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Set in the Optimalverse, a middle-aged woman enamored of 'Equestria Online' confronts what permanent emigration to Equestria - uploading to a virtual existence - really means... but can she even hope to truly understand such a thing - and more importantly, can she trust the artificial intelligence known as 'Celestia'?

As Horrified Eliezer Yudkowsky!

Chapters (12)

In the dark future of Equestria, a ponykind that has turned its back on the ideals of friendship and love faces the threat of extinction. Their land is corrupted by twisted dark magic, and scarred by countless wars.

But when a mysterious race of aliens armed with amazing technology arrives in Equestria, ponykind is given another chance at survival. Will they take it?

[a reimagining and reversal of Blaze's "The Conversion Bureau".]

Chapters (4)

It has been twelve years since Equestria began its inter-dimensional collision with earth. Two years later, a way for the people of earth to survive the cataclysmic event was presented, conversion into ponies. With any great challenge and need to adapt, groups have arisen for and against conversion. While the world is in a tumult over what to do, some choose to do all they can to save the legacy and collective culture of mankind.

When Sergeant Willard Radrim's delivery mission is attacked by the PER, he is converted to a pony. Follow Willard and others as they go through the conversion bureau and beyond as they each struggle with events not fully in their control and ask themselves: "What is a human without choice?"

Times are changing.

A Conversion Bureau fiction set in Guardian_Gryphon's "Option Gamma" Universe. Written with permission and assistance of said author.

Chapters (17)

There was only one explanation. For all of it. All of the strange, erratic behavior. Her irrational fear of the sun. Her nocturnal habits of locking herself in in the dark and closing all the blinds. Wearing her sunglasses everywhere, even inside! It was time to invest in some silver, garlic, and a wooden stake.

Chapters (25)

One night, everypony went to sleep. They were Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns.

When they woke up, they were not.

Shenanigans ensued.


A new spin on one of the Standard Pony Cliches - Alicornisation.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Longest Night

As her twenty-first birthday dawns, Twilight Sparkle finds her simple life turned upside down. While her birthright forces itself into her life, Twilight also has to deal with the arrival of three Alicorns. No pony knows where they came from or what they want, and the Alicorns seem intent on keeping themselves and their purposes hidden. To uncover the truth, Twilight will set sail for distant, ancient lands with old and new friends.

Side-Stories: Velvet Sparkle and the Queen in Stone, Myths and Birthrights: Anthologiae, A Dream of Pride and Envy, The Castle Canterlot, by Honey Mead

TVTropes Page

Pre-readers/Editors: Honey Mead, WNA, Cerulean Voice
Cover art by Saint-Juniper

Comments Contain Spoilers

Chapters (46)

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Things seem to be falling through the cracks lately. Spike thinks I should go see the doctor, but...

Chapters (1)

For almost a year now, Trixie has been sending letters to Twilight. The only problem is, Twilight hasn't gotten a single one... until today. But now that she has, Twilight is left with more questions than she knows how to answer. Fortunately, she has a plan. Unfortunately, she doesn't know if that plan will work.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Reading by: WhoLandon
Reading by: PonyFicsOutLoud

Chapters (40)

After an accident, Rarity and Twilight are thrown in a race against time to stop their transformation into changelings before they become part of Chrysalis' swarm forever.

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle has always admired Princess Celestia. Her fortitude, her wisdom, her eternal grace and love for all her subjects. Twilight has often fantasized about what it would be like to be in Princess Celestia's horseshoes. She never imagined those fantasies would come true.

Events take place a short time after the Crystal Empire's return (early S3).
Proofreading from chapter three-onward provided by Daemon of Decay.
Cover image used with permission from TexasUberAlles, thanks!
Inspiration for Sunny Skies from PhantomFox.

Chapters (3)