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So you all can hear me right?
Of course they can. They always can.
I know I just wanted to make sure the connection is working properly.
Well, it is now get on with it. We haven't got all day you know.
Alright, fine.

It was supposed to be a fun time at Comic Con with my sister and a few friends. Naturally going as the Lutece twins something bad was bound to happen. Now in a magical land of ponies we discover that a silver coin has given us the power to open tears and learn from other universes. What could go wrong.

I must say, that isn't the greatest summary, I've ever read
I know, but It's the best I can come up with at the moment.
Shame, now let's get going. Things to do-
-and people to see.

Somewhat based off F*** it I'm Having Fun, Screw the rules we're on a road trip,Malideus, and The Rise of Darth Vulcan

Chapters (3)

He sat there waiting, in the cold darkness of his mind slowly breaking, but always remembering one thing, Forgiveness, Forgiveness, that is all he wants, and maybe just maybe, things will work out for him this time.

I have had this idea in my head for a long time, but I was kind of shy to see the feedback so I never put up, UNTIL NOW!!!

Also first story so please don't hate me too much.

If anyone wants to do cover art I want a pic of what Tech would look like with the necklace, send me a PM with the link.
Feature Box 2/20/2014 Thank you Everybody
Feature Box again 6:23 5/23/2015

Chapters (7)

I've always loved nature. Loved taking care of animals, hiking through the woods, swimming in the creek behind the house, all of it. 'Course, I can't say I ever expected to become part of it. Well, I did, meaning stuck six feet under as worm food, but definitely not as a living, walking tree man! Now I have to fight just to keep living - or whatever this is called - and protect the forests of this crazy, messed up place from demons, trolls, ogres, and other lovely critters. Not quite what I had in mind when I headed off to college!

[Part of the Chess Game of the God's prequel universe, set 20,000 years before the current universe and the show itself (canon, approved by 7-4)]

Chapters (2)

Mort, also known as the Pale Pony (of Death), has been tasked to take time off from his rigorous duties of reaping souls. Seeking guidance, he is directed towards the town of Ponyville, to learn about the magic of friendship from Twilight Sparkle and her friends. All he needs to do is keep his true nature a secret. That shouldn't be too difficult...right?

Special thanks to Specter-Von-Baren and Pyrite Foolsgold for their help in proofreading and editing this story, as I really needed it. Additional thanks to Pilate, Chuckle5, Unimpressive Vagaries and Admiral Biscuit as well! Couldn't have done it without all their help!

Credit for the title card goes to Siansaar, AKA Carnifex.

For another excellent take on Mort, check out Sip's version!

Chapters (14)

Have you ever woken up somewhere you don't recognize? I have, once before. This time was not all that different. Headache? Check. Dry mouth? Check. Upset stomach? Check. Hooves? Uhm, that one is new.

Hi, I'm Bruce and I'm 32. Currently, I'm in a light blue Earth Pony foal's body no one has ever seen before. The rest of Equestria thinks I'm 9 and something really traumatic happened to me. It doesn't help I swear like a sailor and I could really go for a smoke right about now. I just hope that the Everfree Forest, rampaging monstrosities, evil dark abominations against God and the Cutie Mark Crusaders don't kill me before I have just one last drag.

Oh, and ponies are hella creepy when you really think about it. Geez.

A little comedy side project. EDIT: HAHA Main project. More characters to be added if I get that far. Categories might be refined as I write. Entire thing is unplanned except vaguely. Don't Expect excessive cursing to be written out, just hinted at. Oh, and as the character is a 30-ish year old in the body of a 9 year old, sexual jokes might exists but sex itself will not occur.

Special thanks to user Momomojito for the awesome-tastic picture! First fanart, I'm so HAPPY. I've gotten more since then! I should collect it all here. Collected!

Chapters (43)


It has been said to be place in Equestria where evil creatures are held prisoner, and guarded by the mythical three-headed dog, Cerberus. The guardian of this underworld prevents any and all of its inhabitants from escaping into the bright world of Equestria.

However, just as there as many stars in the sky, there are just as many forms of Tartarus and just as many gates. Some of these forms are entirely different worlds, netherworlds spoiled by spite, cruelty, blood soaked taboos, bad one-liners, mimes, and boundless riffraff.

Many a stallion have wondered what lies behind these gates – What worlds are hidden by the darkness guarded by Cerberus? Only the bravest and foolish know, and of those few… Well, they’re more like idiots cause nopony’s ever seen them again once they found that answer.

… What was I talking about again?

Oh, right, the story. So yeah…

As I said, a number of stallions have crossed the gates into Tartarus, but what if a denizen from the Netherworld stumbled into Equestria?

Disgaea Crossover

Official Tumblr: Click here and follow!

Chapters (9)

While moving to her new home, Zecora find the strangest creature - a large, nigh-hairless talking monkey-thing. Seeing how it lacks basic knowledge on surviving in the wild (and that it's quite tall and probably good at manual labour) she decides to adopt it as her assistant. Hopefully, she won't come to regret her decision.

Chapters (10)

It is well known throughout Equestria that Discord, the spirit of chaos, once ruled over the land with an iron claw, plunging the world into complete disharmony. There was, however, another creature who ruled over Equestria. His reign was legendary, and his word, absolute. Few dared to defy him, and those who did were never around long enough to regret such a decision.

Only one disorderly spirit ever betrayed the dark king and got away with it, but that spirit may not have been as successful as he once thought. Now, when an old enemy returns from centuries of banishment, Discord may have no choice but to turn to his new "friends" for assistance in dealing with him. However, with the Elements gone and their new enemy's power seemingly limitless, will Equestria's six protectors be enough to stop this vengeful demon?

Chapters (6)

Discord has given up. Defeated so easily? It's time to retire. But he can't just leave Equestria without chaos can he? So he selects a random human to take up his mantle and to create a new reign of chaos.

Can this human manage new powers? Will he go mad or he will he end up as a statue for foals to gawk at? Is there a third option? Not very likely but with this much power he's going to try his best to create chaos and harmony at the same time.

Link to the picture I used: http://karzahnii.deviantart.com/art/Discord-s-Game-322137800%0A

I do promise to try and keep this light hearted and relatively comedic. Oh right I wrote this in response to the 50 000 word pony story contest. I failed horribly but I thought I'd post what I've got up here. I do plan on finishing this and it being around 50 000 words in the end.

A little warning for you in that the prologue is written very differently then the rest of the story. Also it is mostly unnecessary if you want to skip it altogether. The other thing I promise is that the romance is between ponies only and ponies that appear in the show.

Chapters (15)

An idea which wouldn't stop bugging me til I wrote it down. After Albert Wesker is defeated,he finds himself in a strange land. A strange land known as Equestria. How will a supposed god deal with the power of friendship and magic? Rated T to be safe.

Cover picture was drawn by Astringe on Deviantart, I can't draw for the life of me. I've asked permission and everything so no lawsuits should follow.

Chapters (51)