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TV TROPES PAGE! Show it the love, people!

Tartarus: the fabled prison said to hold all of the demons of Equus at bay.

Few truly know what lies behind the impenetrable doors Cerberus guards. Some say that it is a pit, infinite in it's depth and darkness, from which there is no return. Other claim it to be a hellish plain, filled with fire and pain and suffering, to punish the demons for their sins.

All of them are wrong.

Tartarus is small. An inescapable cell for a single prisoner. But the tales about it's purpose are not false.

For this captive human holds the key to unleashing upon Equestria forces which have not been seen for centuries, forces which predate Equestria by many an age.

And soon, he shall be free.

EDIT: Featured on 5/25/14! SUH-WEEEEET!


Chapters (29)

Inspired by The League of Humans Acting Villainous

A guy dresses up for an Expo as a character from an original story he and his friend are writing when he buys a pair of bracelets too good to be true from a sketchy booth, next thing he knows his costume is real, he's in Equestria and he's leaking molten metal from his pores! and the cherry on the top of this blunder sundae? both Celestia and Luna are out to gut him like a fish for a little language barrier issue he had over a thousand years ago.

Minor uses of foul language, and Russian words. Translations can be found in the Authors Note at the bottom of every chapter with Russian in it.

Chapters (3)

Troy was a normal teenager going to a halloween party dressed as the vampire king Dracula however while taking his little sister to a friends house he ends up in equestria. not only has he become a real vampire, not only is he an enemy of a nation but his sister is missing and he wants her back even if he has to destroy or turn every pony in his way.

Chapters (2)

It's been 7 years since this war ended. No one won, and few survived. I just cant get over the fact that I lived and everyone I knew, and loved... is dead. What really gets under my skin is that one man did this. How can one human do this? All I remember before the bombs went off is that his name was really strange, but familiar somehow. I think it was "Disford". At this point I don't care, I stop caring a long time ago. But what I do care about is finding him, and making him pay. I'll make him scream like the pig he is..... AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME!

Hey guys and welcome. Please know that this is my first story so please if any one wants to share their opinions and throw in ideas to help me please go ahead.

Chapters (15)

Stories have been written, time and time again of heroes and villains. Though in the end the hero usually triumphs, the tale of the villain is many times more important. My name is Reaper, I am public enemy number one to the country of Equestria, this is my story; of how I got here, and of my revenge.


A very special thanks to Blue Spark, for the fantastic cover art that he took the time to draw for me.

Chapters (22)

Stop me if you ever heard this one; unlucky schmuck goes to con, finds weird cheap gem, next thing he knows he's causing a TOOONN of destruction in Equestria...

Huh, well then I'll cut to the chase, after escaping my prison in Tartarus I'm ready to put the Hell back in the wheel and make sure those ponies remember my name Beelzemon.

Wait, no my real name is- Ah forget it.

Crossover with Digimon Tamers, no familiarity of the series needed.
A story inspired from the LOHAV.
Special Thanks to M Specter for proofreading and editing.
Begins around It's About Time in the MLP universe.
Rated teen for mild swearing and comical violence.

Chapters (6)

Throughout history, ruins and relics have been lost to the sands of time. Most of these are artifacts and places of great value and import, but what if there were some things that were never meant to be found? Artifacts and ruins so evil, their mere presence corrupts the most innocent of souls to the promises of power. One such artifact is sought by Celestia herself, but for purely innocent intentions:
The Overlord's Armor.
This relic was thought to have belonged to an ancient being, who ruled as god among the ancient races of men, elves, and dwarves, and commanded an army of powerful minions to do his bidding. Needless to say, His armor was said to be the source of his dark power, and has been long sought after by collectors and historians for years, but no lead was ever found... Until now. Now, commissioned by the princess herself to find this relic, Twilight and her friends go two the barren wastelands of the overlord's old tower to find his tomb, and his armor with it... But sometimes, Power and riches can come with a very evil price...

Chapters (5)

Humanity, a species long thought exterminated by Celestia during her early reign, and now regarded as a terrifying legend. However, this changes when one reappears near the Everfree forest after a sting of dissapearances, all vastly unpleasant. This human, however, is vastly unlike the creatures of lore, being much larger and uncivilized than humans of legend. Also, unlike known humans, this one turns into a great, reptilian beast when angered, among other abilities. Luna, never having never seen a human before, wants to civilize it, and possibly use it as a secret weapon. Celestia, having supposedly eliminated humanity in the first place, wants it gone. But what say does the poor human get in this? None, as he can't speak Equestrian. That's not going to stop him from having an opinion, though.
(please read the author's notes when you can, they are usually important.)

Chapters (18)

Okay let's just go over everything that's happened so far. Dragged into a road trip, check. Dragged to a convention, check. Dragged through dimension. Wait what? Okay, universe. Stop! Seriously what did I do to deserve that last one! Stop throwing me into impossibly horrible situations! It was bad enough being world thrown, but public enemy number 1!? What did I ever do to you!?

Evidently, I must have done a lot. I have been trapped here with nothing but my wit and ingenuity, but I'm still alive and have at least one friend. I decided that it would be better make the most out of my new life, and see if I can live at all in this crazed world of Magic and Myths. Hopefully I won't screw up too badly. I fear what may come if I do. Though.... this is all starting to feel familiar. I'm having some difficulty remembering from where though.
Co-authored from chapter 22 and on with Shinigamisparda

Alt Cover Art
Story inspired by "F**k it, I'm having fun" by JimmytheGrape and everything else in the League of Humans acting Villainous.
Props to them! Cover art is not mine.
Edit**4/28/14**Technopathic is amazing and you should thank her greatly for working on new cover art for me. It's not done, but as she does it, I will continue to update my cover.
Edit***5/23/14*** NEW cover art is COMPLETE!
Edit****6/28/14**** Old cover art is back by popular demand

Chapters (26)

So I live in a small country known as Sweden, never heard of it? Let me give your mind some refreshments: We have the all known Falukorv, aka Sausage. the mighty and immortal (derp) Knugen, aka our king. and let's not forget the biggest thing we Swedes have to show for (except being one of the healthiest countries in the world.) IKEA, of course.
But enough of that, Sweden is a very small country, and thus do not get many conventions actually worth going to, but there were one close by-ish, and I decided to go all out with my outfit.
That's right, I went like Alice from Madness Returns, in the Heart Dress, with a functional Vorpal Blade.
Another story in the "League of Humans going insane Acting Villainous.", created by... uhh <Jimmy the Grape>. Don't remember whom but the whole thing kicked off with "Rise of Darth Vulcan." Loosely inspired by "Not Having any of this S###" by Technopathic and "F*** it i'm having fun" (The later by Jimmy the Grape.)
This genre was generally started by CrypticMetaphor, and then came Uberdeathninja and i'm not getting into this argument.
Mature rated because, well, she's Alice!
THEME SONG! : Shinedown ~ Her Name is Alice

Chapters (9)