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This story is a sequel to Legacies

The fire and darkness and thunder seemed to whisper it will always get you, in the end, no matter how fast you fly, how strong you are- the storm is faster, the storm is stronger.

Dawn breathed back, caught in a strange moment cocooned from time, lit but the aureate glow of the fire-seized poles. "I am the storm."

Dawn Leaper has been terrified of thunder storms her whole life.

But now, it's finally time to confront her fear, in what could be a matter of life and death.

(Rated Teen for swearing.)

Chapters (1)

Just after Twilight’s transformation into an alicorn, Celestia and Luna tell her about a strange yet necessary bodily function that only alicorns are capable of performing. Rated T just to be safe.

Chapters (1)

Nothing lived here. Nothing could.

These were the only coherent words Luna could force onto the page of her dream journal.

Who is to blame? Why is this happening? How does her sister not see the chaos unfolding?

These questions dance within Luna's addled mind as her nightmares become indistinguishable from reality.

A big thank you to UnamsuedWaffle, INeedSleep, and Orderly Disassembly for prereading and editing!

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is revered and worshiped all across Equestria as a paragon of virtue and justice. A firm but just ruler that is a prime example of what all leadership should strive to achieve. But with all her might and power, she could not save that which was the most important to her. Now she's reminded of her failures each and every day.

Inspired by a song

Chapters (1)

Equestria's history is full of wonders, both magical and mechanical. But only twice has it succeeded in implementing AI.

The latest iteration is an apple farmer whose resurrection is celebrated by everypony except herself. Because really, once every part has been replaced, what is left that can measure a mare?

An entry for the 2023 Sci-Fi Contest, where it nabbed a respectable fourth place. Yay, existential robot ponies!

Chapters (3)

The time has come. I am to go soon. However, just before I leave, there is a pony who desires to speak with me. We share a few words and she begins to cry. I tell her what is the point if I'm only a pony in the background? Apparently, to her it's so much more than just that.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight has been ruling Equestria for ten years and going strong. During the tax season, she gets an unexpected, but very welcome visitor.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Flare

This is also a prequel to The Things we have Done

Twilight is surviving the remnants of the Flare disaster years ago. With ponies and other creatures on the verge of extinction, what does a mare like her have left for them. Hope is at its end and a final solution will come. She has hope that with everything she has endured, that Friendship can be Eternal.

Chapters (1)

This is a collaboration piece with The Red Parade for the Scifi Contest.

When Strawberry Sunrise was eight years old, she watched as the sun blinked. It vanished for exactly four seconds, and Strawberry knew she had just seen the end of the world. Years pass, and the blinks get longer. Strawberry loses ponies to the blinks – loses ponies she loves. And she knows she cannot let it go on any longer.

Laotyn is tasked with watching the planet down below the great gas-ship Taelo. The primitive lifeforms are unevolved, bestial. But when Laotyn looks closer, when he strains his senses to really listen, he begins to think he can hear something that sounds almost like speech. 

Chapters (21)

When Celestia first took her crown, she quickly realized that a few ponies were a little too eager to sing her praises.

Naturally, she tried to get them to calm down.

Over a thousand years later, she's still trying.

And then the other alicorns start getting cults of their own...

This is an April Fools Day story with some actual effort put into it.

Teen sex for talk of harems, and by extension, that sex exists.

Chapters (5)