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Time passes, and the winds of change leave almost everything behind. Old structures fall apart, ancient history is lost to our books. There is only one constant in Equestria: Princess Twilight Sparkle and the other alicorns.

Gambit Hay seeks to explore Equestria's wildest forest, the Everfree Forest. For centuries, it has remained mostly a mystery, the inhabitants having a reputation for being wild beasts that attacked those who neared. However, as Equestria's foremost adventurer and researcher, he wants a challenge. While doing so, he sends letters back to his partner, hoping that if he never made it back, the work he did would at least be useful.

All's well and said until he finds a lone cottage on the edge of the forest.

Enclosed above is an artist's impression of the cottage in its prime.

Written for Bicyclette's The Twilight Files contest. See the other entries here!

Art is by Baron Engel, go check them out!

Chapters (1)

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now? Now that the traffic's stopped, the others , her friends, don't even talk to her when she expresses her concerns. Along with lies and things that have gone untold about her.

What now......that her sole purpose is gone?

P.S. Not too depressing, but you sure are in for a shocker! Includes action, adventure, and Family as well!

Has been updated to a Teen Rating due to sexual references in later chapters

After Season Seven

Chapters (56)

A terrible new day rises when a tragedy, foreseen only by Celestia but preventable by none, occurs right in the middle of Canterlot, turning Twilight Sparkle's world upside-down. Now, all of Equestria is looking to her to hold the broken nation together, all while she tries to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Coverart used with permission from: metalpandora

Old coverart may be found here.

A/N: Yes, the title was based of the Dragonforce song of the same name, you may stop postulating about it now.

Chapters (37)

Princess Luna’s most treasured place is not what one might expect. She carries out her most important work in a small room on the outskirts of the dream realm. It’s time for her to beautify it for its next little occupant.

Chapters (1)

Despite the many problems sisters can encounter, they stay linked. Rarity learns, to her own expense, that she should have treated her sister better, as to not find herself with that vague half-robotic copy holding her sister's soul.

This was like, my second "big" story. Started in July 2014, the second chapter was published in August of the same year. The last one was done in February 2019, after a lot of personal trouble with writting.

Still one of my favorite stories. Despite its flaws.

Writing playlist for this fic: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4NEmE5H4n7FfZvfzJfhbQrCTHgGeNQgb

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Cypress Zero

For hundreds of years, the post-scarcity world of Equestria has served as a launching point for the stars. Beyond their green earth, interstellar relays and starships power the colonization efforts of all species. And in just minutes, the digital messages of little ponies can cover distances once considered impossible.

It makes the arrival of a physical letter all the more meaningful.

Especially to the most isolated pony at the heart of the Equestrian Core Worlds.

An entry to the Science Fiction Contest II.
No prior reading of Cypress Zero is required. But both stories are stronger together.

Chapters (4)

Co-authored by Phoenix Nebula.

Hosted by me

Twilight has never handled stress very well.

Over the years, she's found ways to cope, and her anxiety attacks and breakdowns haven't been nearly as bad as they used to be, but they still exist.

It takes a lot more for her to reach her breaking point, but when you throw, old enemies, political strife, and blood thirsty invaders from another dimension into the mix all in the same week, that's when enough is enough.

A new and unexpected threat arises, and it's enough to push Twilight Sparkle over the edge. The new Princess calls out for an end to the madness, and Magic returns her call by bringing the arcane might of the mage to bear.

The mysterious forces that have invaded Equestria will soon realize that Tartarus hath no fury like the Element of Magic.

WARNING: This story contains gratuitous amounts of OP Twilight doing OP magical things. If that isn't your cup of tea, leave now. You've been warned.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Legacies

The fire and darkness and thunder seemed to whisper it will always get you, in the end, no matter how fast you fly, how strong you are- the storm is faster, the storm is stronger.

Dawn breathed back, caught in a strange moment cocooned from time, lit but the aureate glow of the fire-seized poles. "I am the storm."

Dawn Leaper has been terrified of thunder storms her whole life.

But now, it's finally time to confront her fear, in what could be a matter of life and death.

(Rated Teen for swearing.)

Chapters (1)

Just after Twilight’s transformation into an alicorn, Celestia and Luna tell her about a strange yet necessary bodily function that only alicorns are capable of performing. Rated T just to be safe.

Chapters (1)

Nothing lived here. Nothing could.

These were the only coherent words Luna could force onto the page of her dream journal.

Who is to blame? Why is this happening? How does her sister not see the chaos unfolding?

These questions dance within Luna's addled mind as her nightmares become indistinguishable from reality.

A big thank you to UnamsuedWaffle, INeedSleep, and Orderly Disassembly for prereading and editing!

Chapters (1)