14th of May!
And again on the 18th of July.
And now with a LoHAV Wiki Page!

My seconds fanfiction, and once again inspired by the League of Humans Acting Villainous.

Characters and tags will be added as the story progresses.

And this is for all of you who say that the Overlord can't speak.

Chapters (6)

We all know the story, human from earth goes to Equestria from buying a mystical prop from a mysterious unnamed salesman to attend Comicon. But what you didn't expect was the prop to be a box of mask making materials and a puppeteer kit. Now with supplies to make more costumes and the super villain name of the 'Puppet Master'. You have to wonder, Just what lessons am I going to teach these Equestrians through my villainous ways.

Inspired by the grand adventures of: Malideus and Dullahan!

Chapters (74)

Don't Lose Your Way, Celestia.

My children are still in the world, influencing people as they need... but enough.
Time for Senketsu to shine.

A LoHAV, written as complete and utter crack.

Chapters (5)

To Admins: I am remaking this story. I didn't mean to submit it and can't get rid of the likes and dislikes even by unsubmitting it.
When a 17 year old named Jake dresses up like an evil sorcerer for a Halloween party, he makes the mistake of adding an evil-looking amulet of an alicorn. When he puts it on, he's magically transported to the land of Equestria. Several misunderstandings later, Jake, now known as "Zathrix", is marked public enemy number 1. This is his journal(though every once in a while I may have it as the actually seen).

Warning, this fic will suck, it is one of mine, so you should know this by now.

Also, swearing.

Inspired by Malideus by the genius known as Uberdeathninja and The Rise of Darth Vulcan by the mad man known as RealityCheck and this thing!!!!

Anyone know where I can get a good evil-sorcerer-king-kind pic?

The ONE time I actual try and get prereaders, editors, and other assorted help, I can't find it. WTF!?

Chapters (5)

Who knew that a walk would turn out so different. Oh well, as long as I'm here I might as well have some fun.

Finally decided to pick an idea and role with it. I hope you enjoy it.
A story inspired by the cover art as well as the LOAHV group

Chapters (2)

Long ago, a year after the imprisonment of Discord, a being of immense and terrible power appeared in Equestria. Locked behind the gates of Tartarus, the creature is thought to be forever trapped. Until now. Though it has taken more than a few centuries, he has finally managed to climb the dark pits of Tartarus, and escape the hellish prison. His name, is Ulquiorra.

AN: Tags will be added along the way, expect lots of explosions. First ever fic, mercy...
Special thanks to ponyclaws, who helped edit this fic, of which I am immeasurably grateful for.

Chapters (8)