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Lyra has a secret. She can't wait to tell Bon Bon! 

Bon Bon has a secret. Bon Bon has many secrets, actually. She'd like it if all her secrets remained hidden in the past.

But secrets have a nasty way of coming back when you least expect them.

After an unknown stallion visits the sweetshop, Bon Bon’s secrets come flooding back, and Lyra is swept along for the ride. She's in for the adventure of her life!

Chapters (22)

Luna has a secret.

A secret that she's kept close to her heart ever since her return from the moon, a secret she's hidden for so long that she's no longer even sure if it's real. At least until it returns to haunt her, and she has no choice but to confide in Celestia and hope her sister trusts that she hasn't gone mad.

It's time to tell Celestia about the circles.

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer is having the worst day of her life. She used to be important. She was the personal student of Princess Celestia. She was a future leader of Equestria. She was the kind of mare that everypony envied.

Today, it's all crashing down around her.

Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer hadn't gone through the mirror?

Chapters (11)

Instead of summoning the Shinigami, Minato gets a Draconequus. Instead of getting turned to stone, a certain draconequus gets sent to another world. With a world brimming with its own bloody form of Chaos, Discord find himself intrigued by these humans, these ningen. The question is, is he corrupting them or the other way around?

Chapters (6)

Sweetie Belle's life always contained a fair amount of frustration. From a lack of magical ability to her flank's stubborn refusal to develop a cutie mark, Sweetie has many a reason to envy her classmates. But her friends share many of those problems, making them somewhat bearable.

But at a certain fateful wedding, the changelings seem less interested in putting her in a pod, and more interested in attacking her outright. More evidence starts to appear, and she starts to realize something about herself that she would much rather forget.

While this story contains several adventure-like stories, especially in the beginning, it will mostly focus on slice-of-life material.

Chapters (10)

You ever ask yourself, "What if I could do that?" after watching a superhero movie or reading a comic? I'm sure you have at some point. I somehow landed myself in Equestria, with the power of applying Garry's Mod LUA to reality, starting with Nothing but a floating notepad window, a simple console, and access to the Garry's Mod Wiki.

(This is basically my attempt at combining ideas from my cancelled stories Break The System and Modding Equestria into one story, while also nerfing the abilities, and taking it a bit more seriously. This will sometimes contain actual code and stuff, but you should be able to skip over that, I just feel like throwing it in for fun.)

Chapters (7)

Jacob Klein, a science teacher from Connecticut, never expected to witness the arrival of extraterrestrial intelligence in his lifetime, let alone see it trying to eat his wife's flowers. Nor did he expect the being in question to be something out of his twin daughters' cartoons, preaching about friendship and eager to learn about human science.

After choosing to go to the government, Jacob went from being an Average Joe to an international celebrity. Within days, his picture appeared in papers around the world, he met numerous politicians, and numerous news stations have asked him for interviews.

As a teacher, Klein enjoys the company of a creature who loves science.

He doesn't enjoy his newfound fame, however. He is a somewhat cynical man who dreads becoming a pawn to the powers that be, and fears the changes both to his own world and his life.

However, when his new pony friend discovers a dark chapter in human history, Klein must become humanity's defender, arguing that humanity and ponykind aren't doomed to kill each other.

A difficult task, especially since his own family's history is marred by that dark chapter.

This fic is a slight AU. The Equestria Girls world doesn't exist.

Rated teen for slight language and discussions of World War II.

Featured on August 1, 2019

Chapters (5)

After 3 months of a loving yet secret relationship, Fluttershy and Discord decide it's finally time to tell ponies that they are together. Fluttershy's family will be the first to find out. But, will they take it well? Probably not.

Cover art by whaackery : https://derpibooru.org/2091025?q=artist%3Awaackery

Chapters (3)

Alien biology is a fickle thing. Humans, of course, fit under this category. Turns out some parts of them are cause for concern.

Chapters (1)

With nothing happening, no world-conquering villains or Crystal Hearts being shattered and so on, Twilight is bored. She has nothing to do, plainly. But while in the middle of a drab reading session, she notices something doesn't feel right. Not to her, but in the night sky. She can't see it, but she can sense it. Something not from this world has entered her world, and it could be the first ever message from aliens.

And perhaps those aliens are trying to say hello.

(Btw, look up "Pioneer Probe Plaque" if you want the image described here. I can't post the actual thing because of mild nudity in it, but you can search it for context.)

(Review by PaulAsaran!)

Chapters (1)