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Celestia, the ever regal and gentle princess...

Celestia, who along her sister, rules over the land for eons...

Celestia, holder of unlimited knowledge and the power over the sun itself...

Is still a mare. And a very lonely mare.

She always wanted a foal to call her son, but she was a princess. Something desirable by many, approachable by none.
So what happens when Celestia finds a young colt?

Why she will adopt him of course. And she will love him forever.

Despite his cursing, senseless mumbling and apparent delirious mind.
Yes, she will love him, even if appearances can be deceiving...

Adam, the ever lazy and impulsive teen...

Adam, who wants nothing more than some peace and quiet, even if he's doing jack-shit to achieve anything...

Adam, holder of limited knowledge and power over his own laptop...

Is a pony. Or a colt, more precisely.

He was not always like that, though it doesn't change the fact that he is now. So, what will our human do in a foreign world, trapped in a foreign body?

Why he gets adopted of course.

And despite his cursing, senseless mumbling and apparent childish mind.
His adoptive 'Mother' will love him.

And why does her sister looks at him that way?

Chapters (17)

Death just fell in the well of souls to bring back his brother and spare his brother from oblivian. He is shocked to find himself in Equestia populated by beings the Kingdom of Man called ponies. While exploring this new land he discovers that humanity will not be revived until he finds all four rulers of this land and kill them to take thier crowns because together they make an incredible light that beams through all the realms cleansing them. If it does that, humanity will be reborn and the Horseman known as WAR will be spared.

As a warning there will be spoilers from the game so I highly suggest if you haven't beat or played Darksiders 1 or 2 you might want to do that to understand the story.

Chapters (19)

Based on a true story. Kinda. Not really.
A man named Jason previously led a rather melancholy life before he died violently. No surprise there. But as he wakes up in Equestria and is thrown into a foreign body, he is forced to survive with the guise of a changeling. Taking place shortly after the failed changeling invasion of Canterlot, how can he keep from being revealed by new security measures, and blend into this new world, while making use of the most unlikely of allies? But of course, avoiding ponies only turns out to be the easy part when trouble has a habit of reading its ugly head. Really though, what could go wrong?

Props to the ever epic Zubafa for his cover art.

Chapters (52)

I always wanted to go to Equestria. When I got the chance, I took the deal without reading the fine print. To my surprise, I didn't arrive there as a pony, or even as a human. It seems I get to view this world from a different perspective than what I've imagined.

My name is Echo. I am a Diamond Dog.

-Edited by the one, the only, Nathan Traveler!
-(Cover by Jovial_Shake of fimfiction.net)
-Now featured on Equestriadaily.com!

Chapters (26)

The wheels of fate turn in mysterious ways. When a unicorn colt has an accident on the edge of the Everfree, nopony knows who he is. Assuming his brain was jostled by the accident, they ignore his absurdist notions of not being from this world, and not being a pony at all. However, when he is involved a terrible incident that threatens the lives of his only friends in the world—Ponyville's three most rambunctious fillies—their friends and family begin to pay more credence to his claims.

For Warren Ashland, the clock is ticking as a chain of events that was set into motion the moment he woke in Equestria comes to a vicious head. The time will come when he must decide whether he wishes to stand alone as a human in the Equestrian world, or give it all up for his newfound friends. His actions will shape the lives of those around him.

Cover art by - GMEiden

Chapters (25)

--Soon to be under HEAVY re-write....because it sucks--

I'm serious. It's terrible. Stay away from it, just go read the sequel.

Well things couldn't be any weirder for Ian. Get knocked out a human one morning, wake up with the body of a baby changeling the next. Well, at least he still has his sparkling personality. Right? Well whatever the case, he'll be having some new experiences in this new form.

This is my first story so leave critique for improvement.

Teen for innuendo.
Edit: I got an editor, finally. He helped me with the grammatical errors in the last chapter. So a special thanks to Lan.

Chapters (8)

Anon decides to adopt a filly and record his experience as a Dad in a journal to do something with his life in Equestria. Except, being a father is hard work and comes at a great personal sacrifice. This is his quest to become a good father.

Chapters (8)

How long have I been here? I don't know and am not sure I want to. All I know is that my old "friend" Discord is free and he is saying that I can be free too. Why would he want that? Doesn't he remember what I promised I would do if I got free? He causes chaos for fun. Me... I cause chaos to destroy. Celestia and Luna will pay for what they did, or so help me I will cause this entire planet to pay!

Meet Allison, a young girl transported to another world over one thousand years ago. Armed with incredible powers, she attempted to be a hero of this new world, but was shunned and feared by its leaders. After a particular incident, she was sealed in stone by the Elements of Harmony. Now that she has been freed, will revenge be her goal or will she focus on returning to a home that may no longer exist?

Rated teen for use of strong language, intense violence, and death. You have been warned.

Based of the PlayStation Vita exclusive: Gravity Rush.
Holy Crap my first featured story! Woohoo! Featured on May 8, 2014
Featured again on June 16, 2014!
And again on August 5! I'm gonna stop here, but man it's great to have such amazing fans!

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Predator

(The prequel story is Mature/Gore, but isn't required reading to understand the plot, just an early introduction to an antagonist.)

So, what do you do when your life takes a sudden turn for the worse due to someone else's asinine behavior? Well, if you already paid for that convention ticket and have your costume together, why not go ahead and enjoy yourself. And when your convention trip is interrupted by suddenly waking up in the world of magical talking ponies, in the humanized body of one of the most evil beings they've ever known?

Why not try convincing them you're not a bad guy and then having an adventure? What's a convention compared to that? Of course, it's not like wielding dark magic will make anything go terribly wrong...

Thanks to Asilin, Proper Noun, Exelzior, and Rocinante for their help and input.

Chapters (3)

War Rider of the Apocalypse is sent to Equestria for the destruction of Earth before its appointed time, will he learn the Magic of Friendship? or will he lay waste to the land in a tide of blood, friends will be made as well as enemies but none shall fathom the coming of the Red Rider whenever he rides there is naught but blood and bones in his wake.

Chapters (8)